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Section 29.2 Tables of Records

Say you are conducting research about bike sharing for an internship in Washington D.C. You are given the Capital Bike Sharing dataset, which contains information on Washington D.C.’s bike share program for 2011. The database has hundreds of thousands of records about every ride that anyone took and you would like to look for patterns in the data to understand questions like: “How long is the average ride?” and “Where is the most popular place to start a ride?”
In a database, the data is arranged in tables like the one shown below. This trip_data table has all of the information about individual trips that were made. Each row in a table is a record - here, each record is an individual trip someone made.
Figure 29.2.1.
The columns are the pieces of data associated with each record. Here is a description of the columns available in the trip_data:
Table 29.2.2.
Column Name Description
index A unique number that identifies the trip
duration The time in seconds of the trip
start_date Date and time the bike was checked out
end_date Date and time the bike was returned
start_station Station number the bike was checked out at
end_station Station number the bike was returned at
bike_number Which bike was used
member_type Type of user - Casual (one time), or Member

Note 29.2.3.

Don’t worry about memorizing all of the columns, you can check back here as needed.
Information about the stations is stored in a separate table called the bikeshare_stations table. In that table, each record is the information about one particular station.
Figure 29.2.4.
It has these columns:
Table 29.2.5. bikeshare stations table
Column Name Description
index A number that identifies the record (1, 2, 3…)
station_id A unique number that identifies the station
name The name of the station
status If the station is open or closed
latitude Latitude (North-South position) of station
longitude Longitude (East-West position) of station
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