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Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Java: The Interactive Edition

Section A.5 Java Generics

Consider the code for a sequential search through an array of Integer objects, returning the index where the object was found (or -1 if not found):
public int search(Integer[] arr, Integer target) {
    int index = 0;
    while (index < arr.length &&
      !arr[index].equals(target) != 0) {
    return (index != arr.length) ? index : -1;
Listing A.5.1.
If we want a sequential search through an array of String, we need to make a completely new method that has a lot of the same code:
public int search(String[] arr, String target) {
    int index = 0;
    while (index < arr.length &&
      !arr[index].equals(target)) {
    return (index != arr.length) ? index : -1;
Listing A.5.2.
There must be a better way. Java solves this problem by using generic types. We use a class like this:
class Searcher<T> {
  public int search(T[] arr, T target) {
      int index = 0;
      while (index < arr.length && !arr[index].equals(target)) {
      return (index != arr.length) ? index : -1;
Listing A.5.3. The Searcher class
The <T> is a type parameter; we will fill it in with the type we want when creating a Searcher object, as in the following main method:
Listing A.5.4. Using the Searcher class
Thus, just as you fill in a method’s parameter between parentheses with an actual argument, you fill in the type parameter between the angle brackets with an actual type name.
All of Java’s Collection framework uses type parameters. You can create an ArrayList of Integer, String, Color, HttpRequest, or any Object that you define yourself. All of the ArrayList methods will work on these lists, and there is no need for Java to have separate libraries for each data type.
The only proviso is that the data type you provide must be an object type rather than a primitive type. You cannot write ArrayList<double>. Instead you must use the object wrapper class: ArrayList<Double>.
Sometimes, you also need to specify limitations on the types that can used for a parameter. For example, if we wanted a Sorter<T> class, we could only sort objects that have a compareTo method. That is, they must implement the Comparable<T> interface. String and Double have such a method, but Color and HttpRequest don’t.
The beginning of our hypothetical Sorter class would look like this:
public class Sorter<T extends Comparable<T>> {
    // code...
It is also possible to introduce generic types for the duration of a single method. Presume we wanted a static method named search without having to create a Searcher class. We could write a program like Listing A.5.5 that uses this technique. The <T> specification on line 3 declares the generic type for the search method:
Listing A.5.5.
There are many other important concepts for using generics. You can see a full tutorial at However, this is a book about data structures rather than the deeper concepts of Java, so we will leave you with this brief introduction to generics, which should be sufficient to help you understand the programs in this book.
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