🤔 Build your own Google¶
How does the Google search engine work? That is the big question we are going to investigate in this project. Of course only a few people know exactly how the search engine works today because that is a closely guarded secret, but we can make our own simple version. The original PageRank algorithm Is interesting to read about and is widely considered to be an algorithm that has truly changed the world.
Before we can understand how to to make our own search engine, we need to understand a bit about the data it has to work with. That is the source for the web pages, written in a language called HyperText Markup Language or HTML. HTML is a plain text programming language that lets you create documents, these documents are displayed (or rendered) by a web browser. Without the browser HTML pages are not so easy to read.
If you think about common things that you do with a word processor to format a document that is a good starting point for us to learn about HTML. The things you commonly do with a word processor include:
Create headings and subheadings
Create bullet lists of things
Create numbered lists of things
Format text
Add page or line breaks
Insert images, graphs, and videos
Create tables of data
Whereas your word processor does all of this formatting in a What you See is What you get (WYSIWYG) way, HTML as its name implies is a markup language. So what you will ultimately see is described by a set of tags. Lets look at some examples of the tasks we described above an the tags we would use to create them.
Task |
Tag(s) |
create headings |
h1 |
h2 |
… h6 |
p |
create bullet lists |
ul |
li |
create numbered lists |
ol |
li |
insert images |
img |
create tables |
table |
tr |
td |
Now lets put those tags to use to create a simple web page.
If you click on the Save and Run button The HTML description of the page will be rendered right next to it as output. Feel free to experiment and make some changes to the html. For example change the ol tag to a ul tag to make our list unnumbered, or add your own list.
The thing that gives HTML superpowers is the simple a tag. This tag allows us to add links that take us from one document to another. Copy and paste this tag to the bottom of the source code above and then re-run it. <a href="/runestone/static/fopp/_static/home.html">Home</a>
You will notice that the word Home has now become a link. You can even click on it in the little mini-browser window and it will take you to a new page.
Of course modern web pages get much more complex than our simple example, but it does a good job of illustrating the basics. Modern web pages are built on a three legged stool of:
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
For purposes of a simple search engine we can ignore CSS and Javascript as we don’t care how the page looks or functions and focus simply on the content of the page.
Bare Essentials of a Web Spider¶
Read (or visit) a web page
Strip away all of the formatting tags
Associate the words in this page with the URL – Sounds like a great job for dicttionaries. We will call this the index
Find all of the links on the page
Add any new URLs to a list of pages to visit in the future.
Bare Essentials of a Search Engine¶
Wait for a user to enter some words to look for
Using the index created by the spider find all of the URL’s containing that have all of the words in the query.
Present the user with a list of URLs (web pages) that satisfy the query.
Sounds easy right!? Like many great ideas it is pretty simple at its core, but of course doing this for all 130 trillion web pages!
Part I¶
Identify and save all of the links in the page to a list
Remove all tags from the page text a. This could be done by reading a character at a time and recognizing the beginning of a tag by the < and the end by the > throwing away all of the <, > and text in between. b. This could also be done as a regex search / replace
Split the page into individual words and add an entry to the dictionary for each word on the page
Hello Spider
Will you walk into my parlour, said a Spider to a Fly; 'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy. The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I have many pretty things to shew when you get there. Oh, no, no! said the little Fly; to ask me is in vain: For who goes up that winding stair shall ne'er come down again.This page contains two nursery rhymes
- Hickory dickory Dock
- Humpty Dumpty
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory Dickory DockHickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck two
The mouse went "boo!"
Hickroy Dickory DockHumpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.This is the first page and is the cleanest page to work with. When you have finished this page you can go on to the next page Or you can read some history about python
Part II¶
Next we will introduce you to a powerful Python package called requests
. The requests package makes it easy for you to read the contents of a web page – just like you read the file above – but it allows you to get the page directly from the web server.
Now the main takeaway from this is that the page is just a big string, AND pay careful attention to the fact that the URL is also just a string.
In this part, you are going to start with the URL for the home page and repeat all of the steps. But in addition to those steps you will find that there are five additional pages you can get to. We have tried to keep your spider inside a small “walled garden” so your spider doesn’t attempt to reach all 130 trillion pages.
When you complete your “spidering” of these six pages you can then write teh code to do a search engine as described above.
Some Challenge Problems¶
How can you test your search engine?
Research and try to implement the original page rank algorithm