15.1. File Input/Output and matrixes

In this chapter we will develop a program that reads and writes files, parses input, and demonstrates the matrix class. We will also implement a data structure called Set that expands automatically as you add elements.

Aside from demonstrating all these features, the real purpose of the program is to generate a two-dimensional table of the distances between cities in the United States. The output is a matrix that looks like this:

Atlanta 0
Chicago 700     0
Boston  1100    1000    0
Dallas  800     900     1750    0
Denver  1450    1000    2000    800     0
Detroit 750     300     800     1150    1300    0
Orlando 400     1150    1300    1100    1900    1200    0
Phoenix 1850    1750    2650    1000    800     2000    2100    0
Seattle 2650    2000    3000    2150    1350    2300    3100    1450    0
        Atlanta Chicago Boston  Dallas  Denver  Detroit Orlando Phoenix Seattle

The diagonal elements are all zero because that is the distance from a city to itself. Also, because the distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A, there is no need to print the top half of the matrix.

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