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Section 9.1 Worked Example: Writing Method Headers

Subgoals for Writing Methods.

  1. Define method header based on problem
  2. Define return statement at the end
  3. Define method body/logic
    1. Determine types of logic (expression, selection, loop, etc.)
    2. Define internal variables
    3. Write statements
Note: This worked example will only cover subgoal 1.

Subsection 9.1.1

You can watch this video or read through the content below it.

Subsection 9.1.2

Problem 1: Write a public method header that accepts as parameters 2 integers and a String in this order and calculates the maximum time of something and returns a double value.
For this Worked Exmaple, we will focus on SG1: Define method header based on problem.
  • When you pick your method name:
    • Make it something related to the use of the method.
    • Recall that method names are never capitalized at the first letter.
    • We will call this method maxTime
  • A full method header contains:
    • access modifier,
    • return type,
    • method name, and
    • full parameter list (data type parameter_name)
Figure 9.1.1.
public double maxTime (int a, int b, String c) {}
A call to this method would look like:
double x = obj.maxTime(5, 3, "happy");
Problem 2: Write a public method that does not return anything but accepts as parameters 3 Strings and prints out a cheerful sentence with the input in it.
Note: The video for this problem is on page 9.4.
  • When you pick your method name:
    • Make it something related to the use of the method.
    • Recall that method names are never capitalized at the first letter.
    • We will call this method cheerful
  • A full method header contains:
    • access modifier,
    • return type,
    • method name, and
    • full parameter list (data type parameter_name)
Figure 9.1.2.
public void cheerful (String a, String b, String c) {}
A call to this method would look like: obj.cheerful("alpha", "beta", "gamma");

Subsection 9.1.3 Practice Pages

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