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Section 9.3 Worked Example: Writing Method Headers 2

Subgoals for Writing Methods.

  1. Define method header based on problem
  2. Define return statement at the end
  3. Define method body/logic
    1. Determine types of logic (expression, selection, loop, etc.)
    2. Define internal variables
    3. Write statements

Subsection 9.3.1

You can watch this video or read through the content below it. The practice problem starts at 1:42.
Problem: Write a public method header that would work for this call:
int  wobble;
wobble = obj.happy (7, "hello", "bye");
A full method header contains:
  • access modifier,
  • return type,
  • method name, and
  • full parameter list (data type parameter_name)
Figure 9.3.1.
public int happy (int a, String b, String c) {}

Subsection 9.3.2 Practice Pages

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