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Section 14.5 How Expressions are Evaluated

The order in which expressions are evaluated is the same as it is in math. You probably learned this ordering as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply/Divide, Add/Subtract) and is shown in the table below from highest precedence to lowest. If two symbols have the same precedence they are evaluated from left to right.
Table 14.5.1.
Operator Name
-x Negation
x ** y Exponentiation
x * y x / y x % y Multiplication, Division, and Modulo
x + y x - y Addition and Subtraction

Checkpoint 14.5.2.

What is printed when you run Listing 14.5.3 below? Try running the program to check yourself.
Listing 14.5.3.
You can change the default order by adding parentheses around part of an expression. Whatever math is inside the parentheses is done (using the same order of operations) before any operations outside the parentheses are done.

Checkpoint 14.5.4.

What is printed when you run Listing 14.5.5 below? Try evaluating it by hand before running the program to check yourself.
Listing 14.5.5.
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