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Section 29.8 Chapter Exercises

The exercises for this chapter use a different database than the rest of the chapter. The movies database has two tables, movies and actors. We will be using the movie table (so queries will look like SELECT * from movies). It features the following columns of data:
Table 29.8.1.
Column Name Description
id A unique number for each record
imdb_id The id of the movie in the Internet Movie DataBase (IMDB)
title Title fo the movie
director Name of the director
year Year (number) the movie was released
rating Rating (R, PG, etc…)
genre Comma separated list of genres
runtime Length in minutes
country Comma separated list of countries it was released in
language Comma separated list of languages it was released in
imdb_score Score of movie (1-10) in IMDB
imdb_votes Number of ratings for the movie in the IMDB
metacritic_score Score of movie (1-100) on the Metacritic website

Checkpoint 29.8.2.

Write a query to select the year and title of each movie (put them in that order, so that the year appears first).

Checkpoint 29.8.3.

Write a query to select all of the columns of the movies that were released in 2004.

Checkpoint 29.8.4.

Write a query to select all of the columns of the movies that have a rating of "PG" or "PG-13".

Checkpoint 29.8.5.

Write a query to select all of the columns of the movies that are in the genre "Sci-Fi". Many movies have multiple genres, we want to include every movie where Sci-Fi is anywhere in the list of genres - you will have to use LIKE.

Checkpoint 29.8.6.

Write a query to select all of the columns of the movies that have a runtime of between 110 and 120 minutes.

Checkpoint 29.8.7.

Write a query to select just the title, year, and IMDB score (in that order) of all the movies. Order the results so that the highest IMDB scores come first.

Checkpoint 29.8.8.

Write a query to find just the title and year of release (in that order) for movies with a Metacritic score of 95 or above. Order the results so that the most recent movie comes first.
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