1.8. PD Online Meetings¶
During the PD, your instructor may choose to use one of several great tools for online meetings such as Google Meet, Zoom, or Skype. Information is provided below about Zoom, one of the most popular options. Please review information provided by your instructor, though, for specifics about joining online meetings.
During the summer and academic year, the Mobile CSP team will host webinars, open to any educator using Mobile CSP. Information about the webinars will be posted in the Teaching Mobile CSP Forum, so make sure you sign up to receive the emails to get information on the webinars. You will be able to view the webinar recordings on our YouTube Channel.
1.8.1. Using Zoom¶
Those participating in the professional development will be expected to participate in at least one synchronous Zoom meeting each week with your professional learning community (PLC) and mentor teacher.
If you haven't used Zoom before, we suggest the following tips:
- Try to do your meeting in a quiet place, using a good microphone/headset.
- Test a meeting with a friend or family member before doing one in your group.
- Use Google Docs to take notes in your meeting.
1.8.2. Zoom Account Setup and Installation¶
When you use Zoom for the very first time, you will be prompted to install the Zoom app. Zoom will provide you with instructions on how to download and install the app on your computer or mobile device. If you wish to create a Zoom account you can do so for free at https://zoom.us/signup. A popular option is to sign up with your existing Google account.
Learn more about Getting Started with Zoom.
1.8.3. Get Started with Your First Zoom Meeting¶
Learn more with these Zoom video tutorials.
1.8.4. Tips for Using Zoom for Virtual Learning¶
- Hold open “office hours” in your personal meeting room for students to join when they have questions or need help with an assignment
- Plan synchronous classroom sessions
- Use breakout rooms (pro account/license required) to split students into groups for doing pair programming and POGIL activities