6.2. Case Study 1: Exploratory Data Analysis

6.2.1. Loading Data into a DataFrame from a CSV File

The CSV file is one of the most common ways you will find data. CSV stands for “comma separated value”, and this format allows us to share data files in a simple text format. The data we will use to get started with Pandas is the data about countries we used in the spreadsheet module. You can open a CSV file in any text editor, but it may not be particularly easy to read. But because of its structure, it is easy to parse for analysis. The first few lines of the raw CSV file for this project look like this.

Country,Ctry,Code,CodeNum,Region,Population,Area,Pop. Density,Coastline,Net migration,Infant mortality,GDP,Literacy,Phones,Arable,Crops,Other,Climate,Birthrate,Deathrate,Agriculture,Industry,Service
Afghanistan,Afghanistan,AFG,4,ASIA (EX. NEAR EAST)         ,31056997,647500,48.0,0.00,23.06,163.07,700,36.0,3.2,12.13,0.22,87.65,1,46.6,20.34,0.38,0.24,0.38
Albania ,Albania,ALB,8,EASTERN EUROPE                     ,3581655,28748,124.6,1.26,-4.93,21.52,4500,86.5,71.2,21.09,4.42,74.49,3,15.11,5.22,0.232,0.188,0.579
Algeria ,Algeria,DZA,12,NORTHERN AFRICA                    ,32930091,2381740,13.8,0.04,-0.39,31,6000,70.0,78.1,3.22,0.25,96.53,1,17.14,4.61,0.101,0.6,0.298

You may have some experience with reading and parsing CSV files on your own with Python. If not don’t worry. If you are interested in learning more, you may wish to review this material.

%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import psycopg2
import seaborn as sbn
from altair import Chart, X, Y, Color, Scale
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# for plotly py.offline.init_notebook_mode()

Meanwhile, we will make use of one of the many data reading functions Pandas provides for us, read_csv.

wd = pd.read_csv('world_countries.csv')
Country Ct Code CodeNum Region Population Area Pop. Density Coastline Net migration ... Phones Arable Crops Other Climate Birthrate Deathrate Agriculture Industry Service
0 Afghanistan Afghanistan AFG 4 ASIA (EX. NEAR EAST) 31056997 647500 48.0 0.00 23.06 ... 3.2 12.13 0.22 87.65 1.0 46.60 20.34 0.380 0.240 0.380
1 Albania Albania ALB 8 EASTERN EUROPE 3581655 28748 124.6 1.26 -4.93 ... 71.2 21.09 4.42 74.49 3.0 15.11 5.22 0.232 0.188 0.579
2 Algeria Algeria DZA 12 NORTHERN AFRICA 32930091 2381740 13.8 0.04 -0.39 ... 78.1 3.22 0.25 96.53 1.0 17.14 4.61 0.101 0.600 0.298
3 American Samoa American Samoa ASM 16 OCEANIA 57794 199 290.4 58.29 -20.71 ... 259.5 10.00 15.00 75.00 2.0 22.46 3.27 NaN NaN NaN
4 Andorra Andorra AND 20 WESTERN EUROPE 71201 468 152.1 0.00 6.60 ... 497.2 2.22 0.00 97.78 3.0 8.71 6.25 NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 23 columns

6.2.2. Describing the Data

  • Country

  • Area square miles

  • Population density per square mile

  • Coastline coast/area ratio

  • Net migration

  • Infant mortality per 1000 births

  • GDP $ per capita

  • Literacy %

  • Phones per 1000

  • Arable land %

  • Crops %

  • Other %

  • Climate

  • Birthrate

  • Deathrate

  • Agriculture % GDP

  • Industry % GDP

  • Service % GDP

The climate numbers are as follows.

  1. Dry tropical or tundra and ice

  2. Wet tropical

  3. Temperate humid subtropical and temperate continental

  4. Dry hot summers and wet winters

Somehow, some values of 1.5 and 2.5 have crept in, so we will assume that 1.5 is mixed between 1 and 2, and 2.5 mixed between 2 and 3.

CodeNum Population Area Pop. Density Coastline Net migration Infant mortality GDP Literacy Phones Arable Crops Other Climate Birthrate Deathrate Agriculture Industry Service
count 225.000000 2.250000e+02 2.250000e+02 225.000000 225.000000 222.000000 222.000000 224.000000 209.000000 221.000000 223.000000 223.000000 223.000000 203.000000 222.000000 221.000000 210.000000 209.000000 210.000000
mean 436.213333 2.897847e+07 6.035169e+05 362.911111 21.304089 0.017838 35.635180 9770.089286 82.838278 236.435294 13.715247 4.425695 81.858700 2.130542 21.993604 9.290045 0.151710 0.282722 0.564395
std 254.713527 1.183891e+08 1.797370e+06 1650.160243 72.591840 4.906187 35.523302 10057.808157 19.722173 228.942889 13.057554 8.268356 16.029195 0.697558 11.147278 4.986086 0.147199 0.138935 0.166357
min 4.000000 7.026000e+03 2.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000 -20.990000 2.290000 500.000000 17.600000 0.200000 0.000000 0.000000 33.330000 1.000000 7.290000 2.290000 0.000000 0.020000 0.062000
25% 214.000000 4.361310e+05 5.128000e+03 29.000000 0.100000 -0.962500 8.070000 1900.000000 70.600000 37.200000 3.160000 0.190000 72.825000 2.000000 12.597500 5.980000 0.038000 0.190000 0.427750
50% 434.000000 5.042920e+06 8.836100e+04 77.400000 0.730000 0.000000 21.000000 5700.000000 92.500000 176.200000 10.380000 1.010000 86.070000 2.000000 18.750000 8.100000 0.099500 0.270000 0.566500
75% 654.000000 1.765484e+07 4.465500e+05 183.500000 10.320000 0.965000 56.095000 15775.000000 98.000000 394.400000 20.000000 4.425000 95.470000 3.000000 29.645000 10.620000 0.223000 0.342000 0.677500
max 894.000000 1.313974e+09 1.707520e+07 16271.500000 870.660000 23.060000 191.190000 55100.000000 100.000000 1035.600000 62.110000 50.680000 100.000000 4.000000 50.730000 29.740000 0.769000 0.906000 0.954000

6.2.3. Visualizing Distribution with Histograms

c = Chart(wd) # make a chart
m = c.mark_bar() # set the mark -- returns a new Chart
e = m.encode(X('Birthrate',bin=True),y='count()') # set the encoding
Histogram with Number of Records as the y-axis and Birth Rate as the x-axis.

We can shortcut a lot of what we did above into a single line, because once we have created a mark, there is really nothing more to do with it besides to add the encoding. Because the methods are all cleverly designed to return the proper object, we can string all of the calls above into a single line. We also do not need to explicitly call “display”, because Altair returns an object that the Jupyter environment knows how to display automatically.

Chart(wd).mark_bar().encode(x=X('Birthrate', bin=True), y='count()')
Histogram with Number of Records as the y-axis and Birth Rate as the x-axis.

6.2.4. Practice

6.2.5. Scatter Plots for Discovering Relationships

Now, let’s make a simple scatter plot of area versus population of the countries.

Chart(wd).mark_point().encode(x='Population', y='Area', tooltip='Country')
Histogram with Number of Records as the y-axis and Birth Rate as the x-axis.

That’s not a very satisfying graph, but it does make us want to focus more on the lower left corner. Let’s redo the graph focussing on the countries with a population under 150 million and an area under million. Let’s start with the first part.

To do this, we will create a new DataFrame where we focus on the countries with populations less than 150 million and areas less than 4 million. Pandas make this really easy with its querying power.

The statement below produces a Series of boolean values. These boolean values are used to index the data frame, and only the rows corresponding to True values are returned in the result.

(wd.Population < 150000000).head(20)
0     True
1     True
2     True
3     True
4     True
5     True
6     True
7     True
8     True
9     True
10    True
11    True
12    True
13    True
14    True
15    True
16    True
17    True
18    True
19    True
Name: Population, dtype: bool

To be a bit more dramatic, let’s look at the countries of less than 150,000.

wd[wd.Population < 150000]
Country Ct Code CodeNum Region Population Area Pop. Density Coastline Net migration ... Phones Arable Crops Other Climate Birthrate Deathrate Agriculture Industry Service
3 American Samoa American Samoa ASM 16 OCEANIA 57794 199 290.4 58.29 -20.71 ... 259.5 10.00 15.00 75.00 2.0 22.46 3.27 NaN NaN NaN
4 Andorra Andorra AND 20 WESTERN EUROPE 71201 468 152.1 0.00 6.60 ... 497.2 2.22 0.00 97.78 3.0 8.71 6.25 NaN NaN NaN
6 Anguilla Anguilla AIA 660 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 13477 102 132.1 59.80 10.76 ... 460.0 0.00 0.00 100.00 2.0 14.17 5.34 0.040 0.180 0.780
7 Antigua & Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda ATA 10 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 69108 443 156.0 34.54 -6.15 ... 549.9 18.18 4.55 77.27 2.0 16.93 5.37 0.038 0.220 0.743
10 Aruba Aruba ABW 533 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 71891 193 372.5 35.49 0.00 ... 516.1 10.53 0.00 89.47 2.0 11.03 6.68 0.004 0.333 0.663
22 Bermuda Bermuda BMU 60 NORTHERN AMERICA 65773 53 1241.0 194.34 2.49 ... 851.4 20.00 0.00 80.00 2.0 11.40 7.74 0.010 0.100 0.890
28 British Virgin Is. British Virgin Is. IOT 86 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 23098 153 151.0 52.29 10.01 ... 506.5 20.00 6.67 73.33 2.0 14.89 4.42 0.018 0.062 0.920
38 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands CYM 136 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 45436 262 173.4 61.07 18.75 ... 836.3 3.85 0.00 96.15 2.0 12.74 4.89 0.014 0.032 0.954
47 Cook Islands Cook Islands COK 184 OCEANIA 21388 240 89.1 50.00 NaN ... 289.9 17.39 13.04 69.57 2.0 21.00 NaN 0.151 0.096 0.753
56 Dominica Dominica DMA 212 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 68910 754 91.4 19.63 -13.87 ... 304.8 6.67 20.00 73.33 2.0 15.27 6.73 0.177 0.328 0.495
66 Faroe Islands Faroe Islands FRO 234 WESTERN EUROPE 47246 1399 33.8 79.84 1.41 ... 503.8 2.14 0.00 97.86 NaN 14.05 8.70 0.270 0.110 0.620
77 Gibraltar Gibraltar GIB 292 WESTERN EUROPE 27928 7 3989.7 171.43 0.00 ... 877.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 NaN 10.74 9.31 NaN NaN NaN
79 Greenland Greenland GRL 304 NORTHERN AMERICA 56361 2166086 0.0 2.04 -8.37 ... 448.9 0.00 0.00 100.00 1.0 15.93 7.84 NaN NaN NaN
80 Grenada Grenada GRD 308 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 89703 344 260.8 35.17 -13.92 ... 364.5 5.88 29.41 64.71 2.0 22.08 6.88 0.054 0.180 0.766
84 Guernsey Guernsey GGY 831 WESTERN EUROPE 65409 78 838.6 64.10 3.84 ... 842.4 NaN NaN NaN 3.0 8.81 10.01 0.030 0.100 0.870
98 Isle of Man Isle of Man IMN 833 WESTERN EUROPE 75441 572 131.9 27.97 5.36 ... 676.0 9.00 0.00 91.00 3.0 11.05 11.19 0.010 0.130 0.860
103 Jersey Jersey JEY 832 WESTERN EUROPE 91084 116 785.2 60.34 2.76 ... 811.3 0.00 0.00 100.00 3.0 9.30 9.28 0.050 0.020 0.930
107 Kiribati Kiribati KIR 296 OCEANIA 105432 811 130.0 140.94 0.00 ... 42.7 2.74 50.68 46.58 2.0 30.65 8.26 0.089 0.242 0.668
118 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein LIE 438 WESTERN EUROPE 33987 160 212.4 0.00 4.85 ... 585.5 25.00 0.00 75.00 4.0 10.21 7.18 0.060 0.390 0.550
129 Marshall Islands Marshall Islands MHL 584 OCEANIA 60422 11854 5.1 3.12 -6.04 ... 91.2 16.67 38.89 44.44 2.0 33.05 4.78 0.317 0.149 0.534
135 Micronesia, Fed. St. Micronesia, Fed. St. FSM 583 OCEANIA 108004 702 153.9 870.66 -20.99 ... 114.8 5.71 45.71 48.58 2.0 24.68 4.75 0.289 0.152 0.559
137 Monaco Monaco MCO 492 WESTERN EUROPE 32543 2 16271.5 205.00 7.75 ... 1035.6 0.00 0.00 100.00 NaN 9.19 12.91 0.170 NaN NaN
139 Montserrat Montserrat MSR 500 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 9439 102 92.5 39.22 0.00 ... NaN 20.00 0.00 80.00 2.0 17.59 7.10 NaN NaN NaN
143 Nauru Nauru NRU 520 OCEANIA 13287 21 632.7 142.86 0.00 ... 143.0 0.00 0.00 100.00 2.0 24.76 6.70 NaN NaN NaN
152 N. Mariana Islands N. Mariana Islands MMR 104 OCEANIA 82459 477 172.9 310.69 9.61 ... 254.7 13.04 4.35 82.61 2.0 19.43 2.29 NaN NaN NaN
156 Palau Palau PLW 585 OCEANIA 20579 458 44.9 331.66 2.85 ... 325.6 8.70 4.35 86.95 2.0 18.03 6.80 0.062 0.120 0.818
170 Saint Helena Saint Helena BLM 652 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 7502 413 18.2 14.53 0.00 ... 293.3 12.90 0.00 87.10 NaN 12.13 6.53 NaN NaN NaN
171 Saint Kitts & Nevis Saint Kitts & Nevis SHN 654 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 39129 261 149.9 51.72 -7.11 ... 638.9 19.44 2.78 77.78 2.0 18.02 8.33 0.035 0.258 0.707
173 St Pierre & Miquelon St Pierre & Miquelon LKA 144 NORTHERN AMERICA 7026 242 29.0 49.59 -4.86 ... 683.2 13.04 0.00 86.96 NaN 13.52 6.83 NaN NaN NaN
174 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT 670 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 117848 389 303.0 21.59 -7.64 ... 190.9 17.95 17.95 64.10 2.0 16.18 5.98 0.100 0.260 0.640
176 San Marino San Marino SMR 674 WESTERN EUROPE 29251 61 479.5 0.00 10.98 ... 704.3 16.67 0.00 83.33 NaN 10.02 8.17 NaN NaN NaN
181 Seychelles Seychelles SYC 690 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 81541 455 179.2 107.91 -5.69 ... 262.4 2.22 13.33 84.45 2.0 16.03 6.29 0.032 0.304 0.665
202 Tonga Tonga TON 776 OCEANIA 114689 748 153.3 56.02 0.00 ... 97.7 23.61 43.06 33.33 2.0 25.37 5.28 0.230 0.270 0.500
207 Turks & Caicos Is Turks & Caicos Is TKM 795 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 21152 430 49.2 90.47 11.68 ... 269.5 2.33 0.00 97.67 2.0 21.84 4.21 NaN NaN NaN
208 Tuvalu Tuvalu TUV 798 OCEANIA 11810 26 454.2 92.31 0.00 ... 59.3 0.00 0.00 100.00 2.0 22.18 7.11 0.166 0.272 0.562
219 Virgin Islands Virgin Islands VIR 850 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 108605 1910 56.9 9.84 -8.94 ... 652.8 11.76 2.94 85.30 2.0 13.96 6.43 0.010 0.190 0.800
220 Wallis and Futuna Wallis and Futuna WLF 876 OCEANIA 16025 274 58.5 47.08 NaN ... 118.6 5.00 25.00 70.00 2.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

37 rows × 23 columns

Now, let’s graph these countries. The easiest way to do this is to plug the query right into the call to create a Chart rather than assigning it to a variable first.

Chart(wd[wd.Population < 150000]).mark_point().encode(
    x='Population', y='Area', tooltip='Country').interactive()
Scatter plot with Area as the y-axis and Population as the x-axis. Most of the points are congregated at a very low y-axis but are spread out on the x-axis. One point is near the top of the y-axis and center of the x-axis.

How interesting! One country has such a large value that it pushes all the others down. We added a tooltip parameter so that if you hover over that point, you will see it is Greenland (which has lots of land area, but not too many people). There are large universities that have more people than the entire country of Greenland. Let’s improve our query to focus on an area less than 200,000.

We can do more complicated boolean expressions by using the | (logical or) and & (logical and) operators. Normally in Python, these two operators are used for bitwise or and bitwise and. So, we can create a more complicated boolean expression to limit our DataFrame in both directions.

wd[(wd.Population < 150000) & (wd.Area < 200000)]
Country Ct Code CodeNum Region Population Area Pop. Density Coastline Net migration ... Phones Arable Crops Other Climate Birthrate Deathrate Agriculture Industry Service
3 American Samoa American Samoa ASM 16 OCEANIA 57794 199 290.4 58.29 -20.71 ... 259.5 10.00 15.00 75.00 2.0 22.46 3.27 NaN NaN NaN
4 Andorra Andorra AND 20 WESTERN EUROPE 71201 468 152.1 0.00 6.60 ... 497.2 2.22 0.00 97.78 3.0 8.71 6.25 NaN NaN NaN
6 Anguilla Anguilla AIA 660 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 13477 102 132.1 59.80 10.76 ... 460.0 0.00 0.00 100.00 2.0 14.17 5.34 0.040 0.180 0.780
7 Antigua & Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda ATA 10 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 69108 443 156.0 34.54 -6.15 ... 549.9 18.18 4.55 77.27 2.0 16.93 5.37 0.038 0.220 0.743
10 Aruba Aruba ABW 533 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 71891 193 372.5 35.49 0.00 ... 516.1 10.53 0.00 89.47 2.0 11.03 6.68 0.004 0.333 0.663
22 Bermuda Bermuda BMU 60 NORTHERN AMERICA 65773 53 1241.0 194.34 2.49 ... 851.4 20.00 0.00 80.00 2.0 11.40 7.74 0.010 0.100 0.890
28 British Virgin Is. British Virgin Is. IOT 86 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 23098 153 151.0 52.29 10.01 ... 506.5 20.00 6.67 73.33 2.0 14.89 4.42 0.018 0.062 0.920
38 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands CYM 136 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 45436 262 173.4 61.07 18.75 ... 836.3 3.85 0.00 96.15 2.0 12.74 4.89 0.014 0.032 0.954
47 Cook Islands Cook Islands COK 184 OCEANIA 21388 240 89.1 50.00 NaN ... 289.9 17.39 13.04 69.57 2.0 21.00 NaN 0.151 0.096 0.753
56 Dominica Dominica DMA 212 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 68910 754 91.4 19.63 -13.87 ... 304.8 6.67 20.00 73.33 2.0 15.27 6.73 0.177 0.328 0.495
66 Faroe Islands Faroe Islands FRO 234 WESTERN EUROPE 47246 1399 33.8 79.84 1.41 ... 503.8 2.14 0.00 97.86 NaN 14.05 8.70 0.270 0.110 0.620
77 Gibraltar Gibraltar GIB 292 WESTERN EUROPE 27928 7 3989.7 171.43 0.00 ... 877.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 NaN 10.74 9.31 NaN NaN NaN
80 Grenada Grenada GRD 308 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 89703 344 260.8 35.17 -13.92 ... 364.5 5.88 29.41 64.71 2.0 22.08 6.88 0.054 0.180 0.766
84 Guernsey Guernsey GGY 831 WESTERN EUROPE 65409 78 838.6 64.10 3.84 ... 842.4 NaN NaN NaN 3.0 8.81 10.01 0.030 0.100 0.870
98 Isle of Man Isle of Man IMN 833 WESTERN EUROPE 75441 572 131.9 27.97 5.36 ... 676.0 9.00 0.00 91.00 3.0 11.05 11.19 0.010 0.130 0.860
103 Jersey Jersey JEY 832 WESTERN EUROPE 91084 116 785.2 60.34 2.76 ... 811.3 0.00 0.00 100.00 3.0 9.30 9.28 0.050 0.020 0.930
107 Kiribati Kiribati KIR 296 OCEANIA 105432 811 130.0 140.94 0.00 ... 42.7 2.74 50.68 46.58 2.0 30.65 8.26 0.089 0.242 0.668
118 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein LIE 438 WESTERN EUROPE 33987 160 212.4 0.00 4.85 ... 585.5 25.00 0.00 75.00 4.0 10.21 7.18 0.060 0.390 0.550
129 Marshall Islands Marshall Islands MHL 584 OCEANIA 60422 11854 5.1 3.12 -6.04 ... 91.2 16.67 38.89 44.44 2.0 33.05 4.78 0.317 0.149 0.534
135 Micronesia, Fed. St. Micronesia, Fed. St. FSM 583 OCEANIA 108004 702 153.9 870.66 -20.99 ... 114.8 5.71 45.71 48.58 2.0 24.68 4.75 0.289 0.152 0.559
137 Monaco Monaco MCO 492 WESTERN EUROPE 32543 2 16271.5 205.00 7.75 ... 1035.6 0.00 0.00 100.00 NaN 9.19 12.91 0.170 NaN NaN
139 Montserrat Montserrat MSR 500 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 9439 102 92.5 39.22 0.00 ... NaN 20.00 0.00 80.00 2.0 17.59 7.10 NaN NaN NaN
143 Nauru Nauru NRU 520 OCEANIA 13287 21 632.7 142.86 0.00 ... 143.0 0.00 0.00 100.00 2.0 24.76 6.70 NaN NaN NaN
152 N. Mariana Islands N. Mariana Islands MMR 104 OCEANIA 82459 477 172.9 310.69 9.61 ... 254.7 13.04 4.35 82.61 2.0 19.43 2.29 NaN NaN NaN
156 Palau Palau PLW 585 OCEANIA 20579 458 44.9 331.66 2.85 ... 325.6 8.70 4.35 86.95 2.0 18.03 6.80 0.062 0.120 0.818
170 Saint Helena Saint Helena BLM 652 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 7502 413 18.2 14.53 0.00 ... 293.3 12.90 0.00 87.10 NaN 12.13 6.53 NaN NaN NaN
171 Saint Kitts & Nevis Saint Kitts & Nevis SHN 654 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 39129 261 149.9 51.72 -7.11 ... 638.9 19.44 2.78 77.78 2.0 18.02 8.33 0.035 0.258 0.707
173 St Pierre & Miquelon St Pierre & Miquelon LKA 144 NORTHERN AMERICA 7026 242 29.0 49.59 -4.86 ... 683.2 13.04 0.00 86.96 NaN 13.52 6.83 NaN NaN NaN
174 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT 670 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 117848 389 303.0 21.59 -7.64 ... 190.9 17.95 17.95 64.10 2.0 16.18 5.98 0.100 0.260 0.640
176 San Marino San Marino SMR 674 WESTERN EUROPE 29251 61 479.5 0.00 10.98 ... 704.3 16.67 0.00 83.33 NaN 10.02 8.17 NaN NaN NaN
181 Seychelles Seychelles SYC 690 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 81541 455 179.2 107.91 -5.69 ... 262.4 2.22 13.33 84.45 2.0 16.03 6.29 0.032 0.304 0.665
202 Tonga Tonga TON 776 OCEANIA 114689 748 153.3 56.02 0.00 ... 97.7 23.61 43.06 33.33 2.0 25.37 5.28 0.230 0.270 0.500
207 Turks & Caicos Is Turks & Caicos Is TKM 795 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 21152 430 49.2 90.47 11.68 ... 269.5 2.33 0.00 97.67 2.0 21.84 4.21 NaN NaN NaN
208 Tuvalu Tuvalu TUV 798 OCEANIA 11810 26 454.2 92.31 0.00 ... 59.3 0.00 0.00 100.00 2.0 22.18 7.11 0.166 0.272 0.562
219 Virgin Islands Virgin Islands VIR 850 LATIN AMER. & CARIB 108605 1910 56.9 9.84 -8.94 ... 652.8 11.76 2.94 85.30 2.0 13.96 6.43 0.010 0.190 0.800
220 Wallis and Futuna Wallis and Futuna WLF 876 OCEANIA 16025 274 58.5 47.08 NaN ... 118.6 5.00 25.00 70.00 2.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

36 rows × 23 columns

Chart(wd[(wd.Population < 150000) & (wd.Area < 200000)]).mark_point().encode(
    x='Population', y='Area', tooltip='Country').interactive()
Scatter plot with Area as the y-axis and Population as the x-axis. Most of the points are congregated at a low y-axis (with varying y values) but are spread out on the x-axis. One point is near the top of the y-axis and center of the x-axis.

Suppose you have a favorite country you have visited or lived in at some point. For example, if you lived in Malta for six months, you might be curious about Malta. Let’s see what data we have in the data frame for Malta using an equality.

wd[wd.Country == 'Malta']
Country Ct Code CodeNum Region Population Area Pop. Density Coastline Net migration ... Phones Arable Crops Other Climate Birthrate Deathrate Agriculture Industry Service

0 rows × 23 columns

It seems odd that Malta would not be in the dataset. Let’s try some other countries; nothing seems to work. One common problem is that names and other strings can end up with spaces at the beginning or the end of the word or phrase. If you do a quick try, you will see that ‘Malta ‘ works, but that is inconvenient. We don’t want to have to remember to put spaces at the end of every string all the time. We should do a bit of data cleanup and strip those spaces.

wd[wd.Country == 'Malta ']
Country Ct Code CodeNum Region Population Area Pop. Density Coastline Net migration ... Phones Arable Crops Other Climate Birthrate Deathrate Agriculture Industry Service
128 Malta Malta MLT 470 WESTERN EUROPE 400214 316 1266.5 62.28 2.07 ... 505.0 28.13 3.13 68.74 NaN 10.22 8.1 0.03 0.23 0.74

1 rows × 23 columns

You may recall that Python has a string method called strip that does exactly what we want. How can we get that to apply to all of the strings in the Series? Pandas allow us to do this using the str attribute of the series in combination with most of the standard string methods you know about.

0                                            Afghanistan
1                                                Albania
2                                                Algeria
3                                         American Samoa
4                                                Andorra
5                                                 Angola
6                                               Anguilla
7                                      Antigua & Barbuda
8                                              Argentina
9                                                Armenia
10                                                 Aruba
11                                             Australia
12                                               Austria
13                                            Azerbaijan
14                                          Bahamas, The
15                                               Bahrain
16                                            Bangladesh
17                                              Barbados
18                                               Belarus
19                                               Belgium
20                                                Belize
21                                                 Benin
22                                               Bermuda
23                                                Bhutan
24                                               Bolivia
25                                  Bosnia & Herzegovina
26                                              Botswana
27                                                Brazil
28                                    British Virgin Is.
29                                                Brunei
195                                          Switzerland
196                                                Syria
197                                               Taiwan
198                                           Tajikistan
199                                             Tanzania
200                                             Thailand
201                                                 Togo
202                                                Tonga
203                                    Trinidad & Tobago
204                                              Tunisia
205                                               Turkey
206                                         Turkmenistan
207                                    Turks & Caicos Is
208                                               Tuvalu
209                                               Uganda
210                                              Ukraine
211                                 United Arab Emirates
212    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern I...
213                             United States of America
214                                              Uruguay
215                                           Uzbekistan
216                                              Vanuatu
217                                            Venezuela
218                                              Vietnam
219                                       Virgin Islands
220                                    Wallis and Futuna
221                                       Western Sahara
222                                                Yemen
223                                               Zambia
224                                             Zimbabwe
Name: Country, Length: 225, dtype: object

Now, we can replace our original Country column with the stripped column.

wd['Country'] = wd.Country.str.strip()
wd[wd.Country == 'Malta']
Country Ct Code CodeNum Region Population Area Pop. Density Coastline Net migration ... Phones Arable Crops Other Climate Birthrate Deathrate Agriculture Industry Service
128 Malta Malta MLT 470 WESTERN EUROPE 400214 316 1266.5 62.28 2.07 ... 505.0 28.13 3.13 68.74 NaN 10.22 8.1 0.03 0.23 0.74

1 rows × 23 columns

6.2.6. Power Tools: Scatter Matrix

It would be pretty tedious to look at all the different pairs of things we might want to look at for correlation one at a time, but we can use a scatter matrix to make life easier.

    alt.X(alt.repeat("column"), type='quantitative'),
    alt.Y(alt.repeat("row"), type='quantitative'),
    row=['Birthrate', 'Deathrate', 'Infant mortality', 'GDP'],
    column=['Birthrate', 'Deathrate', 'Infant mortality', 'GDP']
Scatter Matrix of Birth rate, Death rate, Infant Mortality, and GDP.
['b', 'a']

6.2.7. Developing Fluency

Pandas will only become a part of your daily workflow when you develop fluency with the basics. You need to be able to do easy queries without having to think hard about the syntax. The only way to accomplish this is through repetition: lots of repetition, and ideally that repetitive practice is spread out over time.

That doesn’t mean you can’t go on and do lots of much harder things, it just means that it will take longer at first, as you have to go back and review documentation in order to become efficient.

6.2.8. Practice Questions

  1. What are the top 10 countries by GDP?

  2. What are the top 20 countries by population?

  3. What are the 10 countries with the largest net migration?

  4. What is the distribution of Agriculture, Industry, and service for the countries in Western Europe?

  5. What are the names, population and, Area of the 5 largest (by area) landlocked countries?

  6. What are the names and populations of the five most populous landlocked countries?

  7. What is the name and GDP of the 10 countries with the most cell phones/1000 people?

  8. What are the 10 “Wet Tropical” countries with the highest GDP?

Lesson Feedback

    During this lesson I was primarily in my...
  • 1. Comfort Zone
  • 2. Learning Zone
  • 3. Panic Zone
    Completing this lesson took...
  • 1. Very little time
  • 2. A reasonable amount of time
  • 3. More time than is reasonable
    Based on my own interests and needs, the things taught in this lesson...
  • 1. Don't seem worth learning
  • 2. May be worth learning
  • 3. Are definitely worth learning
    For me to master the things taught in this lesson feels...
  • 1. Definitely within reach
  • 2. Within reach if I try my hardest
  • 3. Out of reach no matter how hard I try
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