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🤔 Sentiment Analysis of Climate Change Tweets¶
Here is a classic problem from statistics class. Suppose you have two unmarked bowls of cookies. Bowl1 has 30 Oreos and 10 Chips Ahoy! The other bowl, Bowl2, contains 20 Oroes and 20 Chips Ahoy! So many questions follow from this simple setup.
If I do pick from bowl1 what are the chances that I’ll pick an Oreo (my favorite!)
If I pick from bowl2 what are the chances that the cookie is an Oreo?
If I pick from a random bowl and I get an Oreo what are the chances that I picked the cookie out of bowl1 versus bowl2
Who cares what bowl I pick from as long as I get an Oreo?
Why don’t mathematicians ever mark their bowls!?
These questions may seem trivial, or even uninteresting to you, but stay with me as they do help illustrate one of the most important mathematical formulas of the data science era – Bayes Theorem of conditional probability.
We can state the theorem as follows:
In English we would say that the probability of A given B is the probability of B given A times the probability of A divided by the probability of B.
In terms of our cookie questions we would like to know the probability that I get an Oreo given that I choose from bowl B.
Luckily a lot of probability just boils down to couting and dividing. The spreadsheet below shows you how to use a table of data to calculate everything you need. You can click in any of the cells to see how they were calculated, but in the end you will see that we don’t use the formula above, we can directly compute any of the conditional probabilities directly from the table! The probability of choosing an Oreo given than we know we are choosing from bowl 2 is 30 / 40 because we know there are 30 Oreos and 10 Chips Ahoy! for a total of 40 cookies in Bowl1.
Similarly if we want to know the probability that we chose a cookie out of bowl one given that we know we chose an oreo it is 30 / 50 because there are 30 Oreos in Bowl1 and 20 Oreos in Bowl2 for a total of 50 Oreos.
focusing on the problem of deciding if we chose from Bowl1 or Bowl2 for a moment. If we pick out an Oreo that means there is a 60% chance it came from Bowl1 and a 40% chance that it came from Bowl2. That doesn’t give us a ton of confidence that we have the right bowl. But what if we gather more data? What if we put the cookie back, carefully stir the cookies around and then pick another one. If this one comes out as an Oreo how can we use that information to improve our guess about which bowl we chose from?
It turns out that it does, the more evidence we get the better we are able to predict the Bowl. When we go down this road we are going to take a bit of a mathematical shortcut so that our answer will not be a probability anymore, but thats OK as our end goal is to build a classifier that as an algorithm just given some data tells us whether something is one thing or another. For example given Oreo, Oreo, Oreo, Chips Ahoy! It is most likely that the bow we were picking from is Bowl1.
The way to think about this is what is the probability of it being bowl one given Oreo, Oreo, Oreo, Chips Ahoy! Or to state it mathematically \(P(C | x_1, x_2, x_3, ...x_n)\) It turns out that this is proportional to \(P( x_1, x_2, x_3, ...x_n | C) \cdot P(C)\) Now we can combine the individual probabilities using multiplication. So the above statement is again proportional to:
When chosing between multiple categories we can think of each category as \(C_j\) and then that gives us
Now if we compute that formula for each possible \(C_j\) then the one with the higest value is our winner.
Lets work out the example we have outlined to get the scores given our Oreo, Oreo, Oreo, Chips Ahoy! example. The probability that we get an Oreo given that it is Bowl1 is .75 And the probability that it is a Chips Ahoy! given that it is Bowl1 is .25 The probability that it is Bowl1 is .5
OK since b1score is higher we would predict that we were picking cookies out of Bowl1.
Check your Understanding
Going from Cookies to Tweets¶
This all gets much more interesting when we look at a more real world problem. In fact this kind of Bayesian Classification became extremely popular 20 years ago as the first spam filter for email that worked well. More recently it has become a good technique for doing sentiment analysis.
The transition is not too bad if you think of it like this. Instead of bowls of cookies we have bags of words. One bag has all the words we have collected from millions of emails that users have marked as spam. The other bag contains all the words we have collected from emails that were not spam. We can build a table just like we did for our Oreo and Chips Ahoy example. Of course this will have a lot more rows as we have a much greater variety. Nevertheless we can count how many times each word occurs in our spam bag and how many times it occurs in the non-spam bag. And compute our probabilities from there.
To start with, we have a bunch of tweets that have been categorized as either climate change is real, and tweets that are of the climate change is fake variety. We will use those to build our two bags of words. There are also a bunch of tweets that have categorized as neutral, but we will leave them for a challenge exercise and focus on the two extremes.
tnum,tweet,existence 3229,RT @TIME: Another blizzard: What happened to global warming? | > LOL! Ask Al Gore!!,N 4263,Another crooked scientist in global warming scam. Where's the US media? It's only a (cont),N 168,Ski resorts fight global warming|SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? Ski resorts across the U.S. are using this Thanksgiving .. [link],Y 4708,D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse,Y 3766,[@ClimateProgress] Energy and Global Warming News for February 5: How activists took on oil companies; Calif. regul...,Y 5512,"Markey presses coal CEOs on climate change denialism, future of the industry i.. (via @NewsOnGreen)",Y 475,Glacial Melt From Global Warming Could Unplug Volcanos: Earthweek - A Diary of the Planet Eruptions of glacial vol... [link],Y 369,Climate Change - 100 Endangered Places and How to Save Them - Newsweek [link],Y 1440,Report Claims Climate Change Is To Blame For Increase Of Allergies,Y 1346,"2/3rds of Tbaggers don't think climate change is a serious problem. As I said, they're ignorant.",Y 5867,The good news about the very bad news (about climate change),Y 4953,RT @yidwithlid: The IPCC's Latest Climate Change Blunder...To Boldly Go Where No Stupidity Has Gone Before. #climategate #nobama,N 4594,talking to @arthuRyanB about the crappy world we live in. Hahaha. I think it's just because of global warming though :|,Y 1306,RT @TEDNews: Larry Brilliant at #tedxvolcano: Climate change is exacerbating all other crises of our age. But climate science is now under attack.,Y 533,"@ClimateWise2 is here tonight at 7:30 to discuss what climate change is doing to women, children, families & communities [link]",Y 1269,RT @NWF: New York City's new waterfront plan will take climate change into consideration:,Y 127,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado [link],Y 2324,The Third International Water Fair: Global People's Conference On Climate Change And The Rights ... by @indigenousissue,Y 5146,"Global warming in the hot seat|By Keith Yost STAFF COLUMNIST In November 2009, hackers released of thousands of ..",N 1412,Got Allergies? -- By: Jonah Goldberg: Blame global warming. From Time magazine: Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame ...,Y 1312,"Climate Change & Volcanic Activity: ""Ice Cap Thaw May Awaken Icelandic Volcanoes",Y 1219,RT @greenforyou: Treating Climate Change as a Curable Disease | Wired Science | #green #ESG #sustainability,Y 1417,DC: *FT Work for Greenpeace to STOP GLOBAL WARMING - $12-$13/hr*:Get Involved! Call now 202-595-3368 Greenpeace...,Y 681,"Someone go tell the Climate Change crowd to go hang, after they read this: [link]",N 5543,Allergies really bad this season? You should blame Global Warming - [via @TIME],Y 368,Climate Change Continues To Melt Glacier National Park's Icons | National P.. [link],Y 630,Porous materials to reduce the climate change [link],Y 558,Global WarmingÀ_s Eyjafjoell Volcano Triggers More Global Warming: [link],Y 5182,RT @vcnaa: RT @ru2cool2care: New vid on Climate Change & Indigenous Peoples!! by @dakotarene @redman0380 Robby Romero,Y 5017,RT @Ki6AMD RT @adamcurry: LOL - If Global Warming is Real Then Why is it Cold?,N 3409,"Clearly the #snowmageddon is disproving global warming RT @JimDeMint It's going to keep snowing in DC until Al Gore cries ""uncle""",N 4619,We got about 14 inches of snow thus far in Panther Valley (30 min from Poconos)..much more to come for global warming ---> Hum Bug !,N 4034,Ocean Acidification: A Hidden Risk of Global Warming,Y 5002,@peterdaou Who are the 'political elites'? Editors of the Times shilling for Bush on Iraqi WMD? Members of Congress denying climate change?,Y 2862,Stop Global Warming; Stop Cutting Down the Trees and Plant More ... ! climate change,Y 2650,NYT: Brilliant and comprehensive article on climate change economics by Paul Krugman:,Y 3582,RT @newtgingrich: Historic snow storm in washington-third this year-where is al gore to explain it snows this heavily as a sign global warming is imminent,N 3884,"20"" of snow? Ok that's it, everyone go buy all the aerosols you can, go outside and start spraying. I'm now cheering on global warming.",N 6007,29 Graphs of Climate Change Science in One Place | Alternative ...,Y 4888,There is No Man Made Climate Crisis (Global Warming is a Hoax) environmentalists ;P,N 3329,EdDriscoll: RT @robport: Time to admit it. Climate change is a conservative conspiracy to keep',N 5101,Important video to watch - Laurie Davids Green Guide to Stop Global Warming #globalwarning #green #eco #climatechange,Y 1500,"Conservation International:: Give a gift that helps prevent climate change, provides habitat for endangered specie...",Y 4796,"Or how about ""going to keep snowing in DC until @JimDeMint admits global climate change is real?"" @IMGoph @DC_Updates?",Y 6023,Study on climate change law cites 5 local refineries for negative health effects,Y 1281,[#Meat-Wise] Cynthia Bateman on Meat-Wise Monday: How Animal Agriculture Makes Global Warming Worse,Y 397,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 3096,"""Forests are growing faster, ecologists discover; Climate change appears to be driving accelerated growth"" ( )",Y 5527,RT @MichaelLemonick: Why climate change will be good for makers of anti-allergy meds:,Y 4030,The Audi green police will play right into all the crazy fears of the right wing global warming deniers.,Y 5719,RT @sigsforyou: RT @hrhsar: Glacier triggers tsunami this will cause worse than global warming the East coast will be,Y 4978,It Seems The Global Warming Hoax Is Starting To Sink In. What Will Th,N 2885,Water at core of climate change impacts - U.N. experts - Yahoo! News (via @climatenews),Y 5803,Environmental Monitoring - National Instruments: With the increased focus on the effects of climate change on the ...,Y 242,URUGUAY: Tools Needed for Those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change [link],Y 534,Baby boomers must tackle global warming while they can: By Anonymous Baby boomers have enjoyed peace and the large... [link],Y 307,RT @Newsweek: Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos) [link],Y 2987,"RT @joelcomm: The Great Global-Warming Collapse - (good.. can we now get back to reality?) << The ""settled science""",N 243,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming [link],Y 3654,"RT @dcexaminer: More on why bogus ""global warming consensus"" is fading fast",N 110,"RT @danlatorre: James Hansen/Heather Rogers, Green Gone Wrong: False Hope & Real Solutions to Climate Change - 7pm 4/30 [link]",Y 5475,Bolivia climate change talks to give poor a voice | Humanitarian News (via @HumanityNews),Y 4051,"Al Gore preached his climate change, he wanted us all to CARE, but after all was said & done, the evidence wasn't THERE #libpoems #tcot #sgp",N 5570,Global Warming: Next Chapter #globalwarming,Y 409,Climate change and Why Your Allergies Are Getting Worse [link],Y 382,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 5838,Well this is awful news. Could be it for climate change legislation for the near future. We all need to swamp Sens....,Y 3309,This is a talk that needs to happen! RT @Drudge_Report: TIME MAG: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse...,Y 4145,The Reference Frame: Global warming causes snowstorm in D.C.,Y 1652,"BOYCOTT SIEMENS for buying ""global warming""/""climate change"" in their advertisements. #tcot #sgp #teaparty",N 408,Got Allergies? -- By: Jonah Goldberg: Blame global warming. From Time magazine: Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame ... [link],Y 1175,MediaGlobal report on special Tipping Point Earth Day event: Science and art mobilize to fight climate change,Y 1497,"Study: Climate Change Threatens Your Health, Too",Y 5134,"Pachauri insists science behind global warming remains 'totally valid'|New Delhi, Feb 5: UN Inter-Governmental ..",Y 277,"Mary Ellen Harte and John Harte: Addressing Climate Change: Winning the War on Sustainability: At its heart, clim... [link]",Y 2588,@M_Ignatieff This Wednesday make sure all Liberal MPs vote to pass #ndp climate change bill,Y 1564,"Since Man can't, Mother Nature to end global warming with volcanoes & earthquakes. #Hekla #Icelandic",Y 2708,Chaotic climate threatens food security|VietNamNet Bridge ? Worsening impacts of climate change including intense ..,Y 2940,You and Us and Me - Olympics organisers desperate for climate change (via @NewsOnGreen),Y 303,"Larry Brilliant at #TEDxVolcano: ""We have to fight for science; the single most important thing we face is climate change"" #socmedia @enviro",Y 4471,@beardlace ps it annoys me when survivalist types don't believe in global warming. Don't they know it'd be a great excuse for this stuff?,Y 4005,"RT @DougBenson: Dear Stupid People Who Think These Winter Storms Means There's No Such Thing As Global Warming, Yo're stupid. Love, Shut up",Y 1097,Frederic Hague at #PEN: climate change isn't just a alarm bell. It's a whole blinking discotech,Y 161,Kuna Indians Prepare For Relocation As Traditional Homes Sink Due To Climate Change [link],Y 1404,Save the Whales and They'll Save Us from Global Warming #tcot,Y 3407,RT @MikeRwithCRC: Climate change activist proponent Ian Katz complains that global warming debate has fallen apart.,Y 360,Tip of the Day: Plant One Tree on your Birthday - Plants absorb CO2 which helps reduce Global Warming.,Y 3381,"In the middle of day at least 8 days of Snowmageddon, Obama Administration pushing new agency to study Global Warming. Seriously.",N 465,"Rejoice, NY Times mentions crop wild relatives in article about adapting agriculture to climate change [link]",Y 2609,Check out one of the most important climate change organizations in the world - @climategroup,Y 2331,"RT @kokomoko: WSJ- Global warming alarmists have been discredited, but you wouldn't know it from the rhetoric this Earth Day.",N 650,#justinbiebersucks and global warming is a farce,N 3459,RT @FederalLobbyist: CLIMATE CHANGE? Blizzrd Rearranges Announcement of Feds New Global Warming Office! Have to grin!,N 2718,"Guest column, Elliott Denniston: What can we do about climate change? - Joplin Globe ->",Y 4090,Climate change - data manipulated for 20 years! #News,N 349,Climate change threatening Glacier National Park and Montana's economy - [link],Y 5331,Climate Change Fraud - Cap-and-Trade Treason (via @ccfeditor),N 3748,Just attended an excellent EDF Board meeting Great eco policy shop. Present challenges on global warming front.,Y 5438,Hard hitting documentry on climate change effects in Bolivia:,Y 3898,DHS: Fossil Fuels and Climate Change are 'National Threats' #TCOT #RS,Y 615,"Green' cement made from rice may help tackle global warming|London, April 13 : With the increasing rise in the .. [link]",Y 2536,"RT @cindsy: RT @icanyssa: RT @mandaahey: LETS STOP GLOBAL WARMING PLEASE,LIAT BUMI UDAH KAYAK NERAKA BOCOR",Y 2854,:O YouTube - Thomas Sowell: Global Warming Manufactured by Intellectuals? commentator,N 1872,GREEN: Climate Change Wyss Fellow - Sierra Nevada Alliance:,Y 5202,RT @DIGGatomicpoet: Please Digg: Forests are growing faster driven by climate change,Y 5333,The winds of climate-change #energy,Y 3146,New on -- Heavy Snow Events: Not a Contradiction to Global Warming Theory --,Y 1861,Senators prepare compromise climate change bill - Yahoo! News (via @pauline_ma),Y 4497,If only people knew... =p RT @AhhPhotography: Next thing they're going to blame global warming on is Dihydrogen Monoxide.,N 248,"""The Most Important Event in the Struggle Against Climate Change"" - Nigerian Environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey on À_ [link]",Y 4118,Climate Change: The Ruse Unravels #tcot #ocra,N 2602,RT @envirolib: Senators compromise to create bipartisan climate change bill,Y 336,How do we solve this global warming thing? [link],Y 4416,Obama: Environmental Genius? | - Stop Global Warming! Everythin...,Y 370,Climate Change - 100 Endangered Places and How to Save Them - Newsweek [link],Y 3840,RT @sciencedaily: Oceans reveal further impacts of climate change: The increasing acidity of the world's oceans -- and that acidity'...,Y 39,"Rationalists' who believe aliens exist & global warming=caused by humans, might as well believe in Jesus miracles,angels &fairies #tcot #p2",N 2366,Will Global Warming Make Iceland's Volcanoes Angry?,Y 1585,Global Warming Today À_ Blog Archive À_ How can we tackle global ...: The only way at present is to reduce greenhous...,Y 1445,U.S. Document Calls For À_Global RegimeÀ_ To Tackle Climate Change,Y 5399,"Having publicly bought the Global Warming lie some stay loyal, like Lindsay Graham. Others R paid by Al Gore or just stupid.",N 5496,Spanish Companies Waking Up to the Call of Climate Change ' CSR International (via @CSRint),Y 511,"Soaring mercury; Blame it on global warming|Agartala, Apr 14 : Environmentalists have attributed the .. [link]",Y 129,"Microbes Contribute Less to Global Warming|New Haven, Conn. .. [link]",Y 2449,WV stakeholders tackle climate change concerns: Stakeholders in Western Visayas gather for a two-day regional conf...,Y 171,RT @HeidiAmes: Climate change favors invasive species over indigenous ones. 30% of plants Thoreau saw are now extinct. [link],Y 5237,RT @EcoPreservation: Climate change causes wolverine decline across Canada,Y 177,Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado [link],Y 4439, warming my ass...,N 4884,Revenue-neutral': The last hope for climate change legislation?,Y 124,"Global warming report urges governments to act|BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The world faces increased hunger and .. [link]",Y 5051,"@TheCortez Global Warming causes a change in all patterns of weather. Including warmth, snow and rain",Y 3777,Obama won't protect pika endangered by climate change,Y 3355,#Climate change = mother of all financial risks. So why are coal co's still not paying the true costs of their business?,Y 1507,Renewable Energy Advances À_ Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming ...: After pulling data from 1.6 million salinity...,Y 3704,RT @climatedebate: The great global warming collapse:,N 1901,@andychrism Here's a link to the volcano <--> global warming story,Y 4424,"Legislature: global warming is a conspiracy: AP Photo State Representative Mike Noel-R, Kanab, believ...",N 174,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado [link],Y 3155,"Article: If #climate change researchers sound alarmist, it's b/c they're alarmed (The Globe and Mail)",Y 620,"Green' cement made from rice may help tackle global warming: London, April 13 (ANI): With the increasing rise in ... [link]",Y 5812,What are the issues of global warming and possible climate changes ...: What are the issues of global warming and ...,Y 247,"RT @democracy_now: ""The Most Important Event in the Struggle Against Climate Change"" - Nigerian Environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey on À_ [link]",Y 609,Germany is an important partner for us in trade as well as in the fight against climate change.,Y 3841,Oceans reveal further impacts of climate change: The increasing acidity of the world's oceans -- and that acidity'...,Y 5377,On the frontline of climate change | Joseph Huff-Hannon | Comment is free | gua.. (via @CifAmerica),Y 3894,GLOBAL WARMING BUSTED by the President! -,N 1390,Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change:,Y 4384,Water at core of climate change impacts: experts: OSLO (Reuters) - The main impact of climate change will be on wa...,Y 2380,RT @DavidTheroux Major study: Global warming graph junk science #Bolivia #Teaparty #YAL #C4L #TCOT #TLOT,N 108,@chrisdodd: I live in CT. Please support the climate bill and strong action on climate change!,Y 27,A preliminary analysis suggests that natural gas could contribute far more to global warming than previously thought. [link],Y 20,"Global Warming: Ocean chemistry is changing faster than it has in 800,000 years: And that's because of the carbon ... [link]",Y 5085,Global warming is killing Canadian wolverine,Y 5253,"Put end to the stupid global warming crap, ask perverts to explain the time between ice ages? George and Dick driving SUV's i suppose!",N 5504,@Allochthonous I tend to think that climate change is a RESULT of these processes.,Y 3871,"""Political talk shows discuss global warming. This is science (fiction).""",N 5020,"For those who believe global warming is in progress, please bring your warming to my front yard. I can't see out over the snow drifts. #tcot",N 4941,Economic and Social Consequences of Global Warming health hazards ;O,Y 4935,"Protein might help fight global warming|DENTON, Texas, Feb. 8 (UPI) -- University of North Texas scientists say ..",Y 4645,@bradplumer tell us What The #Snowpocalypse Tells Us About Global Warming #climate,Y 637,"Climate change affects subterranean ecosystems|Changes above the ground, such as a higher concentration of carbon .. [link]",Y 4225,"Palin: A ""Bunch of snake oil science"" on global warming: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who set up a task force t...",N 4055,"If Global Warming Is Real Then Why Is It Cold: editorial cartoonists are not scientists, in other words",N 1102,RT @sciencedaily: Plants remain an effective way of tackling global warming,Y 1232,"RT @egeemnz @mrdannyglover i support world people's conf on climate change in cochabamba, live",Y 4188,Energy and Global Warming News for February 9: Ford to unveil ...,Y 4493,Massachusetts positioned for steep global warming gas reductions,Y 5,RT @sejorg: RT @JaymiHeimbuch: Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle [link],Y 302,RT @TEDNews: Cara Mertes at #tedxvolcano: We're all stranded this weekend. And we're getting a sneak preview of climate change. We have to adapt.,Y 1638,RT @RyanNewYork Gulf Coast spill better give Climate Change Legislation some momentum. It's a bigger tragedy than we're even aware of yet.,Y 5294,Climate change bill shouldn't fall victim to immigration reform (via @BUEnetwork),Y 366,Climate Change - 100 Endangered Places and How to Save Them - Newsweek [link],Y 3698,RT @newtgingrich: Historic snow storm in washington-third this year-where is al gore to explain it snows this heavily as a sign global warming is imminent,N 2226,Kuna Indians Prepare For Relocation As Traditional Homes Sink Due To Climate Change by @indigenousissue,Y 683,I believe that Global Warming is an international conspiracy perpetrated by GE in order to sell more air conditioners,N 4102,DHS: Fossil Fuels and Climate Change are 'National Threats' - Vladimir's blog - RedState Includes great charts #tcot,Y 3493,Ask Pablo: What Impact Will The Volcano In Iceland Have On Climate Change?,Y 3529,"RT @MISSMYA: ""Many believe global warming's from man made pollution, but planetary alignments hv a big influence on weather&all aspects of life on Earth""",Y 2456,Cousteau spreads climate change message in Hobart (repeating many of his father's warnings) (ABC),Y 3496,"RT @DougBenson: Dear Stupid People Who Think These Winter Storms Means There's No Such Thing As Global Warming, Yo're stupid. Love, Shut up",Y 5829,HuffPo: 'Global Warming Causes Volcanoes': Huffington Post blogger DK Matai's bio claims him to be 'an engineer tu...,Y 4728,"Al Gore should be arrested for Global Warming Scam, how much did AL take in$$$$$$$$$$ forget the snow ball, hit him with a shovel",N 4036,Yeah totally; so when snow melts; they can show evidence ;) no? @Gemstars: Will Global Warming Mean More Snow? _,N 2927,Something must be done to prevent global warming from increasing this planet's temperatures and affecting this planet even more.,Y 2382,"""Proof Of Global Warming"" -",Y 4180,The Effect Of Organic Farming In Climate Change | Organic Earth,Y 1288,"2nd eruption of Hekla in Iceland. Let's call 2010, the year the Earth struck back. ""This is for global warming and THIS is for oil spills!""",Y 197,Report: Allergy Season to Get Worse with Climate Change ( [link],Y 5097,Prince Charles On Climate Change: Global Warming Skeptics Are All Liars,Y 0,"Global warming report urges governments to act|BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The world faces increased hunger and .. [link]",Y 5548,Houston Chronicle: 'The heat goes on: After a blitz by climate change skep.. (via @climateprogress),Y 4612,"Pro-tip - If you think snow or cold or rain negates global warming, don't post it, you only show how little you know about the topic.",Y 373,"You and Us and Me - China active, serious in tackling climate change, says vic.. [link]",Y 1639,Spill + coal mine tragedy = need for alt energy! RT @RyanNewYork: Gulf Coast spill better give Climate Change Legislation some momentum.,Y 1170,RT @indiaenvportal: Make IT green: cloud computing and its contribution to climate change,Y 471,Namibia: Govt to Get Active On Climate Change [link],Y 3819,"""Too much change is not a good thing; ask the climate"" - Michael Scott",Y 2310,"RT @pauljimerson: ""First World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth.""",Y 4381,global warming skeptics :P Because 'man-made global warming' skeptics in Alaska rock and,N 5717,"Maria Rodale: Back to the Nursery...It's Planting Time!: It's only early April, but global warming has given me a...",Y 1231,"Fedele Bauccio: Combating Climate Change One Meal at a Time: This week, Americans will celebrate the 40th anniver...",Y 5771,Global warming: Environmental effects: by Mark Somerfield Global warming is thought to be caused by excess CO2 in ...,Y 2701,Climate Change Aids Invasive Mosquitofish|The warmer temperatures associated with climate change could speed the ..,Y 43,"30000 Anti-Global Warming Scientists Can't Be Wrong | Stranger ...: Nature Magazine, the academic journal that int... [link]",N 2627,RT @noreenahertz: RT @mpondfield:How we can afford to tackle climate change...good read,Y 1314,Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos),Y 1494,EXCLUSIVE - Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies,Y 1271,Seasonal Allergies Getting Worse From Climate Change,Y 556,"Republicans, why do you oppose global warming environmental ...: Really it makes no sense to oppose efforts to red... [link]",Y 309,Global Warming Causes Volcano Eruptions -- By: Jonah Goldberg: From Reuters: OSLO (Reuters) - A thaw of Iceland's... [link],Y 5370,Climate Change Blog: California Academy of Sciences (via @calacademy),Y 308,"Global warming to impact wheat, rice production in India|Ludhiana, Apr 18 : Scarcity of water will have a serious .. [link]",Y 5798,Climate Confusion How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad science ...: Brand: Average Rating 102 reviews The curr...,N 3570,Climate change is transforming the Arctic environment faster than expected (,Y 1457,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: #climatechange #SaveTerra 4,Y 1485,Report: Save the Whales and They'll Save Us from Global Warming: Need more proof that Global Warming is the proble...,Y 526,Royal Society Stunner: Hazardous geosphere activity and global warming linked: Periods of exceptional climate chan... [link],Y 4741,Plz #Digg & RT: Sean Hannity: Snow Storms Contradict Climate Change ( #p2 #dnj #du1),N 4683,"Palin dismisses global climate change as ""'bunch of snake oil science,"" but then again she probably believes Jesus rode a dinosaur.",Y 5189,Africa: Continent Gets U.S.$29.72 Billion to Combat Climate Change,Y 179,Africa: Meteorology Services Gear Up for Climate Change: On the continent most vulnerable to climate c... [link],Y 3124,RT @time D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse - TIME #green #climate #smh,Y 1091,LIVE TONIGHT: Fellow Heather Rogers joins Climate Change Expert James Hansen to discuss REAL solutions to Climate...,Y 16,For #EarthDay Global warming could affect patient symptoms [link],Y 1649,"RT @virgiltexas: Hey Al Gore: see these tornadoes racing across Mississippi? So much for global ""warming"" #tornadocot #ocra #sgp #gop #ucot #tlot #p2 #tycot",N 5588,Using case studies to research the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities-overview of the hows whats & whys,Y 454,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: [link],Y 4165,"If Ensler & Behar represent liberal women, that's such a sad pathetic stmt. Global warming fanatics who yack about their vaginas. Pathetic!",N 1285,@LilFerret hey! We came up with all kinds of ideas for fixing global warming! Loved my Environmentalism class. *sighs*,Y 3398,What does disprove it is dishonest scientists -> RT @briandevine @andrewbreitbart I bet you think snow disproves climate change. Idiot,Y 4418,"I thought of killing myself, says climate scandal professor GLOBAL WARMING IS A FRAUD 4 WORLD GOVERNMENT! #NWO",N 4128," ;) global warming solutions There Is No Clean Coal, But Obama Is Right about an Energy and Climate Bill",Y 4281,OUR VIEW: The newest blow to global warming theory: The rush to impose Draconian regulations to fight global warmi...,Y 662,Proof there's no climate change. RT @jazgar 75-ft killer tsunami created in a Peruvian LAKE when a glacier fractures & falls Into the lake!,N 420,Global warming can be good for [link],Y 677,"Climate Change Fraud - Global Warming, Ethanol, DDT and ... [link]",N 1310,"Global warming to impact wheat, rice production in India|Ludhiana, Apr 18 : Scarcity of water will have a serious ..",Y 4795,"Looking for a way to beat his own record and quadruple the deficit next year, Obama sets up new agency for global warming propaganda",N 1227,Report identifies 11 diseases & health issues affctd by climate change. Once u inclde mental health evrything's @ stake,Y 2251,Greenpeace - Making Waves: The Agreement of the People at the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the ...,Y 357,"Climate Change is Not Just About the Climate, it is About Our Lives : TreeHugger [link]",Y 4032," - Terra view of the near record show storm over Washington DC. ""Global warming""?? Ha Ha!!!",N 4591,RT @GIS_Forester: Reading an interesting article: Ecologists Link Accelerated Tree Growth to Climate Change #forestry,Y 3272,Media Matters still using junk science 2007 IPCC report on global warming...,N 5941,"""How to fabricate climate change evidence"" - (via @arkiebrian)",N 3312,"RT @NWF: BudBurst volunteers needed: to look for ""ten most wanted"" plants to assess clues to climate change:",Y 2432,[Climate Progress] The complete guide to modern day climate change - All the data you need to show that the world ...,Y 1338,Report: Allergy Season to Get Worse with Climate Change (,Y 342,Iceland volcano not likely to slow global warming|A vast cloud from an intensifying volcanic eruption in Iceland .. [link],Y 1526,Royal Society Stunner: Hazardous geosphere activity and global warming linked: Periods of exceptional climate chan...,Y 1234,Topography of mountains could complicate rates of global warming,Y 4589,@Slyty17 Obama is the new Hitler. Your campus is a disappointment. Yo'll graduate believing in global warming & unemployed! Get a clue!,N 4143,Video: MS-NBC's Brewer claims heavy snowfall proves global warming,Y 4320,Global warming likely cause of Australia's drought: Australia's long-standing drought likely arises from global wa...,Y 2508,Wisconsin's scaled-back global warming bill unveiled: A revised state clean energy and global warming bill unveile...,Y 1290,"RT @EpiscopalRelief: Bishop Lane, #Episcopal Dio of #Maine: Climate change most important issue of our time - #Bangor Daily Nws via @addthis",Y 5208,Climate change causes wolverine decline across Canada,Y 4658,"@mimidancer just because it also gets colder doesn't mean it's not global warming first off. Secondly, I approve of #hoth.",Y 4369,@Emperor_Bob Global Warming is only undeniable to the far Left who are not interested in pesky facts. The science is just not there.,N 3448,"Climate change will mk the world more fragrant, as warming temperatures mk plants release more chems (via @bbcscitech)",Y 2531,RT @ClimateBuzz: How the world can move forward in climate change negotiations -,Y 2706," 30,000 Anti-Global Warming Scientists Can't Be Wrong",N 1214,Military leads fight against climate change EnvNewsNet,Y 4414,Obama: Environmental Genius? | - Stop Global Warming! Everythin...,Y 4955,"RT @DefendGlenn: ""SCAM, SCAM, SCAM!"" EU Parliament Member Rips global Warming Hysteria #tcot #p2 #gop #teaparty",N 5617,New blog post: Tell your Senators to Stop the Delay on Climate Change Legislation!,Y 1683,I believe that Global Warming is an international conspiracy perpetrated by GE in order to sell more air conditioners,N 5028,Is climate change hiding the decline of maple syrup?: The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil releases ca...,Y 1362,"Green:Net: How the Internet, Computing Can Fight Climate Change",Y 5813,The American public remains quite uninformed regarding the shabby 'science' behind the man-made global warming scare.,N 5190,#Africa2day Africa: Continent Gets U.S.$29.72 Billion to Combat Climate Change: Developed countries have set...,Y 203,Earth Day: Ben Verwaayen on what we're doing to curb climate change [link],Y 23,"RT @WGofNYC Leader of National Indigenous Women's Org, ""Climate Change is Not Just abt the Climate, its abt R Lives""",Y 386,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 2143,More Global Warming Profiteering by Obama Energy Official,N 1620,"Green' cement made from rice may help tackle global warming: London, April 13 (ANI): With the increasing rise in ...",Y 3591,"Mark Steyn: ""climate change is not only a scientific scandal but also a massive journalistic failure.""",N 3821,Too much change is not a good thing. Ask the climate.,Y 3330,"17. Moral authority - do we have the rt. to do this? Takeaway: geo-eng has a LOT OF RISKS (then again, so does runaway climate change). :(",Y 4959,"@jbg7474 Further, it's not 2 scientists disagreeing. The *vast* majority of scientists accepts the reality of climate change.",Y 619,Climate change deadly? Scientists suspect global warming may be contributing to strange deaths of Arctic birds. [link],Y 5401,"Acidic oceans worsening, experts warn - Climate Change- (via @savemyearth)",Y 4559, global warming solutions One of the proposed solutions to global warming is to grow a large number of trees. This...,Y 2606,Looking for great media material on human impact of #climate change? Check our Climate Witness stories #wwf,Y 3322,"Do We Finally Have Proof that Global Warming by CO2 Emissions is a Hoax?, #climategate",N 3991,Darn global warming! Yo're doin' it wrong! Where is my extended summer vacation?!,Y 2757,Carbon/Environmental Footprint Calculators | Teaching Climate Change Law & Policy (via @wil_burns),Y 4442,@edenjames sign of the apocolypse: winter. Evidence against global warming: winter. Brr boo brrr,N 1177,Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado,Y 5707,Brad DeLong's Prescription for Battling Climate Change: Economics blogger Bradford J. DeLong has posted a plea for...,Y 652,"BOYCOTT SIEMENS for buying ""global warming""/""climate change"" in their advertisements. #tcot #sgp #teaparty",N 5239,NYTimes: California Sets Up Statewide Network to Monitor Global-Warming Gases,Y 1431,Global Climate Change Effects on the Mid-Continent (Download to view animations),Y 125,Arctic rain in April 'is sign of global warming'|The Canadian Arctic has been hit by rain in a sign that the .. [link],Y 3555,"With climate change, birds are taking off for migration sooner ...: Migrating birds can and do keep their travel d...",Y 1396,DC: *FT Work for Greenpeace to STOP GLOBAL WARMING - $12-$13/hr*: Get Involved! Call now 202-595-3368 Greenpeac...,Y 3545,@dcseth oh good god don't tell me yo're a climate change denier too,Y 318,I feel that already RT @organicnewyork Climate change making seasonal allergies worse. Near-record highs this Spring [link],Y 417,DC: *FT Work for Greenpeace to STOP GLOBAL WARMING - $12-$13/hr*:Get Involved! Call now 202-595-3368 Greenpeace... [link],Y 1565,Blame the volcano trouble on sun and global warming #science,Y 3429,U.S. Climate Change Portal Could Birth Entirely New Industries |,Y 153,RealDocWatson on global warming: Go to Antarctica and stake a claim now! It will be like Florida in a few years!,Y 5784,"Government scientists suggest inter-agency ""fuzzy hubs"" to deal with mass extinctions brought on by climate change",Y 289,RT @Newsweek: Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos) [link],Y 5869,Ice-covered volcanoes may answer climate change questions (I thought it was all about SUVs),N 6068,"RT @JerryMander: Daily Kos: ecojustice: systems change, not climate change & NOT violence! | ""Right now, our elected",Y 5836,"""Kerry Graham Lieberman Climate Bill - KGL Global Warming Energy Bill -""",Y 1161,Kuna Indians Prepare For Relocation As Traditional Homes Sink Due To Climate Change by @indigenousissue,Y 5018,Top UN environment official defends conclusions of landmark climate change report: UN News Centre 6 February 201...,Y 635,Plants can effectively tackle global warming|Don't have SiliconIndia account? Sign up Forgot your password? Reset .. [link],Y 5665,"USW a leader among unions on issue of climate change, 1 of 1st unions to endorse climate change bill. Ugh.",Y 2285,"Bolivia climate conference demands $300B to combat global warming, creation of climate court|TIQUIPAYA, Bolivia - ..",Y 3574,just saw someone post on FB that #snowpocalypse must be proof that global warming is a myth. calling him a moron probably isn't productive.,Y 1267,On ocean floor populations of organisms despite little oxygen. global warming cause oxygen depletion&reduce biodiversity,Y 5275,Combating climate change: lessons from the world's indigenous peoples | Quix.. (via @quixotecenter),Y 541,UW biologist links early blooms to global warming [link],Y 5761,"If humans are causing global warming, then why are the ice caps on ...: The ice caps are indeed melting on mars, d...",N 651,"One Stop Book Stop Confirmed! Global warming is 'settled' À_ as a scam: Sussman's book, the ... [link]",N 638,RT @RyanNewYork Gulf Coast spill better give Climate Change Legislation some momentum. It's a bigger tragedy than we're even aware of yet.,Y 466,"Effort to remake America's energy future and fight global warming could be harmed, or spurred, by Gulf #oilspill: [link]",Y 4220,"Must be global warming! NYC public schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, due to an expected winter snowstorm. /via @311NYC",N 1376,Obama: China Must Act Soon on Climate Change,Y 375,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 3694,Climate Change and Invasive Species via #climatechange #wildlife #invasive,Y 143,"Higher temperature, sea level due to global warming|KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's average temperature has risen by 1.1 .. [link]",Y 3736,How come I don't hear the usual suspects today claiming that global warming causes blizzards? #snOMG,N 448,"RT @solveclimate: Feeling the Heat Down Under When it Comes to Climate Change: Erwin Jackson, The Climate Institute.. [link]",Y 5533,Missing' heat may affect future climate change (via @stephanbecker),Y 5693,What global warming? #3wordslibshate,N 1144,"Higher temperature, sea level due to global warming|KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's average temperature has risen by 1.1 ..",Y 5578,Feeling the Heat Down Under When it Comes to Climate Change | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen),Y 3732,Check out a report from The Overwhelming Evidence of Global Warming in DC! (#teaparty #tcot #Beck #GOP #Obama live at,Y 36,"RT @virgiltexas: Hey Al Gore: see these tornadoes racing across Mississippi? So much for global ""warming"" #tornadocot #ocra #sgp #gop #ucot #tlot #p2 #tycot",N 563,"5th US Climate Action Report Released: ""Global Warming is Unequivocal"": Treehugger by Brian Merchant, Brooklyn, Ne... [link]",Y 182,"China: The Key To Fixing Global Warming|With rapid expansion comes sizable environmental impact, so the world's .. [link]",Y 3281,Ratigan: Climate scientists predictions right... These #snowpocalypses are bc of global warming.,Y 293,RT @InvasiveNotes: RT @RareWildlifeGuy: Climate change: Migration patterns have changed for 20 billion birds: [link],Y 5414,Climate change increasing poverty and vulnerability in Ethiopia (via @rural_pr),Y 2134, China Going Green For Security Reasons | The Global Warming Statistics,Y 1467,How would catastrophic climate change change the average persons life? Think 100% unemployment every where on the planet for several decades,Y 4587,RT @ElectaR2010 Towhhall column Michael Barone: How Climate-Change Fanatics Corrupted Science #tcot,N 1399," -Ancient Weapons Emerge From Melting Arctic Ice-Wow,positive side of Global Warming.Other one is reclaim of dry land",Y 2804,@pir8gold -I'd spend money on moving the over heated polar bears to east coast. Would be cheaper that FUNDING GLOBAL WARMING,N 4783,"RT @EricBoehlert: So are freak storms RT @owillis RT @tlw3 Snow is consistent w/ global warming, say scientists - Telegraph",Y 4002,"The group of people who would be most displeased with this winter are the ""global warming"" activists.",N 4027,"What would a year without summer, due only to an intense solar minimum (i.e. 1816), imply for climate change efforts? Ppl won't get this.",Y 2861,RT @ANGAus: WH Director of Energy & Climate Change Browner: 'We think there are tremendous opportunities with #natgas',Y 5453,"""Ten Most Wanted"" Plants Inspected for Clues to Climate Change (via @RangerRickMag)",Y 2985,"RT @fredthompson DHS cites global warming as security threat. Um. worry less about temp of planet, more about temp of terrorist undies #tcot",N 387,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 461,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: [link],Y 1096,Climate change & sustainability will be a key driver of future economic development. Listen at,Y 13,Climate change blamed as coastal whale migration dwindles À_ Ventura County.. [link],Y 371,Abu Dhabi faces climate change flood threat - expert - Culture & Society - Arabia.. [link],Y 4487,"Arctic climate changing faster than expected-study: WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Climate change is transforming ...",Y 1636,Plants can effectively tackle global warming|Don't have SiliconIndia account? Sign up Forgot your password? Reset ..,Y 3610,"27"" of global warming fell at my home 8 miles south of Washington, DC. Arms & hands so sore from shoveling ... Hurts to Tweet :-(",N 4733,"With climate change, those who know most are most frightened. With nuclear power, those who know most are least frightened. -various",Y 91,LIVE TONIGHT: Fellow Heather Rogers joins Climate Change Expert James Hansen to discuss REAL solutions to Climate... [link],Y 1441,Tulips in mid-April in Chicago? Love the global warming.,Y 3475,Water at core of climate change impacts: experts ...,Y 2383,RT @noreenahertz: RT @mpondfield:How we can afford to tackle climate change...good read,Y 4284,"Spring begins almost two weeks earlier due to global warming, say scientists",Y 2826,Something must be done right now about global warming so our children can live in a better world where the weather is good,Y 3352,My love burns hotter for your than the global warming that is killing the earth. #DemVDaycards,Y 1643,Illegal war and the myth of global warming|My main campaign platform for this election will be the illegal ..,N 3111,@Adam4004 That's sort of beside the point. People are acting like a winter storm in the mid-Atlantic disproves global warming. It doesn't.,Y 3850,RT @milesgrant: I LOVE IT! #Climategate has gone nowhere so global warming deniers have started #Glaciergate! TEH TRUTH IS OUT THERE.,Y 227,Report identifies 11 diseases & health issues affctd by climate change. Once u inclde mental health evrything's @ stake [link],Y 4618,"RE: *It isn't that the blizzard proves global warming is false, but it certainly is an argument against.* Actually, i'",Y 1374,Study: SE Asia will be hit hard by climate change (via @cuddlendance),Y 5209,"@dluxkoshertours re: where is the global warming? If anyone would have found it, it would be you. where havent you looked yet?",N 1411,RT @CHIoxfamaction: People in poor countries are 20 times more likely to be affected by disasters caused by climate change than those in the developed world,Y 3105,added Patrick Parenteau (Vermont Law School) to our Feb. 22 webinar on disclosing climate change business impacts -,Y 4723,"RT @wood83: Global warming alarmists meet record snowfall, record snowfall meet global warming alarmists",N 2457,"Real solutions to real environmental problems. The larger story to climate change ""Good Read"" via @EcoInteractive",Y 4476,RT @lizarddawg Global Warming Dying A Horrible Death #UN #obama #tcot #NASA,N 3757,RT @StephenAtHome: I think we can all agree this Prius disaster proves once and for all that global warming doesn't exist,N 4499,Makes sense! RT @StephenAtHome I think we can all agree this Prius disaster proves once and for all that global warming doesn't exist,N 1320,Like Icelandic volcanic eruptions disrupting your air travel? Climate change = glacier thaw = more of it. (via @mims),Y 3631,"I rated a YouTube video (5 out of 5 stars) -- SNOBAMA: DC's 2010 SNOW BLASTS OBAMA, THE IPCC & GLOBAL WARMING",N 2374,@Aaron_Morris haven't you heard of global warming?,Y 3663,"More on why bogus ""global warming consensus"" is fading fast: Margaret Wente of Toronto's Globe and Mail explains w...",N 1357,"Climate Change is Not Just About the Climate, it is About Our Lives : TreeHugger (via @paulo_one)",Y 1195,Economists Say Climate Change Is Bad For Economy #earthday,Y 2714,"RT @GoingGreenGone: Nine Awesome Ways to Have Fun While Going Green: Cooler PlanetSure, global warming is an alarming and serious con.. ...",Y 4547,Drug discovery technique could help in the battle against global warming,Y 1182,"China: The Key To Fixing Global Warming|With rapid expansion comes sizable environmental impact, so the world's ..",Y 514,Ocean currents still strong despite global warming|Researchers at NASA have discovered that the ocean currents .. [link],Y 2584,"In an ominous sign of climate change hitting home, India has seen accelerated warming in ... #climate",Y 4998,Horner challenges climate change data|Much of current global warming theory is based on distortions of scientific ..,N 3299,RT @ClarksonUniv: NASA Grant will enable Clarkson & NYSERDA to Improve Climate Change Education in New York State,Y 4192,@ConservativeLA like newt but can't support anyone who gives any credence to global warming.,N 1329,Allergy Season To Worsen With Climate Change: Report: A new report released on Wednesday by the National Wildlife...,Y 538,Global warming implicated in shortened bird migration | Science Codex: Global warming implicated in shortened bird... [link],Y 1768,Alexia Parks: Global Warming of the Heart: Earth Day is over. Or is it? Thousands -- perhaps millions -- of consc...,Y 1489,EPA Climate Change Indicators Report Shows the Evidence of Global Warming All ...: Natural Resources Defense Counc...,Y 5342,"Climate Change REgulation is ABSOLUTE POLITAICAL SUICIDE! REPORTS, SCIENCE & DATA ALL CONCUR THAT CLIMATE CHANGE IS IMAGINARY!",N 114,"Climate change melts two glaciers|BILLINGS, Mont. ? Glacier National Park has lost two more of its namesake .. [link]",Y 4115,Burning 1 gallon of gas creates 22 lbs of carbon dioxide-a major contributor to global warming. Recycle with us,Y 2360,In A Global Warming World Should Black People Own Coal Mines?,Y 1207,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report,Y 5281,Some cool mind maps about global warming #climate,Y 5514,"From tobacco to climate change, 'merchants of doubt' undermined the science .. (via @ThePhoenixSun)",Y 2728,@tamij Morning Glory Tami. Morning Glory tribbles! Unbelievable now liberals are blaming blizzard on global warming...idiots! #hhrs,N 510,"Topography of Mountains Could Complicate Rates of Global Warming: ScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 2010) À_ A new study concl... [link]",Y 285,@LilFerret hey! We came up with all kinds of ideas for fixing global warming! Loved my Environmentalism class. *sighs*,Y 1599,Fifty years ago I was teaching and preaching about global warming and its catastrophic effects on our climate.,Y 535,#Ocean Saltiness Shows #Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle : TreeHugger [link],Y 329,Allergy Season To Worsen With Climate Change: Report: A new report released on Wednesday by the National Wildlife... [link],Y 187,Impacts of Climate Change Extend to Human Health [link],Y 3092,RT @TM_Climate: Climate Change and the Amazon Rainforest (via @mongabay),Y 294,RT @Newsweek: Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos) [link],Y 3140,"Climate Denial Crock of the Week: ""It's cold. So there's no Climate Change"" #WWFUS #WWF #climate",Y 5267,Veterans organization says climate change a security threat | SCNow (via @politext),Y 2763,Help us to tackle poverty and climate change: Support the Robin Hood Tax | (via @honorthysowbug),Y 3311,@nikkibama This global warming will be on the ground until March,N 4696,Where's that Global Warming???,N 4000,Global warming degrading Arctic faster than first thought,Y 607,"Eaarth: global warming is here to stay, how will we deal with it? [link]",Y 2439,stop global warming...................,Y 3097,#snOMG has no more link to #climate change than did those 100s of stories about warm weather. Where were whiners then? #TCOT #TLOT,N 5014,Climate Change Impacts And Vulnerability In The Eastern Himalayas,Y 4149,"Dear #tcot climate-change deniers, hv u ever heard of the Southern Hemisphere? It had the hottest temps on record.",Y 5683,"RT @GreenHour: BudBurst volunteers needed: to look for ""ten most wanted"" plants to assess clues to climate change:",Y 523,"#CUBeyond: Wlliam Lau says climate change is happening and we must deal with it, no matter what is causing it. #ChapmanU",Y 3347,Hannity: Snow Storms 'Seem To Contradict Al Gore's Hysterical Global Warming Theories',N 2170,E.P.A. Makes Its Case on Climate Change,Y 5217,"CLIMATE CHANGE: European Firms See Windfall in Renewable Energy: BERLIN, Feb 3 (IPS) - European governments fail...",Y 1279,"Increasingly, corporations are concluding climate change is real. Betting on Climate Change |",Y 4495,It's not the same ol' Walden Pond anymore: how climate change has altered Thorea's hideaway.,Y 504,Global warming threatens Ca Mau Province: CA MAU À_ The southernmost province of Ca Mau was among localities most v... [link],Y 4945,"Climate Change is Forcing Arctic Changes Faster than Expected: To be more specific, it causing changes in the Arct...",Y 546,"RT @WGofNYC Leader of National Indigenous Women's Org, ""Climate Change is Not Just abt the Climate, its abt R Lives""",Y 659,@psiryu Hmmm so global warming is a fraud!,N 1340,Is nationalizing the energy industry necessary to fight global warming?,Y 1153,RealDocWatson on global warming: Go to Antarctica and stake a claim now! It will be like Florida in a few years!,Y 5590,Climate change scientists turn to Inuits for research (via @gemswinc),Y 2785,Neighbors inspiring each other to action on climate change at Ghost of Midnight (via @frontporchforum),Y 4179,"2 quote Ackroyd's SNL anchor: Joy Behar, u ignorant slut! You BELIEVE in global warming and u mock Palin? Ur an idiot!",N 3780,OL News: Oceans Reveal Further Impacts of Climate Change,Y 2733,Calling Al Gore DC needs some global warming please respond asap,N 5663,Why should trust scientists with global warming if they didnt know Pluto wasnt a fucking planet!,N 1218,Fighting poverty and global warming in Africa #energy,Y 4738,Waste of Time Stimulus money/Global Warming turbines frozen in Minnesota wind #Where is AL Gore!,N 1386,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 33,Y 3846,Michael Barone at @TownhallCom : How Climate-Change Fanatics Corrupted Science,N 275,@Zener39 I advise everyone who thinks global warming is dead to buy oceanfront property and live there. See ya!,Y 2922,Water at core of climate change impacts - U.N. experts (Reuters) | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen),Y 4865,Just posted Temperature and the Allocation of Time: Implications for Climate Change #b2p,Y 478,"AllGov - News - Global Warming Isn't All BadÀ_If Yo're an ...: In the frozen reaches of Canada, warmer temperature... [link]",Y 4725,"Can #cochabamba participants lead on #climate change? + Kerry, Graham, & Lieberman drag feet on climate bill",Y 1556,"Republicans, why do you oppose global warming environmental ...: Really it makes no sense to oppose efforts to red...",Y 3882,Intel Threat Assessments on climate change: I compare '09 to '10. Surprisingly interesting:,Y 4056,The great global warming collapse,N 4389,Japanese gov't asks Toyota to investigate complaints against cars :O ways to stop global warming,Y 5007,Global warming is suspended due to the cold weather...,N 551,"Icelandic Volcano's Impact on Global Warming, Green Transportation, Bird ...: By Alisa Opar NASA satellites captur... [link]",Y 339,Cute. I mention global warming and a denialist sends me a link to a Finnish newspaper article purportedly refuting it.,Y 1249,RT @sejorg: RT @JaymiHeimbuch: Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle,Y 5725,My new hero! RT @Cubachi Gov. Christie will cut all $65 million from NJ's global warming fund,N 5000,Cochabama: Peoples World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth's Rights,Y 6056,Climate Change Fraud - Global warming: It has to be catastrophe: We have a surplus of people pretending to know th...,N 4893,The Chilling Effect | cooling heated rhetoric on global warming ...: Energy and Environment: Around the Interwebs....,Y 1896,Can you hedge against climate change? Read this @FelixSalmon post. Then look at our weather products,Y 5785,"Vattenfall's CEO on clean energy, and not being a 'lone wolf' on climate change",Y 573,"Global warming melts ice and this can influence magmatic systems,"" he told Reuters. [link]",Y 4294,"RT @dougbenson: Dear Stupid People Who Think These Winter Storms Means There's No Such Thing As Global Warming, Yo're stupid. Love, Shut up",Y 1295,Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may trigger more volcanoes|Climate change could spark more ''hazardous'' ..,Y 3199,RT @Noreen1 Does #GOP really think snowstorms disprove #climate change? Yup. @bradplumer shows how idiotic that is,Y 1204,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report,Y 5474,Video: common distortions by climate change deniers ' exposed | frogblog (via @NZGreens),Y 1550,Pat Mooney on the Dangers of Geoengineering and Manipulating the Planet to Combat Climate Change -,Y 678,"Despite Climategate, LEFT investing heavily in global warming hysteria as new way 2 impose nat'l & international controls on human freedom.",N 1512,Africa: Monitoring a Changing Climate: The gathering environmental crisis presented by global warming... #Africa,Y 1607,"Eaarth: global warming is here to stay, how will we deal with it?",Y 1344,reading from @time Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming,Y 3189,"Damn global warming-melting the ice caps, turning DC into the tundra. This winter is DONE! Please don't mess my summer...please.",Y 5552,All 30 Major League Baseball Teams Throw Curve to Climate Change Deniers : C.. (via @cleantechnica),Y 72,Environmental Groups Praise BASIC Meeting on Climate Change: Environmental groups are giving qualified praise to a... [link],Y 2825,Climate change impact of soil underestimated: study - Yahoo! News (via @RarePlanet),Y 4489,"Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming; New Orleans, much of southern F...",Y 421,Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming ( [link],Y 3126,"Actress Q'orianka Kilcher on Climate Change Activism: Public Figures and Celebrities ""Have a Responsibility to Help '",Y 4773,Story of the collapse of the great climate scam #global warming,N 389,Government Claims Global Warming May Cause Cancer [link],Y 1128,"Microbes Contribute Less to Global Warming|New Haven, Conn. ..",Y 3494,2 ft of snow on the ground and Obama administration has press conference to announce global warming tracker. Clueless.,N 1609,Germany is an important partner for us in trade as well as in the fight against climate change.,Y 675,"@Cubachi you are so on target, Bullshit is even better than the climate change hoax & Gore /Climate change is bullshit #leadersdebate #fact",N 1626,Latest weapon in global warming fight À_ 'green' cement made from rice,Y 391,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 4,URUGUAY: Tools Needed for Those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change [link],Y 117,CLIMATE CHANGE: Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon [link],Y 4786,"The global warming effects on Antarctica are varied, and these effects can have a big impact on the entire world",Y 104,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado [link],Y 96,Climate change & sustainability will be a key driver of future economic development. Listen at [link],Y 2422,"With the help of Lindsey Graham, the Democrats are quietly moving their climate change bill through the Senate. Time to be worried.",N 3057,logical analysis :P Niche Modeling ' Disproving Global Warming II,N 2479,@allyCouture HAHA! I really like that answer. They stay blaming every weird phenomena on global warming!,N 2158,Irish LED manufacturer Nualight raises '9.1m in funding round led by Climate Change Capital,Y 1289,RT @Newsweek: Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos),Y 5991,Climate Change Fraud - Global warming: Balancing quotes: There are some who are saying that because the Oxburgh in...,N 1415,Alexi @Giannoulias believes in putting a price on global warming pollutants to spur development of alternative technology #p2 #ilsen,Y 4417,This common sense observation alone discredits the global warming hoax proponents.,N 5263,"EU, China agree closer links on climate change | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen)",Y 1103,"So far in that class I have gotten into ""heated discussion"" with global climate change denier and w/ student that nothing is ""their fault.""",Y 5148,"Climate change a scam to curb global population, Utah legislator says|-- Fact check of HJR12 points: 1. Proposed ..",N 4492,Los Angeles: Is the Giant Squid Invasion due to Global Warming?,Y 1477,Off shore drilling threatens wildlife and contributes to climate change. Urge Obama NOT to expand drilling!,Y 320,Like Icelandic volcanic eruptions disrupting your air travel? Climate change = glacier thaw = more of it. [link],Y 3645,Rather amused at climate change deniers who wryly refer to snow as 'global warming' -- they're a bit closer to the mark than they think.,Y 2487,RT @Consequence09: Pretty awesome 10-min breakdown of climate change:,Y 572,RT@greenforyou An estimated 20 billion birds changed their migrating habits in last few decades due to global warming [link],Y 3745,RT @alexlundry: Tempted to unfollow anyone that conflates #snOMG with global warming skepticism.,Y 5394,Nice. A reasonable challenge to the global warming hype: #tcot #p2 #earthday,N 673,Dear Global Warming people: It is 52 degrees in S. CA on 4/23. Heat on. [contents of this message are copyrighted and property of author.],N 2395,"RT @theAGU: Cool Earth Day event, ""Illuminating the science: Art and climate change"" next week in NYC, organized by @EarthInstitute...",Y 2791,All this cold a weather I guess global warming is on vacation right now,N 4348,Global Warming Makes Trees Grow Faster,Y 1158,"M Report: Cleaner Air Could Actually Intensify Global Warming: As much of the world marked Earth Day this past week, the Environmental...",Y 2641,RT @epsomguardian: Photo exhibition 2 highlight climate change: A celebrity-filled showcase aimed at tackling climat...,Y 1354,Exclusive: Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies| Reuters (via @healthfreaks),Y 1337,How do we solve this global warming thing?,Y 3702,RT @GoodClimateJM: Part 1 of a three part series about the challenges of communicating climate change.,Y 3734,"Someone let them know that global warming does not connote higher physical temperatures, please.",Y 5167,Video: Fuel for Climate Change Skeptics,N 3937,"Just like Evolution, Climate Change is Real",Y 4310,"RT @CAUSECAST: If all farms in the US went organic, we could rest easy abt climate change. 10 things to know about organic farms:",Y 4363,Addressing Global Warming: Retrain Coal Workers for Green Jobs: A perfect storm of factors are massing against con...,Y 4023,RT @greenforyou Global Warming Makes Trees Grow Faster #green,Y 5622,"@genjunky No, not sad. I think it's very smart! Just so you know, the global warming is freezing me today!",N 2105,Pew Center on Global Climate Change Releases Report Calling for Federal Leadership on Climate Adaptation #green #energy,Y 2943,baby steps ;) How can we stop global warming in small ways?,Y 1323,ENVIRONMENT: Climate of change: From something as simple as reminding computer users to power down when not workin...,Y 6032,NWF series on extreme weather due to Global Warming led by NWF scientist Dr Amanda Staudt.,Y 5882,15-year old speaks about global warming at Palace Theater: Alec Loorz has given more than 30 presentations on clim...,Y 1662,Proof there's no climate change. RT @jazgar 75-ft killer tsunami created in a Peruvian LAKE when a glacier fractures & falls Into the lake!,N 4428,Stossel Show - Global Warming! The high cost to the worlds poor #climate #climategate #libertarian #tlot #tcot #p2,Y 646,I truly Fat ASS Gore should get the Scam Artist Award of the decade with his Global Warming and Energy Credits worth close to Billion.,N 540,"Daniel C. Esty: Climate Change Plan B: Bringing down greenhouse gas emissions with a ""cap and trade"" system of tr... [link]",Y 1533,"@ClimateWise2 is here tonight at 7:30 to discuss what climate change is doing to women, children, families & communities",Y 4664,Good question! RT @Time_Inc: TIME: Another Blizzard: Where's Global Warming?,N 2827,Global warming is truly affecting the weather patterns of this planet negatively and causing destructive weather all over this world.,Y 1651,"One Stop Book Stop Confirmed! Global warming is 'settled' À_ as a scam: Sussman's book, the ...",N 1319,RT @organicnewyork: Climate change making seasonal allergies worse. Near-record highs this Spring.,Y 2924,"Climate change, pollution are suspects in rusty blackbirds' plummeting numbers ' Dallas Morning Ne... (via @SwampSchool)",Y 5705,"Watching the liberal global warming horror movie ""The Thaw""(2009). Yippie...",N 1244,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming,Y 1593,Iceland volcano unlikely to slow global warming: scientists,Y 5057,Links 2/6/10: Climate change causes wolverine decline across Canada BBC Physicist Discovers How to Teleport Energy...,Y 3109,Interesting... RT @Heritage The DC Blizzard: More proof of Global Warming!,Y 198,DonÀ_t Kill Bill À_ Save the Climate Change Accountability Act! [link],Y 2582,@M_Ignatieff This Wednesday make sure all Liberal MPs vote to pass #ndp climate change bill,Y 324,"Professor?s Perspective: Reasons to be Concerned about Climate Change|Spring in Connecticut brings renewal, .. [link]",Y 1375,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 27,Y 5609,Don't Kill Bill ' Save the Climate Change Accountability Act! ' It's Getting Hot In .. (via @IGHIH),Y 5832,Matthews Urges James Cameron To Trash 'Dangerous' Global Warming Deniers in ...: By Geoffrey Dickens (Bio | Archiv...,Y 352,Climate change blamed as coastal whale migration dwindles À_ Ventura County.. [link],Y 5163,Pika Denied Protection By U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service: SALT LAKE CITY ' Climate change might be hurting some po...,Y 2392,RT @EcoInteractive: Environmental Literature: Real solutions to real environmental problems. The larger story to climate change http://b ...,Y 470,"Plants effective way of tackling global warming: Washington, Apr 30 (ANI): Plant leaves account for less than one ... [link]",Y 3153,So much for global warming... RT @mmorg9yd: snowiest winter ever in dc. broke a 110 year old record.,N 3863,RT @BillWilsonALG: Lindsay Graham getting public love from Obama. Someone needs to tell Graham that climate change is a proven lie. #tcot,N 2864,;O Winter Arctic Blast Proves Climate Change is Real al gore global warming,Y 1253,Global warming evidence all around us|A message to global warming deniers and doubters: Just look around our ..,Y 5235,Watching 'Joseph D'Aleo Full Interview on Global Warming Hoax' at Vodpod,N 3815,"ABC labels Pachauri ""leading global warming scientist""",Y 5398,The global warming hoax? Houston expert talks climate alarmist pollution - CultureMap - #houston,N 2291,"@stefanweitz yeha because $50million of a climate change orgs budget is best spent on advertising instead of, you know,fighting climate chng",Y 383,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 5411,"RT @JamesColumbiaMO: Global Warming movement is a fraud. When U have 2 fudge the data 2 prove yr hypothesis, that isn't science. #tcot",N 442,"Global warming will make allergies worse for 25 million Americans, hitting those with asthma hardest: WWF (ClimateWire) #globalwarming",Y 22,"Soaring mercury; Blame it on global warming|Agartala, Apr 14 : Environmentalists have attributed the .. [link]",Y 5930,"Comedians joked, ""we don't know if global warming is man-made, but we know global warming data is man-made.",N 3161,RT @contessabrewer: @newsbusters That's not what I said. I said that snowstorms don't refute global warming. (RE:,Y 2982,CentreRight: Al Gore and his followers are losing the climate change debate (via @TimMontgomerie),N 6081,"Bats, Birds and Lizards Can Fight Climate Change - Birds, bats and lizards may play an important role in Earth's cl...",Y 1284,"Global warming, melting ice caps could trigger more volcanic eruptions:",Y 3855,Invasive #plants are beneficiaries of #climate change in Thorea's woods,Y 4352,RT @Flipbooks |@UN Climate Science Panel INCORRECTLY Linked Global Warming to Rise in Natural Disasters (Telegraph),N 2228,RT @nprscience: Could Cleaner Air Actually Intensify Global Warming?,Y 2117,"Plan B: California Braces for Climate Change: California leads its fellow states in mitigating climate change, in ...",Y 4545,"Global warming helping trees grow faster: 4 Feb 2010, 2132 hrs IST, PTI WASHINGTON: Global warming is helping tree...",Y 338,Report: Allergy Season to Get Worse with Climate Change ( [link],Y 3752,"What's New: Forests Are Growing Faster, Climate Change Appears To Driving Accelerated Growth (Feb 1, 2010)",Y 2474,Keepers' logbooks shed light on climate change|LIGHTHOUSE keepers' logbooks should be studied for clues about ..,Y 3796,"While I wait in DC for blizzard, a reminder that waves of weird, wet snowbombs are consistent with global warming. Video:",Y 2542,Last few days climate change had shown its full impact on most part of India.Its now high time we two legged animals should behave sensibly.,Y 4365,"Grrr! Flipping channels, I landed on Sundance Chnnl & some global warming hysteric ""documentary"" w/ IPCC dude yapping. Musta been a comedy.",N 3278,Snowstorms Do Not Disprove Climate Change #p2 #tcot,Y 315,"RT @bruces *Hmmm, they rather buried the lede here: Iceland glaciers melt from global warming, then volcanoes go off: [link]",Y 1176,"a review of yesterday's discussions: Science and art mobilize to fight climate change, by Rebekah Mintzer",Y 1869,NPR's Science Friday and Global Warming:,Y 359,Climate Change - 100 Endangered Places and How to Save Them - Newsweek [link],Y 1272,"Just because I believe in global warming, peeps thinks I should believe in god instead. Why??",Y 3836,"I don't think there's any Global Warming. Seriously, i think we're headed for an Ice Age.",N 5599,Australia: The Climate Change Waiting Game: What you Should be Doing Now,Y 2302,Happy Earth Day! This #CFR guide offers background & analysis on #climate change:,Y 1437,Report: #Allergy Season to Get Worse with #Climate Change read from @time this really sucks for me:,Y 2908,"Global warming to hit rice production: Report: At the university's 48th annual conference, he cited another study ...",Y 362,"Green:Net: How the Internet, Computing Can Fight Climate Change [link]",Y 3714,"hahaha RT @AlGoresBrain Washington DC Raw Temp- 30/Heavy Snow, Adjusted for Global Warming- 76 Sunny.",N 1427,See how CCX Member Motorola is working to be part of the solution in addressing the climate change challenge:,Y 1827,"As I said only days ago, we will start seeing much more tempered reporting on ""global warming"", starting w the @nytimes",N 2894,The Minister for coal out of step with climate change action,Y 4642,"@GSorensen ""Scientists have been warning for decades that global warming would increase the severity of winter storms.""",Y 3405,"Where are the global warming nutjobs with their signs??? RT @JimDeMint: It's going to keep snowing in DC until Al Gore cries ""uncle""",N 151,RT @jerryjamesstone: Alaska Before the Effects of Global Warming [pics]: [link],Y 5177,House committee seeks to keep global warming laws out of Utah|Utah lawmakers want to send a strong message to the ..,N 3460,"No weather event can be attributed exclusively to climate change, but heavier precipitation is consistent w/ climate scientists' theories.",Y 1298,Climate Change-ing your Allergies (NRDC),Y 1551,"Icelandic Volcano's Impact on Global Warming, Green Transportation, Bird ...: By Alisa Opar NASA satellites captur...",Y 1302,RT @TEDNews: Cara Mertes at #tedxvolcano: We're all stranded this weekend. And we're getting a sneak preview of climate change. We have to adapt.,Y 2934,"Glacier Responses to Climate Change are Complex, as are the Impacts | Humanitarian News (via @HumanityNews)",Y 4155,"@STXherry @slkbrooke When Democrats regained House control, DHS priority switched to global warming as primary concern - Senseless.",N 223,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming [link],Y 284,"Global warming, melting ice caps could trigger more volcanic eruptions: [link]",Y 2933,Will the sheeple in Philly finally understand who has been brainwashing them about global warming and why? #tcot Naaahhhaaaa. #gop,N 1442,"Global warming will make allergies worse for 25 million Americans, hitting those with asthma hardest: WWF (ClimateWire) #globalwarming",Y 645,the scientific community was scamed by global green gov warming scam.,N 3336,RT @balmeras RT @LoveEarthAlways Our Extreme Weather Predicted By Global Warming Models 20 Years Ago,Y 665,@OTOOLEFAN REAL science. Not Algore's climate change 'science' hacks with their man-made global warming hoax. Gore=Palin,N 1124,"Global warming report urges governments to act|BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The world faces increased hunger and ..",Y 513,The volcanic ash was bad for planes...but should help reduce global warming. [link],Y 2437,RT @stevecockburn: Care about poverty or climate change in #GE2010? Visit for events and hustings. Follow @vote_gl ...,Y 5696,"@KagroX Plate tectonics is one of those scientific ""theories"" like global warming and evolution which will destroy families and raise taxes",N 262,Africa: Time Bomb Awaiting Africa: THERE is no doubt that climate change as an environmental issue ha... [link],Y 5544,Report: Allergy Season to Get Worse with Climate Change. NWF found global warming will likely increase pollen count.,Y 401,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 1245,Ethiopia: Climate Change Increasing Poverty And Vulnerability #africa #solar,Y 60,Check this video out -- The Business of Climate Change Conference 2009 [link],Y 1148,"Person #1:""Snow, then 65 degrees on the same day? Weather doesn't even surprise me anymore."" Person #2:""That's why global warming will win.""",Y 3075,;O One of the proposed solutions to global warming is to grow a large number of trees. This... global warming solutions,Y 632,"Top U.S. Vacation spots becoming endangered. Landscape threatened by global warming, mining, weather, environmental hazard & population",Y 4150,"Climate-Change Skeptics Have Received Fat Checks From ExxonMobil - Newspaper: ExxonMobil Corp., the world's l...",Y 317,Wishing I was in Cochabamba at the People's World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth @boliviaun,Y 1650,#justinbiebersucks and global warming is a farce,N 3341,Climate change and acidification threaten 82 types of coral:,Y 1341,Blog|A preliminary analysis suggests that natural gas could contribute far more to global warming than previously ..,Y 394,Nine scenarios for imminent apocalypseÀ_only one is global warming [link],Y 3157,RT @gemswinc: RT @Milieunet: D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse - Yahoo! News,Y 3177,@larry411 TY for making it clear it's global climate change-- big storms like this part of package. Although this is prob. just el nino yr.,Y 1859,Issue 2 of WIREs Climate Change now available FREE online!,Y 2071,"Don Blankenship Called Safety Regulators ""as Silly as Global Warming""",N 240,URUGUAY: Tools Needed for Those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change [link],Y 3657,"More on why bogus ""global warming consensus"" is fading fast:",N 4093,RT @NRDC_AF: You can demand clean energy. You can fight climate change. Join #thisisourmoment,Y 549,Buying carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt but not global warming [link],Y 5381,PHOTO OF THE DAY: A polar bear in Nunavut. It is listed as threatened & faces critical danger due to global warming.,Y 4717,LOL! RT @ConserValidity Time Magazine: How Global Warming makes Blizzards worse #tcot #teaparty,Y 343,Iceland volcano not likely to slow global warming|A vast cloud from an intensifying volcanic eruption in Iceland .. [link],Y 4657,"D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse: There's scarcely any powder in Vancouver, while Baltimor...",Y 107,RT @quixotecenter: Combating climate change: lessons from the worldÀ_s indigenous peoples [link],Y 583,effects of global warming À_ YouTube À_ Effects of Global Warming Stats: Back with more news for you today. It's ama... [link],Y 2486,RT @mattyglesias: Someone should try a tax cuts & ignore climate change approach to economic growth. History says it can't fail.,N 5554,Obama: China Must Act Soon on Climate Change - CBS News (via @moraqeb),Y 4655,"Im up. Still snowing out there. Dear Al Gore, bite me. Oh wait, your claimign this is now caused by ""climate change"" right. Ass.",N 2237,"DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked?|A thaw of ice caps caused by global warming may ..",Y 2605,RT @WWF_Climate: Looking for great media material on human impact of #climate change? Climate Witness stories #wwf,Y 564,"Since Man can't, Mother Nature to end global warming with volcanoes & earthquakes. #Hekla #Icelandic",Y 3940,Global Warming My Ass!!!! Fuck You AL Gore,N 341,Blog|A preliminary analysis suggests that natural gas could contribute far more to global warming than previously .. [link],Y 5492,Missing Heat Build-up May Affect Future Climate Change | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen),Y 5098,The British public has become increasingly sceptical about #climate change (BBC) via @Flipbooks #News,N 2835,solar thermal application The Solar Power Home And Effects On Global Warming,Y 159,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado [link],Y 4634,RT @Milieunet: D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse - Yahoo! News,Y 2990,@pdigaudio Global warming kills.,Y 1336,How do we solve this global warming thing?,Y 5220,RT @ericbolling Global Warming Update...cont....Major Winter Storm->,Y 5697,"#Climate change, in #Britain at least, is not exclusively a concern of leftist voters.' #may6 #green #news #guardian #election",Y 1283,STATE DEPT. DECLARES: 'Global warming unequivocal and primarily human-induced'... #breaking,Y 5173,50 Tips to reduce Global Warming | Global Warming: 50 Tips to reduce Global Warming Actually we do not require rad...,Y 4862,NOAA Tackles Climate Change - eWeek: CBS NewsNOAA Tackles Climate ChangeeWeekResponding to public demand for clima...,Y 4946,Bad Science Bad Politics The Death o Global Warming,N 4535,RT @DiveSpot: News: Expert: Increasingly Acidic Oceans Reveal Further Impacts Of Climate Change; 'It Is Incontrove...,Y 2700,Now to send an email to a climate change denier. goody,Y 5980,How Have Hominids Adapted to Past Climate Change?,Y 1398,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 8,Y 4420,Matt Ridley on climategate in Spectator:,N 1187,Impacts of Climate Change Extend to Human Health,Y 1538,Global warming implicated in shortened bird migration | Science Codex: Global warming implicated in shortened bird...,Y 146,Cleaner Air Could Speed Global Warming|Hugh Pickens writes \Scientists estimate that the US Clean Air Act has cut .. [link],Y 1104,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado,Y 353,"Think your allergies are bad now? Wait until climate change kicks in, Michig.. [link]",Y 5490,You and Us and Me - Feel free to doubt climate change: just don't deny it (via @NewsOnGreen),Y 1140,RT @christellar: Whale DooDoo could help fight #climate change? Sure! Why not!? [via @Earth_News],Y 622,"Global Warming 'at Point of No Return': Global warming has reached the point of no return, a study published in th... [link]",Y 3903,RT @terryacarter For those doubting global warming because of this snow. Vancouver having warmest Winter on record. It's called a trend line,Y 5125,Something must be done! Moderate Increase in Global Warming Will Wipe Out Many Species #wildlife #green #nature #eco,Y 5297,"Lisa P Jackson, EPA, S Most Ignorant BLACK WOMAN besides Michelle Obama, seen in long time! Global Warming HAs Been DEBUNKED STUPID 'HO!",N 3068,Predicting future climate change via 4000 year old sediments (via @AngelWardriver),Y 2562,@chemicallygreen Point taken ! The words we choose mean everything. 'Support actions that buffer and reduce the impacts of climate change',Y 3445,Ten reasons why examining climate change policy through an ethical lens is a practical imperative,Y 520,Indonesia Tree Program Looks to Reduce Global Warming: Planting trees is one way to help maintain the natural pres... [link],Y 175,MediaGlobal report on special Tipping Point Earth Day event: Science and art mobilize to fight climate change [link],Y 5684,"RT @VRWCTexan: STATE DEPT DECLARES: Global warming unequivocal & primarily human-induced' Vs. ""Poll:4 of 5 Americans don't trust Washington""",Y 1381,Demand Congress take action on climate change. Pls sign the petition.,Y 1589,A preliminary analysis suggests that natural gas could contribute far more to global warming than previously thought.,Y 1087,"Global warming conference set Sunday|Robert Bullard, known as the \Father of Environmental Justice,\ is a .. [link]",Y 4788,SEC wants climate risks disclosed | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters: The SEC now sees climate change as a risk too im...,Y 290,"RT @EpiscopalRelief: Bishop Lane, #Episcopal Dio of #Maine: Climate change most important issue of our time - #Bangor Daily Nws [link]",Y 1259,Climate Change: Geologists Drill Into Antarctica & Find Troubling Signs 4 Ice Sheets' Future À_ Melt Could Come FAST,Y 1438,CODA Automotive Lauded for Innovation and Technology Efforts to Combat Climate Change and Air Pollution,Y 4290,Climate Change Alters Gray Whale Migration,Y 2403,The clothing industry started global warming in the first place. - Yvon Chouinard #FortuneGreen,Y 3692,Utah state representative claims climate change is a 'conspiracy' aimed at population control.,N 18,EPA issues report on U.S. climate change indicators - warming is having measurable effect across ecosystems [link],Y 3191,"RT @digg_sciences: ""D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse"" -",Y 623,"World-Famous Places Endangered by Global Warming: If climatologists' predictions of global warming are right, some... [link]",Y 1198,DonÀ_t Kill Bill À_ Save the Climate Change Accountability Act! via @WiretapMagazine,Y 377,"If capitalism doesnÀ_t end climate change, climate change will end capitalism - #degrowth [link]",Y 3024,#tcot #news : Majority Now Disbelieve Man-Made Global Warming Propaganda (via @survivalstation),N 2385,"Global warming screwed with my lunch!: WTF? No tomatoes on a burger? What is this, Russia?",Y 1499,In Vino Veritas The delicate wine grape has become our best early-warning system for the effects of global warming.,Y 1273,Seasonal Allergies Getting Worse From Climate Change,Y 579,"Why cleaner air could speed global warming: Aerosol pollution, which is now on the downswing, has helped keep the ... [link]",Y 1220, It's time to tackle climate change through wind energy,Y 460,"RT @BluePractice: The clothing industry started global warming in the first place. - Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia #FortuneGreen",Y 626,Latest weapon in global warming fight À_ 'green' cement made from rice [link],Y 614,@Climate change Giant #Glacier Fall in Peru Causes Deadly Tsunami : [link],Y 6088,One-Eyed Golfer: Don't dare tell me about global warming: Twenty-five of the forty-nine golfers making the cut thi...,N 2799,"Party of No-Yup! #PON #GOP #M4TX No, I don't want government. regulating something as vague as ""climate change,"" !",N 189,Alpha Phi Alpha Takes on Climate Change and Energy Efficiency - [link],Y 3543,New Federal Climate Change Agency Forming,Y 1527,"Fighting poverty and global warming in Africa: by Marc Gunther on 04/21/2010 22:10 0 comments , 0 views Rarely do ...",Y 2036,#KCRW GoodFood Blog: Recycling Water; Meat and Global Warming; Peanuts; Rare Grapes,Y 682,"Gagnon, like most liberals you have been duped by the global warming, socialist propaganda. [link]",N 2568,"Kerala is getting hotter and hotter, thank you global warming(sponsored by americans)",Y 565,Blame the volcano trouble on sun and global warming [link],Y 3468,"When I see a warning for ANOTHER 10-20"" of snow I wish girls still used 3 cans of AquaNet per day to speed up the global warming process",N 5774,Is global warming a real problem or a hoax?: by Mark Hopkins Global warming is a real problem but so is proving be...,Y 11,Blog|A preliminary analysis suggests that natural gas could contribute far more to global warming than previously .. [link],Y 102,RT @sciencedaily: Plants remain an effective way of tackling global warming [link],Y 4344,Water at core of climate change impacts-UN experts,Y 5158,Video: Fuel for Climate Change Skeptics: The UN's climate chief admitted scientists made mistakes in a major study...,N 518,"Scientists Say Global Warming Affects Marine Life: In Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, winter flounder no longer re... [link]",Y 5545,"#prediction Time to investigate the socialist, Democrat political manipulation of global warming data. FInes and jail time to follow",N 5879,"Warming Wins Global Warming War - Kiddo, Florida was nice, but you didn't miss too much. Think: NewYork's waiting r...",Y 131,"Climate change increases heat waves, floods|WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deaths from heat waves, property damage from .. [link]",Y 4970,"@jbg7474 The ""global warming movement"" doesn't require ""credibility""; it's based on science. Denials are not, and lack same weight. #p2",Y 5979,TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN': Bill McKibben has been talking about global warming since before it was cool.,Y 268,Join us for a discussion on Earth Day 4/22: Climate Change & Food Security - Irreversible Destiny? [link],Y 4295,"RT @DougBenson: Dear Stupid People Who Think These Winter Storms Means There's No Such Thing As Global Warming, Yo're stupid. Love, Shut up",Y 545,An Explosive Idea: are volcanoes the cure for global warming? [link],Y 1461,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: #climatechange #SaveTerra 7,Y 2511,@sharifkouddous Green Fact: Did you know that Skeptics and Advocates both agree there has been no global warming since 1995? #climate change,N 1125,Arctic rain in April 'is sign of global warming'|The Canadian Arctic has been hit by rain in a sign that the ..,Y 1353,"Think your allergies are bad now? Wait until climate change kicks in, Michig.. (via @greenmichigan)",Y 2528,i can feel the effect of global warming now....i'm suffering....from the heat!!!,Y 1597,"volcano unlikely to slow global warming: By Richard Ingham, AFPApril 16, 2010 4:44 AM An EUMESAT satellite image s...",Y 241,URUGUAY: Tools Needed for Those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change [link],Y 1632,"Top U.S. Vacation spots becoming endangered. Landscape threatened by global warming, mining, weather, environmental hazard & population",Y 597,"volcano unlikely to slow global warming: By Richard Ingham, AFPApril 16, 2010 4:44 AM An EUMESAT satellite image s... [link]",Y 458,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: [link],Y 1304,"Larry Brilliant at TEDxVolcano: ""We have to fight for science; the single most important thing we face is climate change"" #socent #green",Y 2587,"NASA's Gift to Earth: A Climate Change Supercomputer: Just in time for Earth Day, a new NASA data-crunching tool ...",Y 5022,Some Global Warming huh? You were all lied to by Al Gore... he duped you.,N 481,"RT @TheClimateDesk: Lyme disease already costs > $2.5 billion a year, and climate change could make it even pricier. [link]",Y 5278,"EPA says climate change is causing storms, heat waves",Y 1167,Ski resorts fight global warming|SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? Ski resorts across the U.S. are using this Thanksgiving ..,Y 4779,"QUICK, AL GORE, SAY SOMETHING , OBAMA NEEDS A DISTRACTION, TELL US AGAIN THE WORLD IS GOING TO END CAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING.",N 3383,"Todays sci lesson: Warm air holds more moisture, hits cold air == #snowmageddon. So yes, blizzards are sign of global warming.",Y 221,Thursday on PBS: Going Green New York: Examining how New Yorkers are confronting climate change Check local listings [link],Y 4392,"Climate change, pollution are suspects in rusty blackbirds' plummeting numbers",Y 328,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level [link],Y 233,Barrett: better to have lots of small protocols on climate change than pushing for one comprehensive one,Y 4913,RT @guardianeco: From @grist: Tea Party supporters far less informed about climate change than general public,Y 3866,Methane: The New #Climate Change Indicator? (via @huffingtonpost) #green,Y 591,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level [link],Y 1237,"RT @hereisawayjose Bolivia President on Global Warming ""Main cause of Earth destruction is capitalism"" #Green #EarthDay",Y 1287,Southern Africa: Competing for Limpopo Water: Climate change will bring higher temperatures to Southe... #Africa,Y 4799,Krugman makes the case for cap and trade. -- Climate Change - Building a Green Economy -,Y 4847,WINTER WEATHER: Scientists say storm doesn't refute global warming|Global warming may be the last thing on the ..,Y 5859,"Climate Conversation Group ' The Great Global Warming Blunder: 'Believe it or not, [a] potential natural explanati...",N 1421,Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming (,Y 1450,EXCLUSIVE - Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies,Y 4058,Great pic of weather caused by Global Warming alarmists! RT @dnoxon: RT @RoseD1st1: - Hell yes!,N 1378,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 28,Y 5142,Officials back climate change science at Delhi talks - BBC News: New Zealand HeraldOfficials back climate change s...,Y 3774,Homes that are subject to #climate change (pictures):,Y 3376,Due to snow of course RT @Drudge_Report Senate global warming hearing cancelled...,N 4986,Global warming phenomenon -Climate plays a far more important role in economic development:Vohra,Y 3325,Food Research International: The food cold-chain and climate change (abstract),Y 4448,"Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming; New Orleans, much of southern F...",Y 5939,Inconvenient Youth Is the New One-stop Shop for Teens Fighting Climate Change,Y 2597,Japan's cherry blossoms are under threat from climate change:,Y 42,@OTOOLEFAN REAL science. Not Algore's climate change 'science' hacks with their man-made global warming hoax. Gore=Palin,N 3980,"Attention knuckle-draggers: The unusual snowfall in D.C. is BECAUSE of climate change, not in spite of it. #morons",Y 4564,"RT @CatholicClimate: ""The poor will experience most directly the harmful effects of climate change."" -Catholic Bishops",Y 49,Immigration Reform and Climate Change: A Tale of Two Issues in the Senate [link],Y 3144,"FOX ""You can't make this stuff up"": Senate Hearing on Global Warming Cancelled due 2 weather. It ain't warm weather either lemme tell U.",N 6041,Is climate change turning coastal countries into water worlds?:,Y 260,"""Either Capitalism dies or Mother Earth does"" Evo Morales Claims in the People's World Conference on Climate Change [link]",Y 1657,Why isn't @algore upset with the volcano for causing global warming? #climategate,N 2669,"China active, serious in tackling climate change, says vice president",Y 276,"Global Warming, Melting Ice Caps Could Help Trigger More Volcanic Eruptions [link]",Y 2125,"Yeah, about that Global Warming footprint, Al... You hypocritical jackass.",N 589,A preliminary analysis suggests that natural gas could contribute far more to global warming than previously thought. [link],Y 4254,"See, it is just a rumor. RT @zoeart: @Im4tun8 yuck. What global warming.",N 1618,Global warming threatens Armenia by 2C higher temperature,Y 3955,".@BrazilTour 'political barriers, and lack of good data. Weather modification is not climate change: would like to see, back of envelope,",N 2035,Recycling Water; Meat and Global Warming; Peanuts; Rare Grapes ...,Y 4191,To me this winter is proof that God has a sense of humor at the expense of the climate change worshipers.,N 3605,CFP for conference on #indigenous approaches to #environment & #climate change,Y 4805,Agreed! RT @Blano RT @robpas OK -- Still pushing Health Care -- Amazing $$ Not as amazing as new global warming office BS.,N 3754,Videos: How we know humans are changing the climate and climate change is a clear and present danger,Y 3518,"#Commerce @SecLocke on #WhiteHouse #Climate Service proposal: ""Whether we like it or not, climate change represents a real threat.""",Y 272,"Just because I believe in global warming, peeps thinks I should believe in god instead. Why??",Y 4278,"Global warming of course is a worry, it is a worry for the entire world,"" Rogge said.",Y 1403,SEC warns publically held companies to advise investors of risks of #climate change. #CSR,Y 593,Iceland volcano unlikely to slow global warming: scientists [link],Y 5343,Fuck Lindsay Graham & John Kerry on the Climate Change Law! Have they not been Reading the Astute Reaffirmations that it is BUNK SCIENCE?!,N 4108,"If the climate changes long enough, the culture will change; i.e. Harvard University....via Glen Schultz",Y 3264,RT @time D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse - TIME,Y 1780,Sarah Palin On Climate Change #earthday,Y 167,Ski resorts fight global warming|SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? Ski resorts across the U.S. are using this Thanksgiving .. [link],Y 3809,@LamontKingtv LOL I'm just making a funny. But YES global warming is REAL.,Y 501,"Conservation International:: Give a gift that helps prevent climate change, provides habitat for endangered specie... [link]",Y 440,Report Claims Climate Change Is To Blame For Increase Of Allergies [link],Y 1296,Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may trigger more volcanoes|Climate change could spark more ''hazardous'' ..,Y 2619,"After Uganda Nile River expedition, NWNL held there due to Europe's ash. Read about climate change links to volcanoes!",Y 4782,@NiteOwl223 give Egore's climate groupies time2 come up with some hair brained excuse linking man made global warming with all the snow,N 5938,RT @GOODfeed: Inconvenient Youth Is the New One-stop Shop for Teens Fighting Climate Change,Y 3600,On my way to Italy - if I can figure out how to get to Dulles. Battling the climate in the fight to end climate change!,Y 2683,Climate Change Freak via @WiretapMagazine,Y 297,Just briefed on global cooling & volcanoes via @abc But I wonder ... if it gets to the stratosphere can it slow/improve global warming??,Y 5487,Feel free to doubt climate change: just don't deny it | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen),Y 166,Good going douche. I'm sure there is no climate change in your backass world - Graham move imperils Obama agenda - [link],Y 3587,Climate change is transforming the Arctic environment faster than expected & accelerating the disappearance of sea ice:,Y 604,effects of global warming À_ YouTube À_ Impact of Climate Change on ...: There are many predicted effects for the en... [link],Y 5166,Climate change is leading to a decrease in Canada's wolverine population. Which joke to make?,Y 4777,"Hey @algore we're gonna be shoveling a lot of your ""global warming"" tommorow",N 5193,Florida Agencies Issue Global Warming Red Alerts,Y 2823,Axelrod: Climate change needs GOP - The Hill's E2-Wire (via @E2Wire),Y 274,Seasonal Allergies Getting Worse From Climate Change [link],Y 5507,"State of the Birds* Report Shows Climate Change Impacts to Wetland, G... | Hu.. (via @NewsOnGreen)",Y 3726,I hate winter. I'm a big fan of global warming. #thatsright,Y 434,RT @Drudge_Report: STATE DEPT. DECLARES: 'Global warming unequivocal and primarily human-induced'... [link],Y 3817,"US Government Finds that Pika is ""Not at Risk"" from Climate Change: The U.S. Government will p... #climate #WWFUS #WWF",Y 1542,UW biologist links early blooms to global warming: A researcher says plants in central Wisconsin are flowering ear...,Y 1664,COW FARTS EXONERATED FROM GLOBAL WARMING Al Gore sighs HUGE relief....from his rectum #cbiz #tcot #sgp #teaparty #ucot,N 3820,"""Too much change is not a good thing. Just ask the climate."" - Michael Scott",Y 438,CODA Automotive Lauded for Innovation and Technology Efforts to Combat Climate Change and Air Pollution [link],Y 2178,"66% of Hispanics: ""tackling climate change should be a 'high' or 'very high' priority"":",Y 2713,"The average american does more to reduce global warming emissions by not eating meat, eggs, and dairy than by switching to a hybrid car",Y 5934,"@nryan Nope, it was global warming.",Y 2260,PHOTOS: Ten Environmental Losses of 2009: Global Warming Not Going Gently,Y 5667,RT @newsbusters New Special Report! Networks Hide the Decline in Credibility of Climate Change Science (Please RT!),N 486,RT @fishmark: Wine grapes have become our best early-warning system for the effects of global warming. [link],Y 5274,These guys just make me sick @CO2HOG Reid set to move on climate change bill -- before immigration... #tcot,N 1164,"GLOBAL WARMING: Ocean chemistry is changing faster than it has in 800,000 years|And that's because of the carbon ..",Y 2428,"Vattenfall's CEO on clean energy, and not being a 'lone wolf' on climate change",Y 4160,"Ppl can't think 4 themselves they'll cont 2 believe global warming, even believe snow storms prove it. Idiots are so malleable. #climategate",N 1659,@psiryu Hmmm so global warming is a fraud!,N 1455,EXCLUSIVE - Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies,Y 2282,Never has a public-policy agenda been pursued with so little regard for scientific fact or for public opinion. The Global-Warming Tax. #tcot,N 423,For #EarthDay Global warming could affect patient symptoms [link],Y 3865,Preparing for the Global Warming event this weekend. (@ Costco),Y 121,Wed @sciam podcast: Mountain Vs. Valley Temps Stretch Apart With Climate Change [link],Y 6008,"Finally read Krugman's ""Climate Change - Building a Green Economy"" - - definitely worthwhile.",Y 4399,"Global Warming Dent's El Ni'o's Protective Shield From Atlantic Hurricanes, Increase Droughts",Y 228,For Earth Day: Resources on coping with climate change: [link],Y 1510,"Topography of Mountains Could Complicate Rates of Global Warming: ScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 2010) À_ A new study concl...",Y 515,Ocean currents still strong despite global warming|Researchers at NASA have discovered that the ocean currents .. [link],Y 325,The need to switch to renewable energy|Climate scientists have long warned us that global warming is accelerating .. [link],Y 2389,Why not clean up air in the most polluted communities while also addressing #climate change?,Y 2781,"no one is dying because of health care or al gore's climate change. there is no rush, all these con artists are doing is stealing money.",N 576,Why cleaner air could speed global warming | Air Pollution News [link],Y 418,Health effects are a big deal. RT @EPSclimate: Impacts of Climate Change Extend to Human Health [link],Y 4087,"Duh: Global warming full of uncertainties, admit climate scientists #warmers",N 671,computer forensics experts: are there still any idiots out there that belive global warming is true? [link],N 3568,"@algore How is your global warming going there in your DC office? Hope yo're nice and toasty...oh wait, #climategate is a scam. thnx #fail",N 3838,RT @OperationFree Op Free and QDR in sync: climate change threatens national security.,Y 3619,@lowkell lies? Who could seriouly believe in global warming after this?,N 2789,"RT @MarkKrajnak: Annnnd....we have snow.. (Annnnd more snow, and more snow and even more snow - must be global warming)",N 5826,Semi-Believable Evidence that Climate Change Causes Earthquakes and Volcanoes,Y 1149,Just heard an interesting report on report on understanding climate change/climate variability influence on human evolution and dispersal,Y 205,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report [link],Y 1117,CLIMATE CHANGE: Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon,Y 4258,"Scientists: Global warming real despite harsh winter: By JEFF MONTGOMERY _´ The News Journal _´ February 9, 2010 Glo...",Y 484,EPA issues report on U.S. climate change indicators - warming is having measurable effect across ecosystems [link],Y 2091,Where's the Real Roadblock to Climate Change and Clean Energy Legislation in the US?,Y 1263,Buying carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt but not global warming:,Y 3117,Post Carbon: Does all this snow mean that global warming is over? #snowverkill #snowpocalypse,Y 2399,"RT @BayCityTimes: Think your allergies are bad now? Wait until climate change kicks in, Michigan group says",Y 1368,Climate Change Continues To Melt Glacier National Park's Icons | National P.. (via @nat_parks_news),Y 3062,"Want to play golf tomorrow, but think ""Global Warming"" won't let me. Remains very cold for Houston. #tcot, #right, #rightblogs, #teaparty",N 2338,The Key to Fixing Global Warming? China|Energy secretary Steven Chu wants to change the way people think about ..,Y 1114,"Climate change melts two glaciers|BILLINGS, Mont. ? Glacier National Park has lost two more of its namesake ..",Y 495,New facts support global warming case: Recent letter-writer Charles Kesner is either out-of-touch with reliable ne... [link],Y 3744,"@JulieJoyce I studied earth science as an undergrad & grad student, this is proven science fact, not open to debate like global ""warming""",N 137,"#EPA report documents ""very real"" impacts from #climate change in 22 of 24 indicators studied: [link]",Y 1402,"Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness. -",Y 427,See how CCX Member Motorola is working to be part of the solution in addressing the climate change challenge: [link],Y 4080,"@conoverbeth I think the report is valuable in terms of visible, observable climate change impacts in the US right now (but no invlvmnt)",Y 680,#ALMS Let me politely suggest that I DO NOT WATCH MOTORSPORTS TO BE LECTURED ON IMAGINARY GLOBAL WARMING! #nascar,N 430,RT @MotherJones: Yet another gift from global warming: increased allergy attacks [link],Y 1303,"Larry Brilliant at #TEDxVolcano: ""We have to fight for science; the single most important thing we face is climate change"" #socmedia @enviro",Y 2727,Utah House Passes Resolution Implying Climate Change Conspiracy | (via @Jercope),N 1358,All 30 Major League Baseball Teams Throw Curve to Climate Change Deniers,Y 4756,"RT @wsmco: if yo're one of the 10s of thousands without power from the blizzard and you voted for this global warming dipshit, i'm glad yo're f-d.",N 6039,"Global warming' really just about control: In December 2009, 141 scientists sent a letter to the United Nations S...",N 4721,"Roses are red, violets are blue, global warming causes BVOCs, so take some time and save the trees",Y 3933,RT @boliviaun: Guardian: Bolivia climate change talks to give poor a voice - Groups on frontline of global warming head to #cochabamba,Y 4980,"Bahuguna says country will face problems due to global warming|Pune, Feb 7 : Eminent social worker Sundarlal ..",Y 1501,"Conservation International:: Give a gift that helps prevent climate change, provides habitat for endangered specie...",Y 1466,"Effort to remake America's energy future and fight global warming could be harmed, or spurred, by Gulf #oilspill:",Y 3331,RT @newsbusters: Brilliant: 'Vagina Monologues' Creator Tells Palin to Look at 'Earthquakes and Tsunamis' for Global Warming Proof,Y 253,Global warming evidence all around us|A message to global warming deniers and doubters: Just look around our .. [link],Y 4461,RT @Flipbooks The British public has become increasingly sceptical about #climate change (BBC) #News,N 5299,What Climate Change Means for the Wine Industry | Wired Science | (via @scienceRSS),Y 1423,For #EarthDay Global warming could affect patient symptoms classic post,Y 5957,My good economist view of Global warming is confusing my class b/c no one thinks profit when talking about Global warming,Y 1432,"Are you ready for climate change, if so let your lawmakers know, how tell them sign petitions, drop a hint :)",Y 2238,"DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked?: A thaw of ice caps in coming decades caused by g...",Y 5978,"@DarylT well, you can see how it would contribute to global warming.",Y 2687,Post: I would like to set up some scientific test that will prove man is causing global warming?,Y 1299,RT @Newsweek: Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos),Y 1224,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming,Y 4007,:) There is No Man Made Climate Crisis (Global Warming is a Hoax) global warming,N 562,Photo: We dare someone tell us that climate change isn't real. [link],Y 1111,"CLIMATE CHANGE: Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon, Say Activists",Y 5227,"RT @NSF: ""Missing"" Heat May Affect Future Climate Change: Current observational tools cannot account for roughly half..",Y 2942, How can we stop global warming in small ways? ;O stop global warming,Y 2585,@sendboyle I don't believe enough will be done to stop ireversable climate change. Big business is more important. Earth will die slowly.,Y 5797,"@BECKSTERinc ,We r going state to state to make sure no teachers shove the global warming hoax down any young impressionable kids throats!!",N 3242,"RT @EmpressCGC: Finally, Rebuttal to 'Snow Means No Global Warming' Nonsense Aired in Mainstream Media (Video) (via @TreeHugger)",Y 5229,"How to Shape a Global Approach to Climate Change: More Davos, Less Denmark",Y 4731,D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse (TIME) #news,Y 3503,"Oceans reveal further impacts of climate change, says UAB expert (via @EcoInteractive)",Y 83,Recycling Water; Meat and Global Warming; Peanuts; Rare Grapes ... [link],Y 3976,Climate change in U.S.: Trees in Colorado dying. Not enough water in Calif. Hurricane Katrina as act of man. #catholicsmg10,Y 1536,"Daniel C. Esty: Climate Change Plan B: Bringing down greenhouse gas emissions with a ""cap and trade"" system of tr...",Y 5956,Addressing Climate Change: Winning the War on Sustainability,Y 1212,Treating Climate Change as a Curable Disease: Bioethicists and international law experts met in Asilomar later las...,Y 4982,"The global warming movement as we have known it is dead,' :",N 3421,"Geoengineering is a diplomatic nightmare for the same basic reasons that climate change is a diplomatic nightmare, but worse. Why? (cont'd)",Y 4615," 15 Months Ago, RFK Jr., Said Global Warming Would Mean No More Snow In D.C.",N 3974,! crop production Global Warming: Melting Away! | The Doc Is In,Y 1647,hide the decline is the global warming nut jobs current policy its all a epic scam they are lying to the world #climategate #tcot #p2,N 3073,"Diigo link: How climate-change fanatics corrupted science (Michael Barone, RCP)",N 5559,Farmers at the frontline of climate change,Y 334,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level [link],Y 3920,RT @OTOOLEFAN I'm embarrassed to live in a country where elected officials cite a snowstorm as proof that global warming is a hoax.,Y 4746,How do we solve this global warming thing?,Y 4566,MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism - Times Online: Sounds just like the Global Warming HOAX,N 5849,I wish there was less global warming in Iceland and more in my pants.,Y 6079,"Bats, Birds and Lizards Can Fight Climate Change - Birds, bats and lizards may play an important role in Earth's cl...",Y 3684,Harsh Winter Caused by Climate Change:,Y 3707,Historic snow storm in washington-third this year-where is al gore to explain it snows this heavily as a sign global warming is imminent,N 3533,"@dcseth my ""side"" is science, & it's well-founded. Politics involved, but only b/c we have to deal w/ your climate change denying nonsense.",Y 2678,Why does former VP Al Gore continue to perpetuate the fantasy of 'Man-Caused Global Warming'? ' No Political Lemmings,N 1481,"RT @TheClimateDesk: Lyme disease already costs > $2.5 billion a year, and climate change could make it even pricier.",Y 1640,Gulf Coast spill better give Climate Change Legislation some momentum. It's a bigger tragedy than we're even aware of yet. #P2,Y 321,Cochabamba Summit Offers New Approach to Combating Climate Change [link],Y 1233,Barrett: better to have lots of small protocols on climate change than pushing for one comprehensive one,Y 1767,Alexia Parks: Global Warming of the Heart|Earth Day is over. Or is it? Thousands of conscious actions took place ..,Y 2679,"Post: How to Stop Global Warming climate change, global warming",Y 611,"SubTropolis, U.S.A. - A creative solution to global warming 100 feet below ground. [link]",Y 258,"Climate Change: Could NYC Get Katrina-Like Flood in a Warmer, Wetter Future? - Sea Level Rise of 2 Feet in 70yrs [link]",Y 5403,"RT @traciskene: On Earth Day, if Al Gore sees his shadow, we have six more weeks of climate change.",N 4626,"RT @sciam: Romanticism undone: Invasive species, global warming taking toll on plants at Thorea's Walden Pond",Y 3324,NOAA Releases Wealth of Climate Change Data to Public (via my6sense),Y 1575,Volcanic ash is a good thing. Blocks the sun's heat. Lessens air travel. Bye bye global warming. #fb,Y 313,À_No Rain in the Amazon: How South AmericaÀ_s Climate Change Affects Entire PlanetÀ_ -Interview of Nikolas Kozloff (vid) [link],Y 1456,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: #climatechange #SaveTerra 3,Y 2968,"RT @Qorianka So excited. In Cochabamba 4 the World ppl's Conference on Climate Change & the Rights of Mother Earth, !!!",Y 1330,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level,Y 165,"GLOBAL WARMING: Ocean chemistry is changing faster than it has in 800,000 years|And that's because of the carbon .. [link]",Y 5288,"USA: Weekly Climate Change Policy Update - April 26, 2010",Y 333,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level [link],Y 3462,RT @ClimateScam: #climategate : Weather apparently only relevant when global warming is supported.,N 2805,. Global Warming: Melting Away! | The Doc Is In effects of global warming,Y 2962,Lawmaker: Climate change just ruse to control population (via @sminfowars),N 4630,Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change,Y 4033,"""Cambio clim_àtico y poblaci_Ñn."" #tcot #icot Global Warming skepticism finally made it to Latin America. #climatechange",N 3218,The effects of Al Gore's 'global warming' #tcot #climategate @algore #snowpocalypse #dc #va,N 3208,Global warming resp. for massive blizzards (Time),Y 2368,Greenpeace - Making Waves: Greenpeace at the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth,Y 574,@GregMitch has there been any reporting on if the increase in sediment in upper atmospher could reduce global warming effect by reducing sun,Y 656,RT @Climate scam another warmist has to be rescued from Arctic cold Global warming activist 'transported ... [link],N 419,Climate change causing change in ocean chemistry at unprecedented rate. [link],Y 3419,@ClaireForman Climate change is still real. I can't believe people still debate this. Scientists don't.,Y 4256,causes of global warming What do you think causes global warming?,Y 3502,RT @redostoneage Two physicists scientific paper debunking global warming & how it violates basic laws of physics,N 304,"Larry Brilliant at TEDxVolcano: ""We have to fight for science; the single most important thing we face is climate change"" #socent #green",Y 201,RT @Oxfam: #Climate change makes farmers & pastoralists in #Ethiopia increasingly vulnerable [link],Y 2194,"Brooke's 'Green' Worries: POP TARTS: Shields says she is disturbed by reports that global warming doesn't exist, w...",Y 1240,URUGUAY: Tools Needed for Those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change #cleantech,Y 4981,"I'm sick of hearing global warming crap, it's a natural thing! if we didn't exist it'd happen anyway!",N 450,EXCLUSIVE - Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies [link],Y 429,Interesting point re: why macro-probs like global warming are never solved: politicians need only solve immediate probs for re-election,Y 1246,Ethiopia: Climate Change Increasing Poverty And Vulnerability: Small-scale farmers and pastoralists i... #Africa,Y 2349,The Key to Fixing Global Warming? China: Energy secretary Steven Chu wants to change the way people think about gl...,Y 631,celebrate Earth Day by signing Declaration of Energy Independence to show the Senate we demand action on climate change [link],Y 2502,"RT @KeraCA: Finally, Obama seems ready to get tough on a #climate change bill. -",Y 1492,Cleaner Air Could Speed Global Warming,Y 1262,Africa: Time Bomb Awaiting Africa: THERE is no doubt that climate change as an environmental issue ha... #Africa,Y 616,Can you feel the shift in consciousness? -- 3K Businesses Create New Ad for Climate Change Action - [link],Y 6084,It's 83_Á and climbing in NYC. August weather for the first day of May! Unbelievable! Chalk it up to global warming?,Y 158,"M Report: Cleaner Air Could Actually Intensify Global Warming: As much of the world marked Earth Day this past week, the Environmental...",Y 5799,RT @TreeHugger Global warming for dummies: EPA releases new Climate Change Indicators report,Y 2043,PODCAST: Recycling Water; Meat and Global Warming; Peanuts; Rare Grapes #KCRW's Good Food,Y 2173,E.P.A. Makes Its Case on Climate Change: The E.P.A. releases a glossy report to help Americans make sense of clima...,Y 150,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado [link],Y 1430,RT @MotherJones: Yet another gift from global warming: increased allergy attacks #p2,Y 5856,"DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked ...: DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Ea...",Y 252,"UW biologist links early blooms to global warming|Associated Press - April 21, 2010 6:15 AM ET STEVENS POINT, .. [link]",Y 4960,Australian drought linked to climate change; more snow in E Antarctica = less rain in Oz #350ppm #climate,Y 148,"Person #1:""Snow, then 65 degrees on the same day? Weather doesn't even surprise me anymore."" Person #2:""That's why global warming will win.""",Y 2112,RT @gb_Joe: The tolerant left: deny climate change and yo'd be guilty of a crime against peace,N 1646,I truly Fat ASS Gore should get the Scam Artist Award of the decade with his Global Warming and Energy Credits worth close to Billion.,N 396,DC: *FT Work for Greenpeace to STOP GLOBAL WARMING - $12-$13/hr*: Get Involved! Call now 202-595-3368 Greenpeac... [link],Y 4643,"Vry Inrstg RT @Atlantic_Wire: DC: ""OK already, we believe in Climate Change!"" Snow conts. 2 pile up. What's the reason?",Y 5001,"Despite the sceptics, climate change must remain a priority: (via @EcoSteward)",Y 2965,Is climate change hiding the decline of maple syrup? (via @digg_sciences),Y 4650,"@Michelinah42 Assuming that site is legit, it explains connection b/t what we call global warming & climate change....",Y 2404,Extreme allergies: @NWF's new report on how #climate change is making spring even more sniffly:,Y 255,Global warming evidence all around us|A message to global warming deniers and doubters: Just look around our .. [link],Y 93,"Plants effective way of tackling global warming|Washington, Apr 30 : Plant leaves account for less than one per .. [link]",Y 4454,Enlisting a drug discovery technique in the battle against global warming :) acs,Y 4477,@wilshipley I think given the scale and implications of climate change people look for plausible deniability instead of nutting up. Sad.,Y 2408,@GT1802 am V well thanx..hope u r 2. Enjoying the weather b4 it breaks and gets cold again :( much 4 global warming eh ?!,N 5032,PAPER: The great global warming collapse... #breaking,N 103,"So far in that class I have gotten into ""heated discussion"" with global climate change denier and w/ student that nothing is ""their fault.""",Y 4447,"@1HotItalian First it was global cooling, then it was global warming, now it's climate change (AKA ""weather""). Simple! :) #tcot",N 2459,Global Warming Evidence,Y 2525,"The benefits of the eco car:Lower greenhouse gas emissions impacting climate change, Lower levels of pollutants being pumped into the air",Y 404,Save the Whales and They'll Save Us from Global Warming [link],Y 1588,SCIENCE: Scientists explore the evolution of climate change,Y 95,"Plants effective way of tackling global warming|Washington, Apr 30 : Plant leaves account for less than one per .. [link]",Y 4103,good luck What can our families do to help stop global warming? ;),Y 5162,Federal agency denies endangered species protections for tiny pika|Climate change might be hurting some ..,Y 4653,RT @change The Geological Society of America rejects global warming theory & member speaks out (via @rebeccawalker),N 4817,Rachel Harris- @WEDO_worldwide- Gender & Climate Change & Renata Sivacolundhu- UNDPI @UNinfo - the UN & Human Rights with AU.,Y 5945,The global warming/climate change folks should switch their message to fighting pollution.,N 2917,Only two of 10 climate reduction proposals from developed world to #Copenhagen would keep global warming below 2_ÁC...,Y 1498,RT @panteraonca07: Slideshow of Alaska Before the Effects of Global Warming,Y 337,How do we solve this global warming thing? [link],Y 4636,@newsbusters That's not what I said. I said that snowstorms don't refute global warming.,Y 98,US Generals say: Climate Change Threatens America's Security: The Pentagon has made it well known that it consider... [link],Y 412,Got Allergies? -- By: Jonah Goldberg: Blame global warming. From Time magazine: Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame ... [link],Y 5753,"Global warming? Great!: ""The threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing,"" President Ob...",Y 1602,Obama: China must act on climate change,Y 3041,Astronaught posts beautiful pic of the Maldives from space - islands set to sink due to impacts of #climate change,Y 3232,"@phraim definitely white picket, lol. man, this apocolyptic weather is not to be effed with. global warming? el ni_Ðo?",Y 4041,"Al Gore preached his climate change, he wanted us all 2 CARE, but after all was said & done, the evidence wasn't THERE #libpoems #tcot #sgp",N 4262,Washington DC takes a Snow Day!!! Global Warming? I don't think so! #IPCC #climate #climategate #p2 #tlot #tcot #jokes,N 4827,Global Warming Makes Trees Grow Faster,Y 374,Study: SE Asia will be hit hard by climate change [link],Y 3536,"RT @davidcorndc: Can someone please explain to conservatives that with climate change, some areas will get colder and weather patterns will shift.",Y 4239,"Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming; New Orleans, much of southern F...",Y 1673,Dear Global Warming people: It is 52 degrees in S. CA on 4/23. Heat on. [contents of this message are copyrighted and property of author.],N 225,"rt @democracy_now ""Most Important Event in Struggle Against Climate Change"" - Nigerian Environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey [link]",Y 1308,"Global warming to impact wheat, rice production in India|Ludhiana, Apr 18 : Scarcity of water will have a serious ..",Y 1587,Ocean Saltiness Getting Weird À_ Blame Global Warming: IndyPosted (blog) A study conducted by scientists at Austral...,Y 5122,Positive Proof of Global Warming! [PIC],Y 327,"Climate Change culprit for ""Off-the-Charts"" Pollen Counts... [link]",Y 3095,:O do you know any ways we can help stop global warming? global warming,Y 3676,"RT @glbarry: Michael Scott, Dunder Mifflin/Sabre: ""Change really isn't a good thing. Just ask the climate.""",Y 395,"If capitalism doesnÀ_t end climate change, climate change will end capitalism - #degrowth [link]",Y 778,Don Blankenship Calls Efforts On Mine Safety Regulation 'As Silly As Global Warming' [link],N 5703,"Gregory Unruh: Oven Dial or Light Switch: Carbon Lock-in and Abrupt Climate Change: Well over a decade ago, I bec...",Y 4342,"Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming; New Orleans, much of southern F...",Y 2460,RT @globalalert: 10 things you can do to reduce global warming _,Y 3715,RT @NathanWurtzel: I am assured scientists at East Anglia are working hard to show #snOMG was caused by global warming. Numbers almost,N 122,Mountain Vs. Valley Temps Stretch Apart With Climate Change [link],Y 3285,How global warming makes bizzards WORSE! #snowtorious #snowmageddon,Y 2726,"Climate Denial Crock of the Week: ""It's cold. So there's no Climate Change"" | WWF Climate Blog (via @WWFUS)",Y 2093,#news Dissecting those 'Overpopulation' Numbers: Part One ' Population Where?: Is global warming caused by too,Y 5694,"Kerry climate change law could be the first step to getting a comprehensive, clean energy policy!",Y 2131,E.P.A. Makes Its Case on Climate Change - Green Blog - #green #climate change #environment,Y 521,Earth Day report: climate change is endangering our health: [link],Y 2549,RT @OlipVia RT @ChiaLiciouss Global Warming kill us slowly :( panas gilaaa....,Y 624,"Green' cement made from rice may help tackle global warming|London, April 13 : With the increasing rise in the .. [link]",Y 2957,"HOW ABOUT ALL THAT SNOW IN THE WASHINGTON AREA ? HOW'S THAT ""GLOBAL WARMING"" WORKING OUT FOR YOU MR. AL GORE ?",N 4040,"Al Gore preached his climate change, he wanted us all 2 CARE, but after all was said & done, the evidence wasn't THERE #libpoems #tcot #sgp",N 380,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 1675,"@Cubachi you are so on target, Bullshit is even better than the climate change hoax & Gore /Climate change is bullshit #leadersdebate #fact",N 2421,Help make the Great Global Warming Blunder a Bestseller! It's currently ranked #28 on Amazon (#8 in Nonfiction)!,N 2072,Coal CEO Calls Mine Safety Rules 'As Silly As Global Warming',N 1380,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 30,Y 2239,"DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked?: A thaw of ice caps in coming decades caused by g...",Y 2533,Organic agriculture: a guide to climate change and food security,Y 4238,Just had a near perfect shooting of an upcoming Greenpeace video about the global warming denyers. Great work everyone!,Y 554,Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may trigger more volcanoes [link],Y 2172,E.P.A. Makes Its Case on Climate Change: The E.P.A. releases a glossy report to help Americans make sense of clima...,Y 4501,Is the Giant Squid Invasion due to Global Warming? -,Y 1619,Climate change deadly? Scientists suspect global warming may be contributing to strange deaths of Arctic birds.,Y 3058,"The Global Climate: Yes, Its Still Warming stop global warming :)",Y 344,reading from @time Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming [link],Y 367,Reinvent Cities to Stop Climate Change [link],Y 1629,"Clean Technology Industry Forecast is Strong Due to Global Warming Concerns ...: April 12, 2010 (MMD Newswire) -- ...",Y 5903,Theologian: 'Climate Change Is the Totalitarian's Dream Come True' @CNSNews_com,N 4707,RT @disturbedwater: DC snowstorm: how global warming makes blizzards worse (via @TIME),Y 3739,The GOP really cannot grasp that snow in one state doesn't refute global climate change. Idiots:,Y 1579,"Why cleaner air could speed global warming: Aerosol pollution, which is now on the downswing, has helped keep the ...",Y 1918,"@madlyv really, wtf?! global warming? : )",N 4590,GayandRight: Global warming kills livestock in Mongolia....: Aid groups have described piles of dead animals and w...,Y 4070,@GovernAmerica Yo're bluffing. There is overwhelming consensus among climate scientists for the basic global warming narrative.,Y 424,Just signed an #earthday petition to take action on climate change via @rockthevote: [link],Y 3880,RT @huffingtonpostz Canada's Wolverine Population Declines As Result Of Climate Change <- and lack of more X-Men sequels,Y 3669,India abandons UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as untrustworthy,N 3386,Our 'watchdog press' enabled the global warming hoax:,N 261,RT @rubberstamprosk: RT @MotherJones: Yet another gift from global warming: increased allergy attacks [link],Y 1130,South Asian nations to fight climate change: Foreign ministers of eight South Asian nations met in this secluded H...,Y 1915,Los Angeles: A religious spin on climate change,Y 508,"The Key to Fixing Global Warming China | Magazine: It's late November 2009, and US energy secretary Steven Chu is ... [link]",Y 670,"Your Voice: The fraud of global warming: by Tim Michael Case, Tracy Since the early 1970s, our public school syste... [link]",N 3408,Snowmageddon' in DC and we still can't see global warming/weirding at work. Theologians call it 'willful blindness.',Y 5019,Atmospheric carbon dioxide that is causing climate change is also negatively affecting the marine environment ^AB,Y 426,"Global warming: Believe it - Vallejo Times-Herald: Your editorial on global warming (""Keeping the debate honest,"" ... [link]",Y 3790,"@whpatterson because of climate change, of course. KIDDINGGGGGGGG",N 618,Global warming threatens Armenia by 2C higher temperature [link],Y 5210,"RT @blogdiva: RT @NavyNews: Global warming on Navy radar. ""New"" normal for the Arctic is to be not completely frozen. New normal?",Y 4937,Arctic climate changing fast: Climate change is transforming the Arctic environment faster than expected and accel...,Y 1892,RT @GClugo: RT @guardianscience Climate scientist sues newspaper for 'poisoning' global warming debate #p2 #tcot,Y 2281,New blog post about competing or complementary corporate financial disclosure rules for #climate change liability,Y 5870,RT @G_Lauricella: Is Climate Change Genocide?,Y 3259,New on -- Hannity: Snow Storms 'Contradict Gore's Global Warming Theories' --,N 1546,"RT @WGofNYC Leader of National Indigenous Women's Org, ""Climate Change is Not Just abt the Climate, its abt R Lives""",Y 5195,Predicting future climate change through sediments #science #research,Y 160,"Global warming is a threat, after all|Tim Blair rounds up the latest news from the wild frontiers of global .. [link]",Y 3539,@DavidCornDC Another DC snowstorm? Where's the global warming?,N 1265,"RT @EcoSteward: This #EcoMonday, @InvasiveNotes discussion of climate change and invasive species recommended:",Y 1569,Reinvent Cities to Stop Climate Change | Green Living Ideas #cities #climate #eco,Y 2303,"@climatecentral's Ben Strauss: ""We are inviting the planet to humble us"" via climate change, other enviro ills.",Y 1463,Filmmaker Travels The Globe To Find People Fighting Climate Change ...,Y 3642,The power is out. This is fun. At least I have beer. Global warming=fail.,N 33,the scientific community was scamed by global green gov warming scam.,N 4285,"@Lisa_Michele Yeah, it's not like Global Warming is real or anything. How does one justify something FAKE?",N 381,Demand Congress take action on climate change. Pls sign the petition. [link],Y 1131,"Climate change increases heat waves, floods|WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deaths from heat waves, property damage from ..",Y 1637,"Climate change affects subterranean ecosystems|Changes above the ground, such as a higher concentration of carbon ..",Y 4552,Check this out - the cost of climate change:,Y 2565,RT @gb_Joe: The tolerant left: deny climate change and yo'd be guilty of a crime against peace,Y 400,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 8,Southern Africa: Competing for Limpopo Water: Climate change will bring higher temperatures to Southe... [link],Y 4242,"Global Warming Dent's El Ni'o's Protective Shield From Atlantic Hurricanes, Increase Droughts",Y 169,"Bats, Birds and Lizards Can Fight Climate Change By Eating Insects: Birds, bats and lizards may play an important... [link]",Y 4512,Climate Change Watch India: Air Pollution Control,Y 469,#California taking the lead on #climate change: [link],Y 2114,At the #PEN talk on climate at Met. @Revkin offers a useful note of realism. Climate change is in our heads-and we need to change our heads,N 1580,Why cleaner air could speed global warming,Y 136,Arctic Beauty in Black and White: Alaska Before the Effects of Global Warming [Slide Show]: Toward the end of Wor... [link],Y 3516,"@syancyfox5 now its 14""-20 FML i sorry but I htink im going team Plain global warming does not exist",N 1377,"If capitalism doesnÀ_t end climate change, climate change will end capitalism - #degrowth",Y 1382,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 31,Y 3065,Climate change has high costs and very distributed benefits,Y 2550,"what a hot &humid summer we r running through.please minimise the effects of global warming,get us rid from abnormal weather change.",Y 1979,Global Warming of the Heart: Earth Day is over. Or is it? Thousands -- perhaps millions -- of conscious actions t...,Y 1372,"China active, serious in tackling climate change, says vice president | Humani.. (via @NewsOnGreen)",Y 4576,Jerry Brown's global warming revenge?: Backers of a proposed ballot initiative to suspend California's landmark gl...,Y 5082,should tie a liberal global warming scum to front of every snowplow in dc. and drag morons who voted for them behind it.,N 4441,"@LaurenConrad Oh. Well, there goes the global warming theory LOL",N 3499,"RFK, Jr. 15 months ago: Global warming means no snow or cold in DC",Y 1610,Global Warming Likely to Worsen Allergies in Maine: That's according to a new report released today by the Nationa...,Y 1612,Global warming or unemployment...choose your own disaster?: By Max Jacobs Companies producing greenhouse gases in ...,Y 4920,Disclosing the real risks of climate change,Y 5268,"Plan now for climate change, says researcher > FOODweek Online > Main Features Page (via @FOODweek)",Y 4690,"Look, It's Snowing! So Much for ""Global Warming,"" Eh, Jim DeMint?: If you live anywhere between DC and Bo... #politics",N 3594,"RT @joshtpm global warming prolly real in New York, but big scam in DC",N 457,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: [link],Y 444,"Rejoice, NY Times mentions crop wild relatives in article about adapting agriculture to climate change [link]",Y 4604,"MADE UP NUMBERS, FALSE DATA, EAST COAST BURIED IN SNOW, REASON TO KEEP PUSHING GLOBAL WARMING IS ONLY TO HAVE CONTROL OF OUR MONEY",N 1409,Climate change and Why Your Allergies Are Getting Worse /via @MotherJones,Y 3098,"Hill devotes article to baseless global warming attacks, Gore bashing",Y 259,Climate Change: Geologists Drill Into Antarctica & Find Troubling Signs 4 Ice Sheets' Future À_ Melt Could Come FAST [link],Y 144,"Higher temperature, sea level due to global warming|KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's average temperature has risen by 1.1 .. [link]",Y 1935,Environmental Groups Praise BASIC Meeting on Climate Change: Environmental groups are giving qualified praise to a...,Y 640,Gulf Coast spill better give Climate Change Legislation some momentum. It's a bigger tragedy than we're even aware of yet. #P2,Y 4122,";O From Maple Syrup to Snow Pack, Global Warming Happening Here and stop global warming",Y 1229,Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle,Y 453,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: [link],Y 4938,"George Perkins: Clean Energy Jobs Act vital to reduce global warming, create jobs, cut pollution|Dear Editor: I ..",Y 1199,RT @Oxfam #Climate change makes farmers & pastoralists in #Ethiopia increasingly vulnerable #earthday,Y 1596,Global warming may make cricket bats history: London: Cricket is facing a bizarre threat following a European Unio...,Y 494,EXCLUSIVE - Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies [link],Y 1174,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado,Y 5197,Predicting future climate change through sediments #energy #green,Y 1591,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level,Y 2773,Reuters AlertNet - Accelerated migration and climate change a 'recipe for social disaster'-UN (via @alertnetclimate),Y 5084,Economics Must Align with Climate Change #energy,Y 529,Spring Comes 10 Days Earlier In U.S. Due To Climate Change: [link],Y 582,Why cleaner air could speed global warming [link],Y 1468,Arctic Ice Loss Accelerating Global Warming: Research: TopNews New Zealand Global warming may be getting worse tha...,Y 1775,RT @TribecaFilmFest: RT @jpatricof: @jessicaalba and sebastian copeland at premiere of climate of change right now #tribeca,Y 5339,CLIMATE CHANGE REGULATION IS A STUPID THOUGHT & WASTE OF TIME! BEEN DISPROVED BY ONES WHO INITIATED HYPOTHOSYS! IDIOTS!,N 2746,"Global warming is POUNDING the East coast with snow. Don't ask me how it works, I'm just reporting. #tcot, #right, #rightblogs, #teaparty",Y 2343,From @wired: The Key to Fixing Global Warming? China,Y 2379,Hurrah - #NDP Climate Change Bill passes report stage vote: one step closer to real targets to stop climate change! #cdnpoli,Y 6013,Cal) probably represent the views of global warming skeptics.,N 115,"CLIMATE CHANGE: Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon, Say Activists [link]",Y 172,scary RT @ClimateProject Climate change altering U.S. seasons: Spring 10 days early: [link],Y 5073,@oxchris the snow should be blamed on global warming.. I mean global cooling.. I mean.. Oh you know.. It's all bull anyway!,N 5192,I do love seeing ice chunks in the East River. It's like our little Earth is just fighting global warming tooth and nail.,Y 1098,US Generals say: Climate Change Threatens America's Security: The Pentagon has made it well known that it consider...,Y 251,"UW biologist links early blooms to global warming|Associated Press - April 21, 2010 6:15 AM ET STEVENS POINT, .. [link]",Y 3418,"#fb Goddammit, folks, blizzards don't negate climate change. The science isn't debating this. Climate change is real. End of story.",Y 184,Official NASA Report: Sun Causes Climate Change: [link],Y 29,"Eaarth: global warming is here to stay, how will we deal with it? [link]",Y 2636,Enviro: European Space Agency launches satellite to check climate change.. see blast-off!=>,Y 2540,I hate global warming! #StopGlobalWarming #StopGlobalWarming,Y 1121,Wed @sciam podcast: Mountain Vs. Valley Temps Stretch Apart With Climate Change,Y 3287,RT @MilesGrant: RT @EricBoehlert Why won't Drudge acknowledge snow-less 'Global Warming Games' in Vancouver? #climate,Y 5905,Just posted The Supply Side Effects of Climate Change on Tourism #b2p,Y 21,"Topography of Mountains Could Complicate Rates of Global Warming: ScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 2010) À_ A new study concl... [link]",Y 1301,RT @beckbasher: RT @IanDavidB: RT @Shoq: CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS: Bobby Jindal mocked volcano warnings. Read the papers lately? Start thinking for yourselves,Y 3837,"RT@rff_org New video: Experts talk climate change, extreme weather, and insuring the next Katrina.",Y 5225,;P global warming solutions Innovation has climate change in hand,Y 4716,RT @EricBoehlert: Why won't Drudge acknowledge the snow-less 'Global Warming Games' about to kick off in Vancouver?,Y 1425,Treating Climate Change as a Curable Disease,Y 2569,"Must See Places Before They Disappear! : Europe...[PICS]: If Global Warming Predictions prove to be true, the foll...",Y 2929,The massive rainstorms and lots of terrible weather is affecting our planet something must be done about global warming soon,Y 5892,Ice-covered volcanoes may answer climate change questions: Eruptions from mountains such as Iceland's Eyjafjallajo...,Y 4798,"Global Warming Monitoring Needs to Find 'Missing Heat', say Scientists|by David Adam Experts need to beef up ways ..",Y 281,[#Meat-Wise] Cynthia Bateman on Meat-Wise Monday: How Animal Agriculture Makes Global Warming Worse [link],Y 1254,Global warming evidence all around us|A message to global warming deniers and doubters: Just look around our ..,Y 1534,Baby boomers must tackle global warming while they can: By Anonymous Baby boomers have enjoyed peace and the large...,Y 6006,"sometimes so hard to predict which of the outcomes in climate change ( #green revolution vs. #apocalypsenow) would be more ""exciting"" to me.",Y 5850,"Soaring mercury; Blame it on global warming|Agartala, Apr 14 : Environmentalists have attributed the ..",Y 1151,RT @jerryjamesstone: Alaska Before the Effects of Global Warming [pics]:,Y 5483,Missing' heat may affect future climate change | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen),Y 1364,"Green:Net: How the Internet, Computing Can Fight Climate Change: The Internet, software, computing... (Via @inhabitat)",Y 1665,@OTOOLEFAN REAL science. Not Algore's climate change 'science' hacks with their man-made global warming hoax. Gore=Palin,N 4141,"RT @SeegerCycle Senate global warming meeting on hold from record snow fall #tcot // Yes, this disproves global warming(if ur illiterate)",N 5113,I think we can all agree this Prius disaster proves once and for all that global warming doesn't exist /via @StephenAtHome,N 3994,Hey Al Gore- Could you sprinkle some Global Warming fairy dust on my car tonight? We're supposed to get 10-14 inches of snow by the morning.,N 4264,how one should really and sincerely try to stop the deadly effects of global warming. instant solutions ? :P earth,Y 3256,How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse,Y 3632,"What's Hot: Seattle Takes on the Junk Mail Industry: When it comes to curbing climate change, some things are easi...",Y 1208,GECKO 10 first steps to greener living: It all seems so daunting: Climate change. Carbon credits. Not to mention ... GECKO,Y 1401,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra,Y 1105,EPA Confirms Climate IS Changing: In another display of the sea change that has occurred at the US Environmental P...,Y 2227,"Celebrate Earth Day 2010 by watching ""The Climate Change Rally"" in DC online today (Sunday, April 25).",Y 2469,Carbon in warming soil could accelerate climate change: Study,Y 449,UK leads the way! RT @10cities Schumacher College: Mobilising Democracy to Tackle Climate Change [link],Y 4335,"Forests Are Growing Faster,Climate Change Appears to Be Driving Accelerated Growth (Science Daily) @InvasiveNotes",Y 2876,India needs more research on climate change: Shyam Saran | CalcuttaTube (via @calcuttatube),Y 2830,"Government run climate-change: There is no global warming, the sky is not falling! Get a grip you tree hugging wackos!",N 2828,The issue of global warming must be dealt with it's time for alternative energy sources which won't harm out planet.,Y 588,SCIENCE: Scientists explore the evolution of climate change [link],Y 1495,New facts support global warming case: Recent letter-writer Charles Kesner is either out-of-touch with reliable ne...,Y 4126,New Ozone Standards could contribute to warming ;O global warming for kids,Y 1557,"Safe, secure nuclear energy must be part of climate change solution",Y 1549,Buying carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt but not global warming,Y 2615,RT @EcoInteractive: #RTR Reversing forest decline can combat climate change,Y 35,40 degrees in NYC. please urinate on next liberal global warming /climate change scum you see.,N 1658,"Rationalists' who believe aliens exist & global warming=caused by humans, might as well believe in Jesus miracles,angels &fairies #tcot #p2",N 4449,"I guess we need to stop saying ""global warming"" & replace it w/ ""climate crisis"" for Repub's sake. gw just short circuits their brain.",Y 354,Exclusive: Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies| Reuters [link],Y 398,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 86,"Don Blankenship: Mine Safety Regulators ""As Silly as Global Warming"" [link]",N 489,EPA Climate Change Indicators Report Shows the Evidence of Global Warming All ...: Natural Resources Defense Counc... [link],Y 5184,"Solar Radiation Management: Dr. Strangelove?s Fix for Global Warming|Ever hear of Solar Radiation Management? No, ..",Y 5973,"BRKG NEWS: UN Climate Change panel gets F from scientists, announces it will rehabilitate itself by suing Iceland over volcanic eruption.",N 1200,"Denis Hayes, founder of Earth Day, compares global climate change to Irish Famine (IrishCentral) News Weather Politics",Y 4609,"FUN GAME: Next time someone says ""So much for global warming,"" push them into a snowdrift and run away.",Y 1126,Arctic rain in April 'is sign of global warming'|The Canadian Arctic has been hit by rain in a sign that the ..,Y 1544,URUGUAY: Tools Needed for Those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change: Global Geopolitics Net Sites / IPS In__s Acosta...,Y 3302,"@1kevgriff it's nature's way os saying ""Global warming my a$$!""",N 254,Global warming evidence all around us|A message to global warming deniers and doubters: Just look around our .. [link],Y 3577,"Where Is Global Warming? by Rebecca Terrell,",N 552,Birds in southern England suffer from global warming [link],Y 183,Now on PBS: Going Green New York: Examining how New Yorkers are confronting climate change Check local listings [link],Y 6077,"Bats, Birds and Lizards Can Fight Climate Change - Birds, bats and lizards may play an important role in Earth's cl...",Y 5021,@GurianPeck the GOP always finds a way to push its agenda. two crippling snowstorms in one month are in line with global CLIMATE CHANGE.,Y 3456,And Mother Nature reinforces the fact that global warming is but a left-wing conspiracy by bringing yet MORE SNOW.,N 625,Latest weapon in global warming fight À_ 'green' cement made from rice: By FIONA MACLEOD AND RUAIRI CREANEY SCIENTI... [link],Y 3695,RT @newtgingrich: Historic snow storm in washington-third this year-where is al gore to explain it snows this heavily as a sign global warming is imminent,N 2193,Science!: Whales Fight Global Warming,Y 4252,"Obama Creates NOAA Climate Service""to help governments & businesses adapt to climate change""It is as if Obama lives on another planet #tcot",N 4802,"Study assesses effects of earlier springs KB: More than 25,000 reasons to stop global warming. #eco #green",Y 2745,Climate change set to reduce crop production in Africa - environmentalresearchweb (via @kaskadia),Y 1608,Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming,Y 4775,Just posted European Forests and Carbon Sequestration Services: An Economic Assessment of Climate Change Impacts #b2p,Y 2817,Mayor calls for Londoners' ideas to help tackle climate change (via @MayorOfLondon),Y 1509,"Global Warming: Ocean chemistry is changing faster than it has in 800,000 years: And that's because of the carbon ...",Y 5502,Weekly Mulch: Cochabamba Summit to Combat Climate Change Innovatively | Blog N.. (via @BlogNewsWeb),Y 1159,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado,Y 507,Renewable Energy Advances À_ Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming ...: After pulling data from 1.6 million salinity... [link],Y 4082,. global warming Study Says Arctic Ice Melt to Cost Global Economy $2.4 Trillion,Y 2928,The global warming is totally messing up the weather patterns in this world and is causing violent weather storms worldwide very hurtful,Y 5159,This is not good news :( CO2 May Cause Even More Global Warming Than Originally Thought #eco #green #globalwarming,Y 2991,Global Warming Wont Melt Ignorance stake :),Y 3173,"@theaarondouglas Don't forget that a few years ago, people were claiming a lack of snow in DC was due to Global Warming. Fix your message.",N 25,effects of global warming À_ YouTube À_ Effects of Global Warming Stats: Back with more news for you today. It's ama... [link],Y 1581,Why cleaner air could speed global warming,Y 3537,"RT @davidcorndc: Can someone please explain to conservatives that with climate change, some areas will get colder and weather patterns will shift.",Y 3879,Global Warming Update,Y 1484,EPA issues report on U.S. climate change indicators - warming is having measurable effect across ecosystems,Y 668,@foxandfriends global warming is like the goldman execs... full of sh*t,N 1523,"#CUBeyond: Wlliam Lau says climate change is happening and we must deal with it, no matter what is causing it. #ChapmanU",Y 5199,How Climate-Change Fanatics Corrupted Science -- Michael Barone -- GOPUSA -,N 1614,@Climate change Giant #Glacier Fall in Peru Causes Deadly Tsunami :,Y 193,"Watch video: Climate change threatens sacred Tibetan mountain, including land known as Shangri-La [link]",Y 2958,Climate Change Impacts And Vulnerability In The Eastern Himalayas - Indigenous Peoples Issues ... (via @RaysFreedomHash),Y 3658,"More on why bogus ""global warming consensus"" is fading fast: Margaret Wente of Toronto's Globe and Mail explains w...",N 3133,Man! I wish there was such a thing as global warming! #snowpocalypse #snowmaggedon,N 443,"85 degrees in April eh? Hellooo global warming, nice to meet u",Y 4770,Grrrr...Global Warming My BUTT! 2nd MAJOR snowstorm within days!,N 5937,#California's River Delta Needs Back Up Before Disaster Hits (Video) : #Climate change,Y 3524,@mlmoore2 I love how they act like they never said it either. They will remind us again in July about global warming.,N 459,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: [link],Y 2503,State climate bill: Efficiency will count toward renewable mandate: A scaled-back global warming bill would enable...,Y 2214,Scary! Could global warming be causing tropical illnesses and bacteria to appear in otherwise non tropical areas of the world?,Y 3618,Invasive News: Invasive Species Thriving in Period of Climate Change - World Sentinel: Invasive Species Thriving i...,Y 4898,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Says Pika Not Imperiled by Climate Change: The Obama administration has determined...,Y 1454,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: #climatechange #SaveTerra 2,Y 4849,A new federal agency to study global warming?? Just stop already!,N 5520,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level | .. (via @GreenIsTweet),Y 2600,RT @ecoactions: #RTR Reversing forest decline can combat climate change,Y 4854,Administration proposes new agency to study and report on global warming|WASHINGTON - The Obama administration on ..,Y 1160,"Global warming is a threat, after all|Tim Blair rounds up the latest news from the wild frontiers of global ..",Y 4640,"claiming that snow disproves global warming is like #$%^ing your GF w/ a 12"" strap-on & claiming you have a big dick #GOPfail #p2",Y 606,"UN to battle poverty, global warming .:. Online News ...: UN to battle poverty, global warming - New... [link]",Y 6049,"RT @patrickc: ""The very idea that they care more about safety than we do is as silly as global warming."" - Massey Energy (29 dead miners)",N 288,"2nd eruption of Hekla in Iceland. Let's call 2010, the year the Earth struck back. ""This is for global warming and THIS is for oil spills!""",Y 3960,"Dripping with irony: Senate EPW Committee hearing on ""Global Warming Impacts"" postponed because of snow #warmers #algore",N 4530,"The Global Climate: Yes, It's Still Warming: Treehugger by Brian Merchant, Brooklyn, New York on 02. 4.10 As many ...",Y 2113,"Plan B: California Braces for Climate Change|California leads its fellow states in mitigating climate change, in ..",Y 1414,Oxfam: Climate change devastating rural Ethiopian communities. #Oxfam #climatechange,Y 195,Economists Say Climate Change Is Bad For Economy [link],Y 4952,David Gershon: Empowering a Climate Change Movement -- Part 3: Instead of Cursing the Dark Light a Candle,Y 2484,"RT @Revkin: Geol. Society updates statement on human-driven climate change, synching with IPCC, Nat Acad, AGU, etc: #agw",Y 2280,"Whale poo saves world from global warming|Save the whale, and it'll save you too, say Australian scientists, by ..",Y 6,Global warming evidence all around us|A message to global warming deniers and doubters: Just look around our .. [link],Y 30,Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming [link],Y 1197,Report: Allergy Season to Get Worse with Climate Change (,Y 1502,Climate change is real and climate change has consequences for all of us.,Y 1559,STATE DEPT. DECLARES: 'Global warming unequivocal and primarily human-induced'...,Y 10,How do we solve this global warming thing? [link],Y 503,Global Warming Contributes To Rapidly Increased Ocean Acidification: The US National Research Council warned last ... [link],Y 3949,"You saying he didn't? RT @DennyLonergan: Rt Gore won't give up on the ""global warming"" gig. He still thinks he invented the internet",N 3561,"Part of the problem with state/county ""Balanced Budget"" laws are storms like this. With Global Warming, emergencies like this will increase.",Y 326,The need to switch to renewable energy|Climate scientists have long warned us that global warming is accelerating .. [link],Y 5009,"Varanasi holds fire ritual to prevent global warming|By Girish Dubey, Varanasi, Feb.6 : A large number of ..",Y 1134,Report: Save the Whales and They'll Save Us from Global Warming,Y 3275,RT @mmaction Snowstorms Do Not Disprove Climate Change #p2 #tcot,Y 5972,"Skeptic's Corner: Voters Take Global Warming A Bit Less Seriously: FROM-Rasmussen Report Monday, April 19, 2010. V...",N 4651,Global Warming & Our Winter Storms #globalwarming #weather,Y 5529,Google climate change chief wants price on carbon | Environment | (via @climatenews),Y 3196,RT @Noreen1 Does #GOP really think snowstorms disprove #climate change? Yup. @bradplumer shows how idiotic that is,Y 649,"RT @virgiltexas: Hey Al Gore: see these tornadoes racing across Mississippi? So much for global ""warming"" #tornadocot #ocra #sgp #gop #ucot #tlot #p2 #tycot",N 596,Global warming may make cricket bats history: London: Cricket is facing a bizarre threat following a European Unio... [link],Y 4177,"Another Snowstorm: What Happened to Global Warming?: By Bryan Walsh Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010 Alex Brandon / AP As ...",N 1139,RT @carbonmarket: Ask the G8 & G20 to support #biochar. Fight climate change & food shortage! Check this HuffPo post:,Y 6022,"Have a good idea to reduce carbon and climate change? Let us know and win a $1,000 grant to make it happen.",Y 2767,"@CrabLover7 According to Time Mag these blizzards are a result of man made global ""warming"" - gotta love it",N 5775,"Giles Slade: McCarthyism and Climate Change: Is it strange that Sarah Palin, who once thought Africa was a countr...",Y 4678,"Nice article about Global Warming from @TIME but I'm still skeptical -,8599,1962294,00.html",N 3271,@mmfa not honest? Shocking! RT @keder Media Matters still using junk science 2007 IPCC report on global warming...,N 1370,Climate Change - 100 Endangered Places and How to Save Them - Newsweek (via @stevegeritano),Y 1562,Photo: We dare someone tell us that climate change isn't real. #green #eco #greens,Y 492,Cleaner Air Could Speed Global Warming [link],Y 32,Illegal war and the myth of global warming|My main campaign platform for this election will be the illegal .. [link],N 3079,Profession must lead the way on climate change - Accountancy Age (via @IFRSAdvantage),Y 2580,"Dealing with climate change is up to companies, not just governments via @ForbesNews #climatechange",Y 608,Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming [link],Y 3629,"The ONLY climate change that exists is Summer, Fall, Winter, & Spring. #justsaying",N 1668,@foxandfriends global warming is like the goldman execs... full of sh*t,N 1274,Seasonal Allergies Getting Worse From Climate Change,Y 280,"Right on! Richard Branson's #EarthDay message 2 biz ""Get ur house in order.Fight global warming!#green #eco [link]",Y 1206,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report,Y 4879,Climate change for scaredy-cat tea partyers should be framed as: more extreme weather events need passive survivability,Y 162,"How Global Warming Is Killing California's Wine Buzz: Dr. Kimberley Cahill presented on ""Climate Change in Califor... [link]",Y 1633,"..leaders are failing to address the gravest threat our world has ever faced..."" ""Pressuring politicians on climate change is not working.",Y 361,United States Must Lead on Climate Change À_ Kerry; Climate and Energy Bill Has Multiple Benefits #green [link],Y 5106,Deforestation can increase the global warming impacts on the earth,Y 4236,Solar energy can be used to combat climate change: Experts,Y 37,#justinbiebersucks and global warming is a farce,N 1470,"Plants effective way of tackling global warming: Washington, Apr 30 (ANI): Plant leaves account for less than one ...",Y 5919,Bolivia global warming summit: a lifeline for 'Mother Earth ...: Bolivia seeks to combat global warming after worl...,Y 249,RT @sejorg: RT @JaymiHeimbuch: Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle [link],Y 3026,;P Study Says Arctic Ice Melt to Cost Global Economy $2.4 Trillion global warming,Y 5422,GLOBAL WARMING IS A FAIRY TALE! #bobsyouruncle,N 4138,"Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming; New Orleans, much of southern F...",Y 1350,New York: Climate change could raise cost of allergies,Y 5367,Climate scientist sues newspaper for 'poisoning' global warming debate #green,Y 3540,Woot! RT @alexpriest: RT @HuffPostGreen: hey! wow! New Federal Climate Change Agency Announced - cool!,Y 4909,RT @HuffPostGreen: hey! wow! New Federal Climate Change Agency Announced,Y 4144,"Rt @InvasiveNotes RT @OceanChampions: No, snow does not disprove global warming:",Y 3928,"Can't believe that people think excess snow makes global warming a non-reality... wow, read some books!",Y 3725,@mikekruger those are taxes I don't mind paying. it's the taxes funding climate change research that bother me. that's been really useful,N 1627,"Coping with Global Warming: How to Save on Utility Bills: By Dealman(view all posts by Dealman) Actually, this isn...",Y 5361,"Immigration Decision Endangers Climate Change Bill: Filed under: Senate, House, Democrats, Republicans, Barack Oba...",Y 4603,Damn supposedly global warming is intensifying this winter weather....Chicago having earthquakes somethings going on...,Y 3969,What do the proponents of global warming consider normal climate change? global warming,Y 5023,I 2nd that RT @NYCAviation @BarackBorat: Can someone call the Al Gore and ask him for make turn the Global Warming back on?,N 310,"Global warming to impact wheat, rice production in India|Ludhiana, Apr 18 : Scarcity of water will have a serious .. [link]",Y 644,It is in the 30's what happened to Spring? Global warming is for those that care to read about and not live it. The coldest Winter ever. FU,N 296,Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may trigger more volcanoes|Climate change could spark more ''hazardous'' .. [link],Y 3885,"Economics and politics align for climate change says pena #RETECH ""energy efficiency in recession requires political will"" #energycollectiv",Y 497,"Study: Climate Change Threatens Your Health, Too [link]",Y 4039,"Hmm, it's February, 30"" of snow in DC and the sun is shining on the grass in Chicago, global warming or karma?",N 1545,An Explosive Idea: are volcanoes the cure for global warming?,Y 5247,@vballr4life7 too whiche lie or distortion of the truth are you referring? The congressional perks or global warming?,N 3424,MSNBC's Ratigan Blames 'Snowpocalypse' on Global Warming,Y 674,"I am freezing still in Southern California. Global warming fanatics, come visit me. Wear a hat, gloves and down jacket.",N 3150,Snowstorm: E Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change - @TIME,Y 234,Topography of mountains could complicate rates of global warming [link],Y 4371,C-Questor Carbon Markets and Climate Change News Letter ...,Y 1122,Mountain Vs. Valley Temps Stretch Apart With Climate Change,Y 5539,"Volcano could mean cooling, acid rain - Climate Change- (via @_bradpitt)",Y 4740,"D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse|There's scarcely any powder in Vancouver, while ..",Y 3578,The great global warming collapse (via @globeandmail),N 1516,Long-distance journeys out of fashion? Global warming may be causing evolutionary changes in bird migration (sourc...,Y 4781,on the subject of the epic scam that is global warming obumers global warming council got snowed out LOL,N 4595,"Global Warming Dent's El Ni'o's Protective Shield From Atlantic Hurricanes, Increase Droughts",Y 4176,D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse,Y 4022,"Whoa! As the science scandals keep coming, the air has gone out of the climate-change movement",N 439,Report Claims Climate Change Is To Blame For Increase Of Allergies [link],Y 2372,Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming (,Y 5090,Arctic climate changing faster than expected (Reuters): Reuters - Climate change is transforming the Arctic e...,Y 3848,NOAA: Sea Grant awards mini-grants to help communities adapt to climate change.,Y 633,"..leaders are failing to address the gravest threat our world has ever faced..."" ""Pressuring politicians on climate change is not working.",Y 1576,Why cleaner air could speed global warming | Air Pollution News,Y 505,Global warming means local storming [link],Y 4987,"In Part Of Our Contribution To Reduce Global Warming, Shall We Ban The",Y 3945," -Politics, Science Collide Over Recent Snow Storms-Which is why we need to drop 'warming' word,use climate change.",Y 4368,"@Emperor_Bob Why, btw dio you now call it climate change? CO2 causes cooling also? Wow we better all hold our breath more",N 5279,Climate Change Indicators in the United States (via @OceanLeadership),Y 4644,"CBS News: Conservatives Use ""Snowmageddon"" to Mock Global Warming",N 2721,Global warming is soo bad that i had the coolest summer ever..,N 1205,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report,Y 5981,"Great site for breaking news on climate change, the environment and other aspects of Earth's natural history:",Y 1387,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 34,Y 3066,Saving endangered species: it\'s the economy global warming,Y 2574,"RT @therightblue: RT @eco_pirate: Richard Branson's #EarthDay message 2 biz ""Get ur house in order.Fight global warming!#green http:// ...",Y 6034,"A global warming governor after our own hearts, rather than our wallets: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has wised ...",Y 384,Carbon Age is killing us. Climate change legislation now: [link],Y 5136,"Pachauri insists science behind global warming remains 'totally valid'|New Delhi, Feb 5: UN Inter-Governmental ..",Y 134,Report: Save the Whales and They'll Save Us from Global Warming [link],Y 1528,"""Military leads fight against climate change: Pew | Reuters"" #cleantech #greentech",Y 3292,"@washingtonpost Editorial: ""Senate Offers Some Hope for Legislation to Combat Climate Change"" #cejapa #clear",Y 3052,stop global warming What can our families do to help stop global warming? ;O,Y 245,Ethiopia: Climate Change Increasing Poverty And Vulnerability [link],Y 4226,RT @RepowerAmerica: #Climate change places future of the Winter #Olympics -- from the Sierras to the Alps -- in peril,Y 356,Kenya: Extreme Weather Tests Pastoralist Perceptions: The effects of climate change - such as drought... [link],Y 2400,@MyronAnderson Green Fact:Did you know that Skeptics and Advocates both agree there has been no global warming since 1995? #climate change,N 4485,Climate Change Fraud - Media cools on global warming: Climate-change sceptics are being vindicated by scientific s...,N 1426,"Global warming: Believe it - Vallejo Times-Herald: Your editorial on global warming (""Keeping the debate honest,"" ...",Y 5710,"Gregory Unruh: Oven Dial or Light Switch: Carbon Lock-in and Abrupt Climate Change: Well over a decade ago, I bec...",Y 3488,Global warming deniers need to STFU. Climate change causes an increase in GLOBAL (not necessarily local) temps & larger storms. And oh look!,Y 3457,"RT @sbthistle: More snow 4 DC. Hope anti-climate change members of Congress & lobbyists, r paying attention. #co2",Y 2628,@cledz_rosario A Psychological Profiling of Global Warming #climate change,Y 5557,Exposing Global Warming Crapola,N 5139,Africa: Africa And Global Warming: A group called The Africa Group whose spokes person is Ethiopian l... #Africa,Y 3358,RT @mmfa: Brain Freeze: Conservative media still using winter weather to attack global warming: #p2 #noisemachine #climate,Y 3924,"ENOUGH with the ""what global warming?"" idiocy. It's neither funny nor original, and the bizarre snowfall is a SYMPTOM of climate change.",Y 2169,E.P.A. Makes Its Case on Climate Change,Y 1099,"Even the generals know climate change is going to screw us. Clean energy bill, anyone? #climate",Y 4305,For all you Climate Change Deniers read this:,Y 1400,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 9,Y 3156,THANKS! Its not global warming! RT @RosanneMF: Snowstorm: E Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change - @TIME (via @emmzee),N 3217,RT @benbalter - So the #snowpocalypse debunks the global warming myth? WRONG. Global Warming makes blizzards worse:,Y 1473,"Wait here's an idea: it's natural climate change, not human induced global warming.",N 2327,Maybe NASA Isn't Completely Worthless [Global Warming]|# globalwarming NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory released ..,Y 1487,Wine grapes have become our best early-warning system for the effects of global warming. via @Slate,Y 141,Global warming science good news - Soils release less carbon than though as world warms: [link],Y 1138,#Canadian #CEOs more keen on #green than global counterparts; preparing for impacts of climate change...,Y 3220,"But wait, I thought no snowstorms in DC were a sign of global warming? Will you guys make up your minds?",N 4654,European Forests and Carbon Sequestration Services: An Economic Assessment of Climate Change Impacts -,Y 1529,Spring Comes 10 Days Earlier In U.S. Due To Climate Change:,Y 2836,:P Fundamental Ways That Could Stop Global Warming medicine,Y 292,"Cool it, global warming is bad enough without you heating things up.|In the interest of honest discussion, can we .. [link]",Y 4569,Climate Change Watch India: Violation of Pollution and Environment ...,Y 2455,Gingrich Defends Global Warming Commercial with Pelosi:,Y 1146,Cleaner Air Could Speed Global Warming|Hugh Pickens writes \Scientists estimate that the US Clean Air Act has cut ..,Y 4526,"it turns out the groundhog saw its shadow the other day , 6 more weeks of winter. wheres the global warming people ?",N 204,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report [link],Y 5615,"Pulitzer Prize author brings global warming to light in Chelsea|Dr. Henry Pollack, professor emeritus at the ..",Y 4868,"Global warming an Olympic worry, says Rogge|VANCOUVER- Global warming is starting to worry the International ..",Y 5303,Impacts of climate change and how native people are responding ' Coast Salish Gather.. (via @NWIFC),Y 5170,"Video: Climate Change Is a Clear and Present Danger: Christopher Field, Ph.D., is the director of the Department o...",Y 4560,"Drug discovery technique could help in the battle against global warming: Washington, Feb 4 (ANI): Scientists in T...",Y 4328,Global warming to hit rice production: Report | Opalesque ...: Commodities Briefing - free daily updates covering ...,Y 2899,Empowering a Climate Change Movement -- Part 3: Instead of Cursing the Dark ... - Huffington Post... (via @HumanityNews),Y 1634,"Glacier National Park Loses Two More Glaciers Due To Global Warming: By Meena Kar Montana, Apr 11, (...",Y 5976,New Global Warming Alarmism from LA Times: 'The World is Running Short on Air Pollution',Y 512,Africa: Monitoring a Changing Climate: The gathering environmental crisis presented by global warming... [link],Y 44,"Global Warming Baloney: According to the experts at NASA, the difference between weather and climate is a measure ... [link]",N 286,An Overview of the Green Car Revolution | Going Green: The increasing awareness about the threat of global warming... [link],Y 2381,Global warming graph attacked by study; 'Ice hockey stick' temperature rise slammed as 'exaggerated'...,N 3640,Global Warming Hysteria: Another False Claim Exposed in IPCC Report,N 567,"Since Man can't, Mother Earth to end global warming with volcanoes & earthquakes. #ashtag #Hekla #Icelandic",Y 1228,For Earth Day: Resources on coping with climate change:,Y 2,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming [link],Y 2838,There is No Man Made Climate Crisis (Global Warming is a Hoax) global warming :O,N 5103,"RT @DefendGlenn: ""SCAM, SCAM, SCAM!"" EU Parliament Member Rips global Warming Hysteria #tcot #p2 #gop #teaparty",N 3883,"Post: ""Drug discovery technique could help in the battle against global warming""",Y 5038,Climate Change Impacts And Vulnerability In The Eastern Himalayas IndigPplsRsrcs,Y 4637,"I wish it wouldve been called ""global climate change"" from the start! RT @MotherJones Snowpocalypse: Take That Al Gore!",Y 4544,Global Warming? It's All About Land Use How cities in the American West can fight global warming,Y 1519,"Redding architect Theimer: Global warming doubters ""stupid"": James Theimer, known locally for his environmentally ...",Y 1475,Glacial Melt From Global Warming Could Unplug Volcanos: Earthweek - A Diary of the Planet Eruptions of glacial vol...,Y 1521,Earth Day report: climate change is endangering our health:,Y 5383,Video: Dem Congressman: Climate Change Is a National Security Issue #TCOT,Y 126,Arctic rain in April 'is sign of global warming'|The Canadian Arctic has been hit by rain in a sign that the .. [link],Y 5666,Top 10 Surprising Results of Global Warming #EarthDay *__ *__,Y 9,"Global warming to impact wheat, rice production in India|Ludhiana, Apr 18 : Scarcity of water will have a serious .. [link]",Y 2489,RT@TreeHugger: Giant Glacier Fall in Peru Causes Deadly Tsunami ::example #873 why climate change is real,Y 4656,Global Warming lol! Al Gore you need 2 step up your theory brother. This season produced the most snow I seen in life. Evrywk it is snowin,N 5485,Prospects for coordinated global action on climate change ' BraveNewClimate (via @BraveNewClimate),Y 3402,Now is the time to attack the soft underbelly of unsubstantiated global warming alarmism: #agw @amspec,N 2475,@tasha9698 Yikes...sounds rough..has it always been like that...or is it part of Global warming that's occurring?,Y 2797,Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropagenic Global Warming.,N 1251,"UW biologist links early blooms to global warming|Associated Press - April 21, 2010 6:15 AM ET STEVENS POINT, ..",Y 1172,scary RT @ClimateProject Climate change altering U.S. seasons: Spring 10 days early: #climate,Y 3997,As Sea Level Rises So Does The Level Of Climate Change Denial via @sharethis,Y 1095,"Plants effective way of tackling global warming|Washington, Apr 30 : Plant leaves account for less than one per ..",Y 2558,India: Delhi filmmaker Rohit Gandhi's documentary on climate change wins international award,Y 1680,#ALMS Let me politely suggest that I DO NOT WATCH MOTORSPORTS TO BE LECTURED ON IMAGINARY GLOBAL WARMING! #nascar,N 3174,The Great Thing About Global Warming,Y 4792,Denial of global warming threat to the American pika means no protection from U.S.,Y 133,I LOVE FROG's LEAP!!!! Seriously. RT @grist: What climate change means for the wine industry (via @theclimatedesk) [link],Y 2901,Carbon-Based: Western Australia drought is 'proof of climate change' | Study Abroad Education Links (via @myEduLinks),Y 5837,"Princeton University scholar to lecture on clouds, global warming at ...: The Star-Ledger ' By Star-Ledger ...",Y 2829,It's time to do something about global warming issue in this world before in gets out of control and causes more violent weather,Y 2951,"Despite the sceptics, climate change must remain a priority | Editorial | Comment is free | ... (via @Earth_News)",Y 1324,"Professor?s Perspective: Reasons to be Concerned about Climate Change|Spring in Connecticut brings renewal, ..",Y 6082,Global warming: The fossil fuel dilemma: America uses about 20 million barrels per oil each day to serve the needs...,Y 379,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link],Y 3878,Our team is mapping geopolitics of climate change this morning. Which countries/blocks do you think are most important? why? /RT @350,Y 1155,Arctic Beauty in Black and White: Alaska Before the Effects of Global Warming [Slide Show],Y 5950,2010 Leadership Summit to Highlight Role of Biotechnology Innovation in Reducing Climate Change Emissions #BIO,Y 3417,African Farmers Urged to Innovate to Offset Climate Change: Source: Bloomberg - Africa's failure to embrace modern...,Y 2333,"WSJ- Global warming alarmists have been discredited, but you wouldn't know it from the rhetoric this Earth Day.",N 3729,@MargaretKinney oddball winter weather has been linked to global warming. Check out the story on the @NWF *****homepage:,Y 5656,"RT @kalimakhus @SocialistViews Perhaps denial of ""Climate change"" == denial that Capitalism is not sustainable",Y 1595,Iceland volcano unlikely to slow global warming: scientists: AFP PARIS À_ Big volcanic eruptions have had a cooling...,Y 3912,For those of you doubting global warming because of this snow: Vancouver has had it's warmest Winter on record. It's called a trend line.,Y 1407,RT @WWF_Climate RT @CarbonDiplomacy Grapes of Wrath: How much trouble does #climate change mean for agriculture?,Y 138,#Canadian #CEOs more keen on #green than global counterparts; preparing for impacts of climate change...[link],Y 267,On ocean floor populations of organisms despite little oxygen. global warming cause oxygen depletion&reduce biodiversity[link],Y 5248,"GLOBAL WARMING IS A FAIRY TALE! Dick Chaney didn't drive an SUV 200,000 years ago, maybe?",N 1397,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 7,Y 31,@New_federalists i have it on good auth tht global warming also causes toe fungus. We R all fortunate tht thr IS no global warming! #tcot,N 1165,"GLOBAL WARMING: Ocean chemistry is changing faster than it has in 800,000 years|And that's because of the carbon ..",Y 3474,RT @txvoodoo: Dr Jeff Masters of @wunderground has a great blog about storms & global warming:,Y 524,Chew's focus is on the ways global warming is causing the redistribution of plant and animal species. [link],Y 1479,"Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness: A new government report says global warmin...",Y 1395,"If capitalism doesnÀ_t end climate change, climate change will end capitalism - #degrowth",Y 215,"Military leads fight against climate change: The U.S. military, the government's largest fuel buyer, is leading th... [link]",Y 319,RT @organicnewyork: Climate change making seasonal allergies worse. Near-record highs this Spring. [link],Y 1600,SCIENCE: Scientists explore the evolution of climate change,Y 3149,"It's official: This is snowiest winter on record for DC. But hey, climate change is probably fake, right...",Y 4843,"Solar energy can be used to combat climate change: Experts|NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh), Feb.9 : Solar energy can be ..",Y 3204,"RT @keder RT @bglscout: Climate change, weather, what's the difference? #tcot #teaparty #glennbeck",N 3779,@jmac82 So much for global warming! :-P,N 2339,The Key to Fixing Global Warming? China|Energy secretary Steven Chu wants to change the way people think about ..,Y 2476,"While doing home-improvement projects, consider the larger home ' Earth. Help Stop Global Warming Check it out:",Y 1453,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: #climatechange #SaveTerra 1,Y 3202,Flakes: Global Warming Deniers Use Massive Snowstorm as Ammo,Y 2391,Global Warming Likely to Worsen Allergies in Maine,Y 676,Climate Change Fraud - The Scandal of Solar Power in Spain [link],N 4508,Los Angeles Jobs - *FT Work for Greenpeace to STOP GLOBAL WARMING - $12-$13/hr*,Y 3,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming [link],Y 4730,"Enough with the ""Where's your global warming now with all of this snow, cold?"". As a joke, getting old. As serious comment, idiotic.",Y 3765,Rich Galen: Is global warming another DC snow job? (Blizzard?),N 5596,Counting down to the World People's Conf on #Climate Change @CMPCC @wpccc 19-22 April watch live #wpccc,Y 4659,"@BCBG25 It's the denial about alternative energy. It's the pretending about ""clean coal."" The unwillingness to listen re: climate change.",Y
Step 1 Cleaning the Data¶
Remove punctuation (Challenge: except for URLs)
Convert all to lower case
Write to file for the next step.
Step 2 Building the Model¶
1. Make a Dictionary for climate change existence and a Dictionary for climate change denial. 1. For each tweet split the string into a list of words and add those words to the appropriate counter, based on the existence column. Challenge Do not include so called stop-words that is words that are popular and used in all tweets, such as a, an, the, etc. 1. Make a combined dictionary that includes all of the words from both counters where a word appears in both counters this dictionary should containe the total count. 1. Write out a CSV file like the following:
word |
Y_counts |
N_counts |
Total_count |
global |
2271 |
2167 |
4438 |
The table above shows you an example (the numbers will not match yours exactly) of what you should produce. Now using this table lets review what we leared from the cookie example above my making a couple of calculations.
You will notice that the numbers get pretty small since we are multiplying a lot of small numbers together. Remember this is just a score and is not really a probability any more.
Step 3 Classifying new Tweets¶
The datafile climate_test.csv
contains a bunch of uncategorized tweets. Your job is to classify each tweet using the Naive Bayes algorithm we described above as either a Y tweet or an N tweet.
For every tweet, split the tweet into a list of words
initialize two variables yscore, nscore to 1.0
For each word in the tweet:
compute P(word|Y)
update yscore
compute P(word|N)
update nscore
classify this tweet as either Y or N depending on which of yscore and nscore is greater.
Write the index number along with the classification to a file.
tnum,tweet 1202,"ITS #EARTHDAY!!! Be aware of what you consume, waste, & how you treat this place. we only have 1 & as we can see global warming is in effect" 1100,"Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness" 580,Why cleaner air could speed global warming [link] 2871,"Despite the sceptics, climate change must remain a priority | Editorial | Comment is free | The Ob... (via @guardianeco)" 101,"RT @disturbedwater: Climate change increases heat waves, floods: EPA [link]" 4902,RT @EcoInteractive: Global Warming May Warrant New Approaches To Ecosystem Restoration 4793, Solar energy can be used to combat climate change: Experts ... 4111,"""to change is not a good thing. ask the climate."" - michael scott #theoffice" 4076,"""If Global Warming Is Real Then Why Is It Cold"", a small collection of editorial cartoons for your amusement #fb" 1572,RT@greenforyou An estimated 20 billion birds changed their migrating habits in last few decades due to global warming 6016,Missing' heat may affect future climate change (source: Science daily): Current observational tools cannot accoun... 5380,PHOTO OF THE DAY: A polar bear in Nunavut. It is listed as threatened & faces critical danger due to global warming. 154,How much trouble does global warming mean for agriculture? Just ask the wine industry. [link] 2262,"Gazelle Emami: '70 Million Tons' Tackles Climate Change With Comedy: The premise of 70 Million Tons, an off-off B..." 3051, :) What can our families do to help stop global warming? stop global warming 1458,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: #climatechange #SaveTerra 5 4045,"RT @Greenpeace Despite the sceptics, #climate change must remain a priority" 3693,Most snow we've had in years...if you believe in Global Warming...please check into an institution because yo've been brain washed 5629,New blog post: EPA Issues Report on U.S. Climate Change Indicators 4105,":) stop global warming The Global Climate: Yes, Its Still Warming" 3016,Climate change to have dramatic impact on hydropower | Technology Solutions for Home - Smart... (via @itsforhome) 2184,Grapes: the best early-warning system for the effects of climate change? @TheAtlantic 1366,Climate Change - 100 Endangered Places and How to Save Them - Newsweek 3138,"Fox News has Al Gore's book on global warming in the snow during one of their ""straight news"" shows." 3365,"RT @tlw3 Snow is consistent w/ global warming, say scientists - Telegraph" 5763,"Childs: Johns Hopkins started pgm on health and sustainability. Environ change, climate ch, biodiversity loss all impact public health" 2910,"You and Us and Me - Glacier Responses to Climate Change are Complex, as are the Impacts (via @NewsOnGreen)" 5118,New facility expected to clarify ecosystem responses to climate change|( DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory ) .. 2177,"RT @samboykin: 66% of Hispanics: ""tackling climate change should be a 'high' or 'very high' priority"":" 5119,"Certainty on the Science of Climate Change: 'A wait-and-see policy,' on climate change, observed Center for Americ..." 3843,RT @seeprogress: Posted 'Climate Change Is a Clear and Present Danger' to 229,Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle [link] 1280,"Right on! Richard Branson's #EarthDay message 2 biz ""Get ur house in order.Fight global warming!#green #eco -Plez RT" 4932,RT @UN: UN defends conclusions of landmark climate change report: #UN #news 557,"Safe, secure nuclear energy must be part of climate change solution [link]" 1590,SCIENCE: Scientists explore the evolution of climate change 4456,Painting your roofs white could help reduce effects of global warming phenomenon ;P 4182,These people R certifiably insane!There's no freaking global warming & you old cranks (Jane Fonda & the rest) are (cont) 5262,Resilience to climate change in western Kenya | Humanitarian News (via @AidNews) 3339,RT @LoveEarthAlways Our Extreme Weather Predicted By Global Warming Models 20 Years Ago 2732,Global warming my ass. 5153,"The Global Climate: Yes, Its Still Warming :) climate scientists" 4842,How do we solve this global warming thing? 2018,"Wed 4/21 #ChapmanU Climate Change confab opens w/film nite at Knott Studios, 7pm: Into the Arctic, Living Sea. Free." 5878,"Warming Wins Global Warming War - Kiddo, Florida was nice, but you didn't miss too much. Think: NewYork's waiting r..." 4311,"RT @CAUSECAST: If all farms in the US went organic, we could rest easy abt climate change. 10 things to know about organic farms:" 1511,"Soaring mercury; Blame it on global warming|Agartala, Apr 14 : Environmentalists have attributed the .." 1648,40 degrees in NYC. please urinate on next liberal global warming /climate change scum you see. 4722,"How Global Warming makes Blizzards worse #Anyone with a scintilla of respect for Leftist 'Time' Magazine,you should not" 5618,I'm glad we're expanding off-shore oil drilling to solve long-term energy security & climate change problems. Look at the dividends in LA! 3083,"RT @democracy_now: Actress Q'orianka Kilcher on Climate Change Activism: Public Figures and Celebrities ""Have a Responsibility to Help '" 3081,"fossile Debunking the Deniers of Global Warming, page 1" 2424,@jozzjonz The Man-made Global Warming Hoax (Part 5): Although Al Gore and his media cronies endlessly bleat that g... 3626,New college course will foster cross-cultural understanding of climate change: 28,SCIENCE: Scientists explore the evolution of climate change [link] 488,EPA Climate Change Indicators Report Shows the Evidence of Global Warming All Around Us [link] 222,"UN À_ Only Global Cooperation Can Prevent Runaway Climate Change, Secretary À_: The United Nations seeks dialogue, i... [link]" 5592,"To Advance Study of Effective Management of Climate Change, MS&LGroup Partners ..." 24,@GregMitch has there been any reporting on if the increase in sediment in upper atmospher could reduce global warming effect by reducing sun 4116,Is Global Warming (and other Liberal 'Sacred Cows') a Secular Religion? 312,"Climate Change & Volcanic Activity: ""Ice Cap Thaw May Awaken Icelandic Volcanoes [link]" 1604,effects of global warming À_ YouTube À_ Impact of Climate Change on ...: There are many predicted effects for the en... 4018,Ways To Prevent Global Warming | Renewable Energy: via @addthis 4785,On World Wetland Day 2-2-10: BioScience study said climate change is desiccating US prairies and critical wetlands. 5144,Officials defend climate science|Officials at UN-led talks in India insist climate change science is still very .. 1156,"Climate Change: From Paris to the Alps, European Places in Peril (photos)" 1334,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level 3651,Digg up our question to Toyota COO to Put the Brakes on Climate Change! We can win this like we won @citizentube! 271,Seasonal Allergies Getting Worse From Climate Change [link] 4289,Climate Change Alters Gray Whale Migration 2294,"Global warming alarmists have been discredited, but you wouldn't know it from the rhetoric this Earth Day. #agw" 4185,"RT @gopevangelist: Global warming hysteria presumes 3 things: 1 it exists, 2 it is man-made, 3 it is bad. All 3 must be true. This winter may prove all 3 false" 3767,Now Tibet takes a hit with global warming as temperatures reach a record high! #green 3000,"RT @rhonyk: @Qorianka Many thx 2 U Sister,for yr partcipation in the World Peoples Summit 4 Climate Change. #Indigenous #EarthRights #Global" 4757,Climate-change legislation buried under record snowfall|Record snowfall has buried Washington ? and along with .. 3320,Are you engaging climate change sceptics in rational discussion - which is what science is about? Or giving fruitcakes a field-day? 4901,:O fishery managers New Federal Climate Change Agency Forming 599,Fifty years ago I was teaching and preaching about global warming and its catastrophic effects on our climate. [link] 5902,"#FF @Revkin for all he does to report on #climate change, the #environment, #solar and #renewable #energy. #eco #cleantech #green" 38,"One Stop Book Stop Confirmed! Global warming is 'settled' À_ as a scam: Sussman's book, the ... [link]" 1682,"Gagnon, like most liberals you have been duped by the global warming, socialist propaganda." 3427,Researchers study how #climate change chases #fish from streams | Great Lakes Echo #habitat #science 2723,@latikambourke Did Turnbull really say that? The coalition's climate change policy is a stupid carbon abatement scheme! 3377,"so, is it human abuse that results in another horror story like #ashtag..(hello, global warming!?...and will we ever stop?) what do u think?" 941,Q: Should we focus our energy on climate change before immigration? (via @ztf) #GOODasks 2203,Disastrous Computer Models Predictions From Limits to Growth to Global Warming 6059,Ice ice baby! Get the lowdown on ice & climate change with the next in our series of Just 5 Questions... 5814,Why CO2 projections on Global Warming are false: While projections and predictions on CO2 concentrations in the at... 1,Fighting poverty and global warming in Africa [link] 5995,"Climate change, green energy talks on tap at Earth Day events: The Farmington Community Library is embracing the t..." 445,U.S. Document Calls For À_Global RegimeÀ_ To Tackle Climate Change [link] 3720,OMG Bill O'Reilly this is not fucking up for debate climate change is real and it's manmade aslkdgldkhag;odskjhyagpo #climatechange 1583,effects of global warming À_ YouTube À_ Effects of Global Warming Stats: Back with more news for you today. It's ama... 1225,"rt @democracy_now ""Most Important Event in Struggle Against Climate Change"" - Nigerian Environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey" 2482,@M_Ignatieff This Wednesday make sure all Liberal MPs vote to pass #ndp climate change bill 648,40 degrees in NYC. please urinate on next liberal global warming /climate change scum you see. 3886,Man I love global warming. #fb 120,"Climate Change Threatens Japan's Cherry Blossoms | Environment ...: If you aren't familiar with the culture, Japan... [link]" 4890,"Strange how the more Obama tries to kick start Congress, the more it snows. Maybe bipartisanship IS the cure for global warming..." 4349,RT @greenforyou: Global Warming Makes Trees Grow Faster #green 1554,Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may trigger more volcanoes 4950,Addressing Global Warming: Retrain Coal Workers for Green Jobs 1257,Will Global Warming Make Iceland's Volcanoes Angry?|Melting glaciers around the world could trigger a global .. 4522,:P What can our families do to help stop global warming? good luck 390,Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change: [link] 45,computer forensics experts: are there still any idiots out there that belive global warming is true? [link] 621,À_GreenÀ_ cement made from rice may help tackle global warming [link] 2938,J&K governor warns of the dangers of climate change - (via @asim7asim) 2925,There must be some alternative energy resources to prevent global warming affects from increasing and impacting this planet negatively 2426,@wcpoweather Bees have been declining due to global warming/environmental factors. Varieties rebounding in our area lately however. 1630,Porous materials to reduce the climate change 595,Iceland volcano unlikely to slow global warming: scientists: AFP PARIS À_ Big volcanic eruptions have had a cooling... [link] 4411,Dumbass global warming believer whining abt big oil funding deniers. Agw alarmists R funded by big oil & more 2620,Many fret about costs of addressing climate change. Don't ignore costs of inaction. Not just icebergs... Worth a look: 1292,"Cool it, global warming is bad enough without you heating things up.|In the interest of honest discussion, can we .." 1188,The good news about the very bad news (about climate change) by Rebecca Solnit 1230,Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle 3710,The Great Global Warming Collapse 4822,@robpas 230k gov't workers get day off yesterday due to blizzard on same day peabrain-in-chief announces global warming agency. 5075,SEC Recognizes Climate Change as Material Business Risk 5686,Does this mean they're sure? . .STATE DEPT. DECLARES: 'Global warming unequivocal and primarily human-induced'... 1435,"Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming: Thanks to an unusually cold and snowy winter, followed by an earl..." 1252,"UW biologist links early blooms to global warming|Associated Press - April 21, 2010 6:15 AM ET STEVENS POINT, .." 5713,A good book on climate change for your summer reading list #tcot #tlot 560,"5th US Climate Action Report Released: ""Global Warming is Unequivocal"" [link]" 4113,Climategate: SEC Demands U.S. Firms Disclose Global Warming Risks to Shareholders #tcot #ocra 4361,"Addressing Global Warming: Retrain Coal Workers for Green Jobs: Create carrots for coal states -- specifically, gr..." 1641,LIVE NOW: Green Gone Wrong: False Hope and Real Solutions to Climate Change 5205,Canada's Wolverine Population Declines As Result Of Climate Change 1093,"Plants effective way of tackling global warming|Washington, Apr 30 : Plant leaves account for less than one per .." 2812,What do you think causes global warming? causes of global warming ;O 392,Plan B: California Braces for Climate Change [link] 4296,ways to stop global warming ;) Fundamental Ways That Could Stop Global Warming 4250,The Earth Institute's James Hansen warns against global warming in his new book 'Storms of My Grandchildren. 864,@SooperMexican Global warming. Clearly. 490,EXCLUSIVE - Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies [link] 2921,Water at core of climate change impacts-UN experts| Reuters (via @Reconsider) 46,Liberal Looney Toons: Global Warming Alarmist Comes Home With Artic Frost Bite: they wont learn huh? lo... [link] 4435,Claiming Climate change is man made or it will effect our lives if we dont change our ways IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT! TREE HUGGERS HARM US MORE! 502,Climate change is real and climate change has consequences for all of us. [link] 142,"So it*s April 27th, Phoenix has 90_Á weather & it might snow in New York today.. Hmmmm.. Global warming MUCH !" 1343,Iceland volcano not likely to slow global warming|A vast cloud from an intensifying volcanic eruption in Iceland .. 1315,"RT @bruces *Hmmm, they rather buried the lede here: Iceland glaciers melt from global warming, then volcanoes go off:" 213,well this is just crazy: Coal CEO Calls Mine Safety Rules 'As Silly As Global Warming' [link] 1406,We should be leaders on climate change but it is always put on the back burner... 1135,RT @indiaenvportal: The contribution of organic agriculture to climate change mitigation 4988,"RT @earthinstitute: State of the Planet 2010 Conference: Connecting Voices Globally to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change, Poverty..." 5058,"A green birthday gift: plant 10 trees for $10, in region strategically selected to offset global warming" 5363,You and Us and Me - Climate Change: Whale Poop To The Rescue! (via @NewsOnGreen) 5045,According to @newtgingrich it's snowing so Al Gore must be fat or something. It's GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. You might want to look that up. 207,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report [link] 230,Ocean Saltiness Shows Global Warming Is Intensifying Our Water Cycle [link] 3664,"More on why bogus ""global warming consensus"" is fading fast" 4329,RT @oceanplastics: Algae for controlling global warming - Current News & Events ... 4957,Mary Ellen Harte and John Harte: Addressing Global Warming: Retrain Coal Workers for Green Jobs 4702,RT @AmericaBlog: Right-wingers already claiming that the blizzard proves climate change doesn't exist #p2 378,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change [link] 1447,"RT @highcountrynews RT @NPCA: Two more glaciers are gone from namesake nat. park due to global warming, USGS reports" 575,Volcanic ash is a good thing. Blocks the sun's heat. Lessens air travel. Bye bye global warming. #fb 2685,Global warming is a plot by Coloradoans to get oceanfront property without moving. 2394,The complete guide to modern day climate change 5088,gop still doesn't comprehend diff btw weather & climate: rt @GottaLaff VA GOP uses blizzard to lie about climate change 4677,"Snow doesn't mean global warming is fraud, Sean! (IrishCentral) Fox News | Hannity | Climate | Conservative | Weather" 1385,Obama says in TV interview that 'we can't allow China to wait' on tackling climate change 1570,"""All 30 Major League Baseball Teams Throw Curve to Climate Change Deniers : CleanTechnica"" #cleantech #greentech #MLB" 3637,"@IsaacSalazar: Here's your climate change RT @mtapscott More on why bogus ""global warming consensus"" is fading fast:" 6028,@Dr_Rose Cali has been getting strange weather this year?\\ Its called law of averages catching up to the bullshit of global warming scares 1210,Climate change could raise cost of U.S. allergies (Reuters) 1154,How much trouble does global warming mean for agriculture? Just ask the wine industry. 1424,Just signed an #earthday petition to take action on climate change via @rockthevote: 4807,I likes it raw GOP senator's family builds igloo to mock global warming 3284,WaPo: Senate offers some hope for legislation to combat climate change 2467,@therealjonnyj @boogie_963now hey hey i know what get's his goat! lol Its either lake levels or THE TRUTH about global warming hahaha 669,"Global Warming Baloney: According to the experts at NASA, the difference between weather and climate is a measure ... [link]" 1318,I feel that already RT @organicnewyork Climate change making seasonal allergies worse. Near-record highs this Spring 4137,"SNOW is trending. Where is AL GORE, the expert on Global Warming been lately? Want 2 hear what HE has 2 say about record breaking snow fall!" 2848,EnCana's $31-million free pass: why we need to put a price on pollution | Climate Change | Pemb... (via @pembina) 2795,"RT @Demre: Party of No-Yup! #PON #GOP #M4TX No, I don't want government. regulating something as vague as ""climate change,"" !" 4227,Climate Change: Global hoax? #RTW 1270,Pat Mooney on the Dangers of Geoengineering and Manipulating the Planet to Combat Climate Change 586,CODA Automotive Lauded for Efforts to Combat Climate Change & Air Pollution [link] 5078,SEC Recognizes Climate Change as Material Business Risk 5531,@guardianeco ALL 3 PARTIES HAVE NOT PLACED ENOUGH EMPHASIS ON THIS ASPECT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN THEIR RELEVANT MANIFESTOS. 543,"Bolivian President Blames Capitalism for Global Warming: Environment News Service COCHABAMBA, Bolivia, April 20, 2... [link]" 4700,Understanding climate change: There's an ap for that 332,How do we solve this global warming thing? [link] 4468,RT @ClimaTweets: [World Changing] 29 Graphs of Climate Change Science in One Place: a one stop shop of... 1360,Tip of the Day: Plant One Tree on your Birthday - Plants absorb CO2 which helps reduce Global Warming. 1392,Plan B: California Braces for Climate Change 1778,Don Blankenship Calls Efforts On Mine Safety Regulation 'As Silly As Global Warming' 4686,Editorial: Senate Offers Hope for Climate Change Legislation 2491,@VHenry Global Warming Doomsday Called Off #climate change #eco 3864,#Wetlands & #prairies more sensitive to #climate change than previously thought #waterfowl #potholes 2278,Jake Whitney: On the Hoax of the Climate Change Hoax: Climate change 'skeptics' have been singing a victory song ... 3106,Flashback global warming leads to lack of snow 1388,Government Claims Global Warming May Cause Cancer 433,UMC Expands Climate Change Policy and Carbon Emission Reduction Goals [link] 2108,Letter: Global warming dilemma|Fifty years ago I was teaching and preaching about global warming and its .. 1127,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado 1367,Reinvent Cities to Stop Climate Change (via @reenymal) 527,"Fighting poverty and global warming in Africa: by Marc Gunther on 04/21/2010 22:10 0 comments , 0 views Rarely do ... [link]" 4482,#NewsVine Oceans Reveal Further Impacts Of Climate Change #How2GetRich 5157,#news How to talk to your friends about climate change: I have found solace in the words of Dmitry Orlov and many other 3351,"Fed gov't closed for 3 days in a row. That's 3 days of them not messing with our freedom. Thank you, global warming!" 1594,SCIENCE: Scientists explore the evolution of climate change #cleantech 561,"Global Warming, Melting Ice Caps Could Help Trigger More Volcanic Eruptions... [link]" 1671,computer forensics experts: are there still any idiots out there that belive global warming is true? 498,RT @panteraonca07: Slideshow of Alaska Before the Effects of Global Warming [link] 3979,Guest Article #33: Chemicals management and climate change ...: Chemicals are an integral part of the daily life w... 4680,"RT @ddimick: UN: ""Accelerated migration and climate change a 'recipe for social disaster'"" (via @alertnetclimate)" 3899,Lovely . . . another foot of global warming coming our way this weekend . . . 3662,"More on why bogus ""global warming consensus"" is fading fast" 4863,"RT @OpenSociety: OSI ""leads the way"" in addressing poverty, open society, & climate change - Thanks @Slate!" 4536,Electrical magnetic interference with toyota prius- also the reason for cell issues. All because of global warming and thinning atmosphere. 2222,Climate change scientists turn to Inuits for research: 3039,RT @EnergyCollectiv Beyond Brokenhagen: Business and Climate Change in the Post-Copenhagen Era 1264,"RT @Qorianka: All Eyes on #Cochabamba Those alrdy suffering from global warming 'll havechancetospeakout"" #cmpcc" 1171,RT @HeidiAmes: Climate change favors invasive species over indigenous ones. 30% of plants Thoreau saw are now extinct. 5657,Time to Make Your Voices Heard on Climate Change #tcot #tlot 5233,RT @mongabay: Climate Change and the Amazon Rainforest: 447,"RT @highcountrynews RT @NPCA: Two more glaciers are gone from namesake nat. park due to global warming, USGS reports [link]" 7,Migratory Birds' New Climate Change Strategy: Stay Home [link] 256,Will Global Warming Make Iceland's Volcanoes Angry?|Melting glaciers around the world could trigger a global .. [link] 5012,"FOR ALL YOU LOSERS THAT INVESTED IN AL GORE'S GLOBAL WARMING SCAM, I THINK ITS TIME TO KICK HIS ASS AND GET YOUR MONEY BACK." 2794,"""Even McCain supporters"" support global warming legislation. That said 'progressive' nerd. Cuz, ya know, McCain supporters are stupid." 1443,"85 degrees in April eh? Hellooo global warming, nice to meet u" 4398,"Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming; New Orleans, much of southern F..." 3572,"Fighting Climate Change is a Business Model - As governments struggle to solve the climate change crisis, who's ste..." 4596,"Murdoch's Fox News claim ""there's no global warming"" yet they still lust over their new solar installation." 3078,Diigo: RealClearPolitics - How Climate-Change Fanatics Corrupted Science: Tags: Ecomental Posted by: loseaneye 4613,D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse: NYC is feeling the same pain. 3566,"@bmorehousehoney that's why the science community has pushed so hard for the term ""Climate Change"" - warming is misleading..." 1120,"Climate Change Threatens Japan's Cherry Blossoms | Environment ...: If you aren't familiar with the culture, Japan..." 4098,DC: *FT Work for Greenpeace to STOP GLOBAL WARMING - $12-$13/hr*: Are you looking to make a change in the world?'... 1531,@drgrist's excellent take on why even environmental economics limits our climate change policy options #climate #agw 1582,Why cleaner air could speed global warming 2235,"DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked?|A thaw of ice caps caused by global warming may .." 1255,Global warming evidence all around us|A message to global warming deniers and doubters: Just look around our .. 224,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming [link] 2881,Thoughts on Marketing the Climate Change Issue #susty 5251,GLOBAL WARMING IS A FAIRY TALE! 5230,"Abbott's climate change policy: live chat with environment reporter Adam Morton: Logically, power generators are o..." 406,We should be leaders on climate change but it is always put on the back burner... [link] 2350,"Attend Tribeca Film Festival at home to see ""Climate of Change"" documentary: via @treehugger" 214,Military leads fight against climate change [link] 346,"2/3rds of Tbaggers don't think climate change is a serious problem. As I said, they're ignorant." 441,Tulips in mid-April in Chicago? Love the global warming. [link] 264,"RT @Qorianka: All Eyes on #Cochabamba Those alrdy suffering from global warming 'll havechancetospeakout"" [link]" 4481,"All ppl w/ working brains know global warming's a huge con, but politicians still pushing capntrade Sign petition" 2063,"Don Blankenship: Mine Safety Regulators ""As Silly as Global Warming""" 5792,"Global warming? Uh, make that another ice age instead: It's hard to imagine the wheels falling off the global warm..." 3253,Right-wingers already claiming that the blizzard proves climate change doesn't exist 4163,"People who claim these blizzards disprove climate change clearly didn't see ""The Day After Tomorrow""." 1150,RT @Newsweek: Global Warming Kills Forests In Colorado 5402,"The Tories are all about branding, not substance on climate change | The Labou.. (via @labourpress)" 186,RT @sciam: Impacts of Climate Change Extend to Human Health [link] 5039,"RT @astrosteve ""Well, Lisa, looks like I'll be shoveling four feet of global warming tomorrow!"" - Homer Simpson" 218,Fighting poverty and global warming in Africa [link] 1418,Health effects are a big deal. RT @EPSclimate: Impacts of Climate Change Extend to Human Health #moms #families #eco 2988,"RT @fredthompson: DHS cites global warming as security threat. Um... worry less about temp of planet, more about temp of terrorist undies." 306,RT @TEDNews: Larry Brilliant at #tedxvolcano: Climate change is exacerbating all other crises of our age. But climate science is now under attack. 435,"Allergies Worse Than Ever? Blame Global Warming: Thanks to an unusually cold and snowy winter, followed by an earl... [link]" 3557,Green Police! RT @peterdaou: Department of Defense states that climate change is a national security threat 105,EPA Confirms Climate IS Changing: In another display of the sea change that has occurred at the US Environmental P... [link] 5198,"We take climate change seriously & as a business, we hold ourselves responsible for our impact. Learn how:" 5165,Pika Denied Protection By U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service: SALT LAKE CITY ' Climate change might be hurting some po... 6020,Oven Dial or Light Switch: Carbon Lock-in and Abrupt Climate Change 679,RT @ClimateDepot: ''Obama does a 3-minute Earth Day video; fails to mention the global warming hoax'' [link] 4147,"RT @JulesBeaujolais: RT: @StopBeck: So #tcot, if snow during the winter disproves global warming, does a hot day during summer prove it? #p2" 5530,All 30 Major League Baseball Teams Throw Curve to Climate Change Deniers 1222,"UN À_ Only Global Cooperation Can Prevent Runaway Climate Change, Secretary À_: The United Nations seeks dialogue, i..." 4813,"""Queens College geologist journeys to Antarctica to study global warming""" 3585,Naomi Klein on CSPAN: Climate change causing island extinction within 50 years. 340,Is nationalizing the energy industry necessary to fight global warming? [link] 1276,"Global Warming, Melting Ice Caps Could Help Trigger More Volcanic Eruptions" 1451,RT @EnergyBoom: Harvard and MIT Receive $2 Million to Study Health and Environmental Impacts of Climate Change 3425,Interested in how the US Fish and Wildlife Service (@USFWSHQ) is addressing #climate change and fish/wildlife? #science 295,Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may trigger more volcanoes|Climate change could spark more ''hazardous'' .. [link] 3048,What does Climate Change mean for Arab countries? - Arab Environment Watch (via @batirw) 4541,How Climate-Change Fanatics Corrupted Science -- Michael Barone -- GOPUSA via @sharethis 5493,Feel free to doubt climate change: just don't deny it | Environment | The Obser.. (via @EcoSteward) 5466,Ask Pablo: What Impact Will The Volcano In Iceland Have On Climate Change? : T.. (via @moneyflower) 3063,GeoEngineering as a Potential Part of the Climate Change Solution #susty 547,See where @climate change is happening RT @ClimateCentral 8-part series on cities and climate change for BBC Worldnews: [link] 1313,À_No Rain in the Amazon: How South AmericaÀ_s Climate Change Affects Entire PlanetÀ_ -Interview of Nikolas Kozloff (vid) 4887,The DC storms *prove* global warming is just a liberal plot to raise taxes. Snow is not warm...duh. (proves it!) 2268,Progress in Improving Transparency in Environmental Protection and Climate Change in' #energy 1449,UK leads the way! RT @10cities Schumacher College: Mobilising Democracy to Tackle Climate Change 5302,"Why climate change will make your allegeries worse," 509,"Global Warming: Ocean chemistry is changing faster than it has in 800,000 years: And that's because of the carbon ... [link]" 4930,What would all the beneficiaries of the global warming hype do if they find out that humans have little to do with the Earth's temp? #tcot 414,Oxfam: Climate change devastating rural Ethiopian communities. [link] 4479,@GayPatriot You don't believe in global climate change? I don't really understand your point. 314,Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos) [link] 3954,RT @Drudge_Report: TIME MAG: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse... = FAIL. 5066,@Rochdalian Maybe it's an ironic by-product of global warming. (The new Southern Snow-Belt) 1781,Don Blankenship Calls Efforts On Mine Safety Regulation 'As Silly As Global Warming': At his Labor Day anti-union... 5010,"(""Censored News"") Cochabama: Peoples World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth's Rights" 4825,New federal climate change agency forming #environment #eco 548,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming: Christian Science Monitor From a scheme to c... [link] 2319, Film Fetes Small Steps to Address Climate Change 2458,Open Question: Who will be the most effected by global change and climate change?: and how will the change in clim... 3787,RT @sciencedaily: Stratospheric Water Vapor is a Global Warming Wild Card: A 10 percent drop in water vapor ten miles above Earth's ... 2939,India seeks clarity on equity of climate change flow (via @HeadlinesIndia) 287,Southern Africa: Competing for Limpopo Water: Climate change will bring higher temperatures to Southe... [link] 226,Military leads fight against climate change: Pew [link] 5393,World News Australia - Whale poo may help fight climate change (via @SBSNews) 2846,"RT @Doc_0: If the purpose of int'l courts is 2 prosecute crimes against humanity, everyone behind the global warming fraud belongs in court." 299,RT @Newsweek: Climate Change: Places To See Before They DisappearÀ_The Americas (Photos) [link] 4088,RT @StephenAtHome: I think we can all agree this Prius disaster proves once and for all that global warming doesn't exist 5387,Evo Morales: Don't shut out developing nations from climate change negotia.. (via @nathanielsmusic) 2691,Stop Global Warming!' 100% recycled paper pencils with soy-based ink used on the packaging. 2219,"@bryanrwalsh When I read 'I'm all for combating global warming, but,' hard to keep reading. Wait till next yr and pass carbon tax? Pleeze." 1162,"How Global Warming Is Killing California's Wine Buzz: Dr. Kimberley Cahill presented on ""Climate Change in Califor..." 519,"Redding architect Theimer: Global warming doubters ""stupid"": James Theimer, known locally for his environmentally ... [link]" 432,"Are you ready for climate change, if so let your lawmakers know, how tell them sign petitions, drop a hint :)" 4531,6 of 25 known Great Basin pika populations were lost by 2003 primarily due to climate change. More have likely disappeared since. 3025,OMG! Al Gore forgot to tell Mother Nature that she can't have a Blizzard when Global Warming is occurring!!! 5179,"Tennis Great Star Billie Jean King encourages everyone to take mass transit, a great way to help fight climate change" 3567,Report: open green tech and open business models for climate-change oriented technology transfer 322,Climate Change is Making You Sneeze: [link] 4948,Looks like Audi is co-signing this Global Warming conspiracy... 532,The Key to Fixing Global Warming? China [link] 2870,Species vulnerability to climate change: sharks and sting rays in the Great BarrierReef - Front ... (via @ResearchBlogs) 5121,Positive Proof of Global Warming! [PIC] 4684,"Snow doesn't mean global warming's a fraud, Sean: | celebrity news" 3470,Another 20 in. of snow possible. Who Dat say there's global warming? #tcot #globalwarming 3751,"It's settled: Global warming science is sloppy: From the Dutch News: According to the last IPCC report, published ..." 1256,Will Global Warming Make Iceland's Volcanoes Angry?|Melting glaciers around the world could trigger a global .. 156,"Climate Change: From Paris to the Alps, European Places in Peril (photos) [link]" 3207,Alternative futures of a warming world: Potential human responses to climate change will be integrated into future... 456,Fight Climate Change From All Fronts: [link] 3854,Enlisting a drug discovery technique in the battle against global warming #climate 2258,"15-year old speaks about global warming at Palace Theater|Earth Day may have come and gone, but the fight to .." 5164,RT @lifesizepaprdol: Ensure the Participation of Indigenous Peoples in UN Climate Change Policies: 5309,It's Climate Change Day today! ' Ask the Climate Question (via @GreenAllianceUK) 2666,RT @Dothegreenthing: Utterly superb Paul Krugman explanation of the true economics of fighting climate change #dtgt 1642,@New_federalists i have it on good auth tht global warming also causes toe fungus. We R all fortunate tht thr IS no global warming! #tcot 164,"GLOBAL WARMING: Ocean chemistry is changing faster than it has in 800,000 years|And that's because of the carbon .. [link]" 3012,Perkins Coie - News / Publications - Updates DetailDoes Climate Change Affect Your Busin... (via @PerkinsCoieLLP) 2857,"RMetS meeting: Adapting our cities for future climate change 17/02/2010, 2pm, Imperial College, London," 1393,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 36 1541,UW biologist links early blooms to global warming 1371,Abu Dhabi faces climate change flood threat - expert - Culture & Society - Arabia.. (via @zaqzaqat) 6078,"Bats, Birds and Lizards Can Fight Climate Change - Birds, bats and lizards may play an important role in Earth's cl..." 2914,WA drought is 'proof of climate change' (AAP) | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen) 4004,"Dear Stupid People Who Think These Winter Storms Means There's No Such Thing As Global Warming, Yo're stupid. Love, Shut up via @DougBenson" 2613,Can green capitalism be the 'profitable solution to climate change?' #climate #climatechange 1242,URUGUAY: Tools Needed for Those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change 5081,RT @wsmco: should tie a liberal global warming scum to front of every snowplow in dc. and drag morons who voted for them behind it. 1243,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming 5375,Global Warming Causes Earthquakes. Suuuuure it does. #TCOT 3183,@gounian Thanks I agree! It is sad that many are unwilling to accept the truth of climate change. 4905,I really think that conservatives DO get the global climate change thing. It's just that they'll never admit that they're wrong. Assholes. 348,Climate Change - Building a Green Economy [link] 411,RT @CHIoxfamaction: People in poor countries are 20 times more likely to be affected by disasters caused by climate change than those in the developed world 4194,Brilliant: 'Vagina Monologues' Creator Tells Palin to Look at 'Earthquakes and Tsunamis' for Global Warming Proof 1515,Ocean currents still strong despite global warming|Researchers at NASA have discovered that the ocean currents .. 658,"Rationalists' who believe aliens exist & global warming=caused by humans, might as well believe in Jesus miracles,angels &fairies #tcot #p2" 4131,Photo: brooklynmutt: It's snowing so global warming is a myth! Anti-intellectualism at its finest. 5743,Reading Paul Krugman's enlightening article on the economics of mitigating global climate change: 542,UW biologist links early blooms to global warming: A researcher says plants in central Wisconsin are flowering ear... [link] 3730,The Overwhelming Evidence of Global Warming falling from the sky in DC!--> (#teaparty #tcot #Beck #GOP #Obama live at... 330,Coalition of the Tired of Waiting: Fighting Climate Change at Ground Level [link] 2833,What you need to know about: Climate Change (via @ArchwoFrontiers) 2320,"RT @TREE_MUSEUM: Earth Day talks at CUNY, 3pm + 6.30pm Illuminating the Science: Art and Climate Change (artists + scientists speaking)" 99,Even the generals know climate change is going to screw us. [link] 472,Plants effective way of tackling global warming [link] 603,"Renewable energy possible solution to global warming: By Milton Takei | University alumnus, 1992 In dealing with t... [link]" 5462,Tweetdeck is frozen... there is no global warming. #p2 5766,What causes Global Warming? | Global Warming Cause: Im 13 and ive got to research on what causes global warming. I... 155,Arctic Beauty in Black and White: Alaska Before the Effects of Global Warming [Slide Show] [link] 2384,RT @IFC_SKN: How do we better monitor climate change in Africa? Involve farmers in data collex #sustainability #climate 364,"Green:Net: How the Internet, Computing Can Fight Climate Change: The Internet, software, computing... [link]" 4812,"What's a Cheap, Easy Way to Curb Climate Change? Seal the Leaks!: ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release) U..." 4608,"RT @BorowitzReport: FUN GAME: Next time someone says ""So much for global warming,"" push them into a snowdrift and run away." 1123,"CLIMATE CHANGE: Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon, Say Activists IPSAmazon" 2346,Wired: The Key to Fixing Global Warming? China #socialmedia #news 1178,Combating climate change: lessons from the world's indigenous peoples: When I arrived at the United Nations climat... 1656,RT @Climate scam another warmist has to be rescued from Arctic cold Global warming activist 'transported ... #tcot #p2 1603,"Renewable energy possible solution to global warming: By Milton Takei | University alumnus, 1992 In dealing with t..." 3393,"@collegepolitico They like to have it both ways. If it were sunny and 70 now, they'd blame it on global warming." 3913,For those of you doubting global warming because of this snow. Vancouver has had it's warmest Winter on record. It's called a trend line. 3234,"Big surprise, the GOP is wrong on global warming - it may actually intensify snow storms and hurricanes (h/t @kombiz )" 232,"RT @egeemnz @mrdannyglover i support world people's conf on climate change in cochabamba, live [link]" 4907,"@DavidCornDC That's why ""Global warming"" is another one of those phrases that should be eliminated. Purposely used to mislead now." 4312,"Obama 2 create a new agency dealing with ""climate change"" - is he serious? #powerelitescam #globalwarminghoax" 2704,But the weather is fucking hot. Screw global warming. 5986,Earth's missing heat a concern - and could eventually reappear as another sign of climate change 4196,"@Jen_Niffer Wait it out, global warming is the what I hear anyway. ;-) #agw #environitwits. #ecofascism #tcot #snOMG" 5255,@algore you are such a cocksucker. global warming is fake you should be put in prison. stop trying to push your lies on America. 3644,"@justinlee76 Well, this type of storm is always fleeting in people's minds, but it certaintly doesn't help the climate change people." 4995,"Global warming is man-made, top UN official reaffirms: UNITED NATIONS, Jan 7 (APP): The great weight of science st..." 506,Could Cleaner Air Actually Intensify Global Warming?: by NPR Staff As much of the world marked Earth Day this past w... [link] 2180,EPA Issues Report on U.S. Climate Change Indicators 3952,Morning everybody. Any of you still skeptical about the effects of global warming?? Or do you think the end is near? #earthquakeinillinois 4025,;P ways to stop global warming IPCC devil deserves its due 1674,"I am freezing still in Southern California. Global warming fanatics, come visit me. Wear a hat, gloves and down jacket." 5105,"""SCAM, SCAM, SCAM!"" EU Parliament Member Rips global Warming Hysteria #tcot #p2 #gop #teaparty" 634,"Glacier National Park Loses Two More Glaciers Due To Global Warming: By Meena Kar Montana, Apr 11, (... [link]" 5258,"Climate change increases heat waves, floods: EPA: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deaths from heat waves, property da..." 1573,"Global warming melts ice and this can influence magmatic systems,"" he told Reuters." 4121,The CFC Ban: Global Warming's Pilot Episode #tcot #ocra 5025,Utah State Rep: Climate Change Is Conpiracy To Control Populaton #p2 2427,ACHOO! Are allergies driving you mad this spring? Learn about the connection between allergies and climate change 3682,Utah state representative claims climate change is a 'conspiracy' aimed at population control. 2435,Will you #wakeup and walk out on April 26th 1pm for climate change? - can't wait to see what action consumers take 4406,India is first country to probe climate change hoax. Wake up America. Al Gore and his greenies are a fraud. 2904,YID With LID: The IPCC's Latest Climate Change Blunder...To Boldly Go Where No Stupidity Has Gone Before. (via @CO2HOG) 1615,"Green' cement made from rice may help tackle global warming|London, April 13 : With the increasing rise in the .." 3307,Wash Post editorial: Senate offers some hope for legislation to combat #climate change 5378,Climate Change: Resources on the affects of climate change on human health (via @NLM_SIS) 2225,RT @RaysFreedomHash: Kuna Indians Prepare For Relocation As Traditional Homes Sink Due To Climate Change by @indigenousissue 4872,Anatomy of the collapse of the great gobal warming scandal #global warming 4168,"For everyone who thinks #Snowmageddon disproves Global Warming, this is why ur wrong:" 1552,Birds in southern England suffer from global warming 2506,"@szach87129 Oh, the humanity! Global warming is destroying Los Angeles! #climate change" 605,Plz hlp fight Global warming- read my post abt effects of Global Warming [link] 4377,"Nigeria, Climate Change And A Renewable Energy Master Plan | Gov ..." 6085,"@bloodless_coup ""The phrase 'global warming' should be abandoned in favor of 'climate change', Luntz says,"" #p2 #tcot" 3136,"RT @WWFUS Climate Denial Crock of the Week: ""It's cold. So there's no Climate Change"" #climate" 4976,California's global-warming law Under Attack 1471,Namibia: Govt to Get Active On Climate Change 4804,Thank you James Sniffen from UNEP for a great session on Climate Change and the UN. 4061,The Great Unraveling: Professional global warming alarmists better think about looking for new jobs #tcot 610,Global Warming Likely to Worsen Allergies in Maine: That's according to a new report released today by the Nationa... [link] 6089,man made global warming a hair brained theory 4 the scientifically challenged the IPPC has nothing to back up claims #tcot #p2 #climategate 4378,"RFK, Jr. 15 months ago: Global warming means no snow or cold in DC | Washington Examiner via @sharethis" 2697,"Looking at the facts of climate change, hysteria is a rational response." 5110,Brilliant. RT @StephenAtHome I think we can all agree this Prius disaster proves once and for all that global warming doesn't exist 1326,The need to switch to renewable energy|Climate scientists have long warned us that global warming is accelerating .. 5846,Anchor Rising: The Environmental Mandate: Rhode Island may take another step toward addressing climate change issu... 5476,Warming could wake up volcanoes: A thaw of ice caps in coming decades caused by climate change may trigger more vo... 5456,Beavers Sign up to Fight Effects of Climate Change | Global Warming | DISCOVER.. (via @DiscoverMag) 41,Proof there's no climate change. RT @jazgar 75-ft killer tsunami created in a Peruvian LAKE when a glacier fractures & falls Into the lake! 5734,Tell Rupert Murdoch to Get His Facts Straight on Climate Change: #FoxNews #GlobalWarming #SaveTerra 6 2748,Vancouver Winter Olympics pinched by climate change | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen) 266,Migratory Birds' New Climate Change Strategy: Stay Home [link] 2740,global warming verified: 647,hide the decline is the global warming nut jobs current policy its all a epic scam they are lying to the world #climategate #tcot #p2 244,Carbon offsets: How a Vatican forest failed to reduce global warming [link] 4878,"Report: Exxon Still Orchestrating Campaign to ""Undermine Public Acceptance of Global Warming"" via @treehugger" 1645,the scientific community was scamed by global green gov warming scam. 1133,I LOVE FROG's LEAP!!!! Seriously. RT @grist: What climate change means for the wine industry (via @theclimatedesk) 3042,global warming :O Bill Blocking EPA Authority to Curb Global Warming Pollution an 5532,Report: Allergy Season to Get Worse with Climate Change ( | Humanita.. (via @HumanityNews) 3401,@andrewbreitbart I bet you think snow disproves climate change. Idiot 468,Arctic Ice Loss Accelerating Global Warming: Research: TopNews New Zealand Global warming may be getting worse tha... [link] 581,Why cleaner air could speed global warming [link] 1631,celebrate Earth Day by signing Declaration of Energy Independence to show the Senate we demand action on climate change 6005,"Like gravity, the signs of global warming are reliable and unchanging." 1373,"You and Us and Me - China active, serious in tackling climate change, says vic.. (via @NewsOnGreen)" 5823,RT @GOOD: Semi-believable evidence that climate change causes earthquakes and volcanoes 2008,RT @TheBCast: The B-Cast Interview: Minnesotans for Global Warming' Fight YouTube Takedowns 2560,#enviroment: Global warming will kill the United Nations 4303,"Major effects of global warming tied to water, scientists say" 2961,Phony Climate Change Agenda Used In Australia to Force Expensive Home Inspections (via @sminfowars) 106,"Must See Places Before They Disappear! : Europe...[PICS]: If Global Warming Predictions prove to be true, the foll... [link]" 4332,Algae for controlling global warming - Current News & Events ... 181,"China: The Key To Fixing Global Warming|With rapid expansion comes sizable environmental impact, so the world's .. [link]" 3528,I hate when morons think that when we get snow it means there's no global warming. It is called CLIMATE CHANGE! Wake the F up! 206,HEALTH: U.S. and other industrial nations already feel impacts of climate change -- report [link] 1180,GECKO 10 first steps to greener living: It all seems so daunting: Climate change. Carbon credits. Not to mention ... GECKO 4994,How's that Global Warming treating you? Anyone seen Al Gore? photo shows record-breaking snow in Maryland 5737,756 Bad Things Attributed To Global Warming #tlot #agw 2224,"RT @MarthaStewart: much needed rain is falling-gardens & fields verdant & blooming, but everything's 2 wks ahead of schedule-global warming?" 1605,Plz hlp fight Global warming- read my post abt effects of Global Warming Let me know what u think TXS 555,"Global warming blamed for European air traffic collapse: The FINANCIAL -- Global warming, which altered European w... [link]" 4528," :P stop global warming The Global Climate: Yes, Its Still Warming" 3262,How climate change = more snowstorms: 246,Ethiopia: Climate Change Increasing Poverty And Vulnerability: Small-scale farmers and pastoralists i... [link] 1101,"RT @disturbedwater: Climate change increases heat waves, floods: EPA" 5417,RT @iamReGGo: #EarthDay has been going on since the 70's yet Global Warming is continuing to depreciate the Earth..we Gotta Do Better! 643,Illegal war and the myth of global warming|My main campaign platform for this election will be the illegal .. [link] 5273,Heather Taylor-Miesle: CLIMATE CHANGE CANNOT WAIT | Humanitarian News (via @NewsOnGreen) 1275,@Zener39 I advise everyone who thinks global warming is dead to buy oceanfront property and live there. See ya! 3130,@Mac80537 Climate change theory has long predicted increased ocean temp would lead to more sever storms. 3636,@brandonlk I'm feeling global warming here as I'm sore from digging out over 2 feet of snow :-) 1286,An Overview of the Green Car Revolution | Going Green: The increasing awareness about the threat of global warming... 1503,Global Warming Contributes To Rapidly Increased Ocean Acidification: The US National Research Council warned last ... 3273,"I specifically learned in school, winter disproves summer RT @ChrisHarrisKS Snowstorms dont disprove Climate Change #p2" 3327,"Like climate change, the risks/rewards of geoeng are unequally distributed, but geoeng can be done relatively easily, cheaply, and quickly." 4816,Climate Change: Global hoax? #RTW 4140,"Global Warming Dent's El Ni'o's Protective Shield From Atlantic Hurricanes, Increase Droughts" 305,"Damn man that ash cloud in Europe is crazy, they say due to global warming with the volcano activating,getting crazy" 1193,"Watch video: Climate change threatens sacred Tibetan mountain, including land known as Shangri-La #earthday" 1359,Climate Change - 100 Endangered Places and How to Save Them - Newsweek (via @tweeterism) 4207,@algore fuck you man...I was your biggest supporter...then you let it rain like noahs ark...fuck your theory on global warming.. 2551,10 Sustainable Super Structures to withstand global climate change: 1112,"CLIMATE CHANGE: Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon, Say Activists" 3608,The great global warming collapse'... 2405,The world is warming - The complete guide to modern day climate change: 3921,wow we had a blizzard & an earthquake. Take that you global warming non-believers! 4019,YouTube Thomas Sowell: Global Warming Manufactured by Intellectuals? :) causes of global warming 2681,Stone Soup The Importance of Trees in Halting Global Warming: Most people have heard that planting... #stonesoupdayton 1483,"Government Report Says Global Warming to Cause Cancer, Mental Illness: By Matt Cover, Staff Writer (CN..." 202,"ITS #EARTHDAY!!! Be aware of what you consume, waste, & how you treat this place. we only have 1 & as we can see global warming is in effect" 2592,#Globalwarming #Hoax alert!!>>Left wing nut job thinks #climate change is comparable to Nazism!! #tcot #agw #p2 #teaparty 4068,30 inches of snow in DC winter everywhere no global warming yet the myth persists 1383,Take Action @change: Help Protect Wildlife Habitat from Climate Change #climatechange #SierraClub #SaveTerra 32 5226,"How to Shape a Global Approach to Climate Change: More Davos, Less Denmark: Only one month after the Copenhagen co..." 2151,The Open Veins of Climate Change #Latism @beingLatino @KetyE #Green #climatechange #WCCPC 4169,"Junk science reported as fact, How stupid do they think we are? TIME MAG: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse." 1349,Climate change threatening Glacier National Park and Montana's economy - 2622,@maxphillips You don't even have to talk about climate change to realise there are problems with coal. I'm winding down my mine. #4corners 816,Climate change and our identity [link] 1106,"Must See Places Before They Disappear! : Europe...[PICS]: If Global Warming Predictions prove to be true, the foll..." 1116,"CLIMATE CHANGE: Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon, Say Activists" 2438,@deannatdon HAHAH LOL global warming! 1327,"Climate Change culprit for ""Off-the-Charts"" Pollen Counts..." 140,RT @christellar: Whale DooDoo could help fight #climate change? Sure! Why not!? [link] 5108,Wolverine No Match for Climate Change: Forget polar bears or penguins. The charismatic megafauna suffering most ... 3353,[@ClimateProgress] Energy and Global Warming News for February 9: Ford to unveil electric Transit Connect van today 4554,"Water Vapor Slowed Global Warming Over Past Decade: Over the last 10 years, global temperatures rose about 25 pe..." 4086,Facts brushed over by global warming fanatics al gore global warming ! 1384,Carbon Age is killing us. Climate change legislation now: 2317,RT @AmeliaCeja: #HappyEarthDay! World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth 585,Global Warming Today À_ Blog Archive À_ How can we tackle global ...: The only way at present is to reduce greenhous... [link] 5379,Ice-covered volcanoes may answer climate change questions - (via @LATimesscience) 3306,Seriously? Libs really reaching. Ha! RT @Drudge_Report TIME MAG: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse... 4693,Dear #TCOT: RT @NewsOnGreen D.C. Snowstorm: How Global Warming Makes Blizzards Worse ( #p2 5272,Irony Deficient: WaPo 'On Faith' Frets About Climate Change | (via @BestBlogPosts)
Step 4 Scoring the Model¶
The data file climate_test_answers.csv
contains the tweet number and the correct classification for that tweet. Compute the number of tweets you have correctly classified in the previous step by comparing your answers to the answers in this data file.
tnum,existence 1202,Y 1100,Y 580,Y 2871,Y 101,Y 4902,Y 4793,Y 4111,Y 4076,N 1572,Y 6016,Y 5380,Y 154,Y 2262,Y 3051,Y 1458,Y 4045,Y 3693,N 5629,Y 4105,Y 3016,Y 2184,Y 1366,Y 3138,Y 3365,Y 5763,Y 2910,Y 5118,Y 2177,Y 5119,Y 3843,Y 229,Y 1280,Y 4932,Y 557,Y 1590,Y 4456,Y 4182,N 5262,Y 3339,Y 2732,N 5153,Y 4842,Y 2018,Y 5878,Y 4311,Y 1511,Y 1648,N 4722,Y 5618,Y 3083,Y 3081,Y 2424,N 3626,Y 28,Y 488,Y 222,Y 5592,Y 24,Y 4116,N 312,Y 1604,Y 4018,Y 4785,Y 5144,Y 1156,Y 1334,Y 3651,Y 271,Y 4289,Y 2294,N 4185,N 3767,Y 3000,Y 4757,N 3320,Y 4901,Y 599,Y 5902,Y 38,N 1682,N 3427,Y 2723,N 3377,Y 941,Y 2203,Y 6059,Y 5814,N 1,Y 5995,Y 445,Y 3720,Y 1583,Y 1225,Y 2482,Y 648,N 3886,Y 120,Y 4890,N 4349,Y 1554,Y 4950,Y 1257,Y 4522,Y 390,Y 45,N 621,Y 2938,Y 2925,Y 2426,Y 1630,Y 595,Y 4411,N 2620,Y 1292,Y 1188,Y 1230,Y 3710,N 4822,N 5075,Y 5686,Y 1435,Y 1252,Y 5713,Y 560,Y 4113,Y 4361,Y 1641,Y 5205,Y 1093,Y 2812,Y 392,Y 4296,Y 4250,Y 864,Y 490,Y 2921,Y 46,N 4435,N 502,Y 142,Y 1343,Y 1315,Y 213,Y 1406,Y 1135,Y 4988,Y 5058,Y 5363,Y 5045,Y 207,Y 230,Y 3664,N 4329,Y 4957,Y 4702,Y 378,Y 1447,Y 575,Y 2685,N 2394,Y 5088,Y 4677,Y 1385,Y 1570,Y 3637,N 6028,N 1210,Y 1154,Y 1424,Y 4807,N 3284,Y 2467,N 669,N 1318,Y 4137,N 2848,Y 2795,N 4227,N 1270,Y 586,Y 5078,Y 5531,Y 543,Y 4700,Y 332,Y 4468,Y 1360,Y 1392,Y 1778,N 4686,Y 2491,N 3864,Y 2278,N 3106,Y 1388,Y 433,Y 2108,Y 1127,Y 1367,Y 527,Y 4482,Y 5157,Y 3351,Y 1594,Y 561,Y 1671,N 498,Y 3979,Y 4680,Y 3899,Y 3662,N 4863,Y 4536,Y 2222,Y 3039,Y 1264,Y 1171,Y 5657,Y 5233,Y 447,Y 7,Y 256,Y 5012,N 2794,N 1443,Y 4398,Y 3572,Y 4596,Y 3078,N 4613,Y 3566,Y 1120,Y 4098,Y 1531,Y 1582,Y 2235,Y 1255,Y 224,Y 2881,Y 5251,N 5230,Y 406,Y 2350,Y 214,Y 346,Y 441,Y 264,Y 4481,N 2063,N 5792,N 3253,Y 4163,Y 1150,Y 5402,Y 186,Y 5039,N 218,Y 1418,Y 2988,N 306,Y 435,Y 3557,Y 105,Y 5198,Y 5165,Y 6020,Y 679,N 4147,Y 5530,Y 1222,Y 4813,Y 3585,Y 340,Y 1276,Y 1451,Y 3425,Y 295,Y 3048,Y 4541,N 5493,Y 5466,Y 3063,Y 547,Y 1313,Y 4887,N 2268,Y 1449,Y 5302,Y 509,Y 4930,N 414,Y 4479,Y 314,Y 3954,Y 5066,Y 1781,N 5010,Y 4825,Y 548,Y 2319,Y 2458,Y 3787,Y 2939,Y 287,Y 226,Y 5393,Y 2846,N 299,Y 4088,N 5387,Y 2691,Y 2219,Y 1162,Y 519,Y 432,Y 4531,Y 3025,N 5179,Y 3567,Y 322,Y 4948,N 532,Y 2870,Y 5121,Y 4684,Y 3470,N 3751,N 1256,Y 156,Y 3207,Y 456,Y 3854,Y 2258,Y 5164,Y 5309,Y 2666,Y 1642,N 164,Y 3012,Y 2857,Y 1393,Y 1541,Y 1371,Y 6078,Y 2914,Y 4004,Y 2613,Y 1242,Y 5081,N 1243,Y 5375,N 3183,Y 4905,Y 348,Y 411,Y 4194,Y 1515,Y 658,N 4131,Y 5743,Y 542,Y 3730,N 330,Y 2833,Y 2320,Y 99,Y 472,Y 603,Y 5462,N 5766,Y 155,Y 2384,Y 364,Y 4812,Y 4608,Y 1123,Y 2346,Y 1178,Y 1656,N 1603,Y 3393,N 3913,Y 3234,Y 232,Y 4907,N 4312,N 2704,N 5986,Y 4196,N 5255,N 3644,N 4995,Y 506,Y 2180,Y 3952,Y 4025,Y 1674,N 5105,N 634,Y 5258,Y 1573,Y 4121,Y 5025,N 2427,Y 3682,N 2435,Y 4406,N 2904,N 1615,Y 3307,Y 5378,Y 2225,Y 4872,N 4168,Y 1552,Y 2506,Y 605,Y 4377,Y 6085,Y 3136,Y 4976,Y 1471,Y 4804,Y 4061,N 610,Y 6089,N 4378,Y 2697,Y 5110,N 1326,Y 5846,Y 5476,Y 5456,Y 41,N 5734,Y 2748,Y 266,Y 2740,Y 647,N 244,Y 4878,Y 1645,N 1133,Y 3042,Y 5532,Y 3401,Y 468,Y 581,Y 1631,Y 6005,Y 1373,Y 5823,Y 2008,Y 2560,Y 4303,Y 2961,N 106,Y 4332,Y 181,Y 3528,Y 206,Y 1180,Y 4994,N 5737,Y 2224,N 1605,Y 555,Y 4528,Y 3262,Y 246,Y 1101,Y 5417,Y 643,N 5273,Y 1275,Y 3130,Y 3636,N 1286,Y 1503,Y 3273,Y 3327,Y 4816,N 4140,Y 305,Y 1193,Y 1359,Y 4207,N 2551,Y 1112,Y 3608,N 2405,Y 3921,Y 4019,N 2681,Y 1483,Y 202,Y 2592,N 4068,N 1383,Y 5226,Y 2151,Y 4169,N 1349,Y 2622,Y 816,Y 1106,Y 1116,Y 2438,N 1327,Y 140,Y 5108,Y 3353,Y 4554,Y 4086,N 1384,Y 2317,Y 585,Y 5379,Y 3306,N 4693,Y 5272,Y