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Section 1.1 Demographic Survey

Exercises Exercises


    Q1: What is your age?


      Q2: With what gender do you identify?
    • Male
    • Answered
    • Female
    • Answered
    • Other
    • Answered
    • Prefer not to answer
    • Answered


      Q3: Are you a full-time or part-time student?
    • Full-time
    • Answered
    • Part-time
    • Answered


      Q4: Please check all ethnicities that you identify with:
    • African / Black
    • Answered
    • Asian
    • Answered
    • Caucasian / White
    • Answered
    • Latinx / Hispanic
    • Answered
    • Middle Eastern
    • Answered
    • Pacific Islander
    • Answered
    • Prefer not to answer
    • Answered


      Q5: Do you consider English to be your primary language?
    • Yes
    • Answered
    • No
    • Answered


      Q6: What is your family’s total annual income?
    • < $25,000
    • Answered
    • $25,000 - $49,999
    • Answered
    • $50,000 - $99,999
    • Answered
    • $100,000 - $199,999
    • Answered
    • > $2000,000
    • Answered
    • Prefer not to answer
    • Answered


    Q7: What is your major?


    Q8: Please report your high school GPA if you remember it:
    out of (e.g., 4.0)


      Q9: Which best describes how many years you have been in college?
    • First-year
    • Answered
    • Second-year
    • Answered
    • Third-year
    • Answered
    • Fourth-year
    • Answered
    • Fifth-year
    • Answered
    • Other
    • Answered


    Q10: If you answered “Other” for the previous question, please describe:


    Q11: Please report your college GPA if you know it:
    out of 4.0


      Q12: What grade do you anticipate making in this course?
    • A
    • Answered
    • B
    • Answered
    • C
    • Answered
    • D
    • Answered
    • F
    • Answered
    • I don’t know / prefer not to answer
    • Answered


      Q13: Why are you taking this course (please check ALL that apply)?
    • Advised or encouraged to take the class
    • Answered
    • Required for major or minor
    • Answered
    • Interested in the topic
    • Answered
    • Relevant to my desired career path
    • Answered


      Q14: How difficult do you expect this course to be in relation to other courses that you’ve taken?
    • Much more difficult
    • Answered
    • Slightly more difficult
    • Answered
    • About the same
    • Answered
    • Slightly less difficult
    • Answered
    • Much less difficult
    • Answered


      Q15: How interested are you in the topic of this course?
    • Not interested at all
    • Answered
    • Slightly interested
    • Answered
    • Somewhat interested
    • Answered
    • Fairly interested
    • Answered
    • Extremely interested
    • Answered


      Q16: How anxious are you about succeeding in this course?
    • Very anxious, I’m not sure I can succeed
    • Answered
    • Somewhat anxious
    • Answered
    • Neutral
    • Answered
    • Somewhat confident
    • Answered
    • Very confident – I am completely certain I can succeed
    • Answered


      Q17: Please indicate which, if any, prior computer programming experiences that you’ve had during grades K-5 (age 5 to 11) – check ALL that apply.
    • Less than a day (museum type)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months outside of school (camps)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months inside of school (programming unit)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months outside of school (learning on your own)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months outside of school (after school program)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months inside of school (computing course)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months outside of school (learning on your own)
    • Answered


      Q18: Please indicate which, if any, prior computer programming experiences that you’ve had during grades 6-8 (age 12 to 14) – check ALL that apply.
    • Less than a day (museum type)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months outside of school (camps)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months inside of school (programming unit)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months outside of school (learning on your own)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months outside of school (after school program)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months inside of school (computing course)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months outside of school (learning on your own)
    • Answered


      Q19: Please indicate which, if any, prior computer programming experiences that you’ve had during grades 9-12 (age 14 to 18) – check ALL that apply.
    • Less than a day (museum type)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months outside of school (camps)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months inside of school (programming unit)
    • Answered
    • More than a day but less than 2 months outside of school (learning on your own)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months outside of school (after school program)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months inside of school (computing course)
    • Answered
    • More than 2 months outside of school (learning on your own)
    • Answered
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