14.9. Preconditions

Often when you write a function you make implicit assumptions about the parameters you receive. If those assumptions turn out to be true, then everything is fine; if not, your program might crash.

To make your programs more robust, it is a good idea to think about your assumptions explicitly, document them as part of the program, and maybe write code that checks them.

For example, let’s take another look at calculateCartesian. Is there an assumption we make about the current object? Yes, we assume that the polar flag is set and that mag and theta contain valid data. If that is not true, then this function will produce meaningless results.

One option is to add a comment to the function that warns programmers about the precondition.

void Complex::calculateCartesian ()
// precondition: the current object contains valid polar coordinates
    and the polar flag is set
// postcondition: the current object will contain valid Cartesian
    coordinates and valid polar coordinates, and both the cartesian
    flag and the polar flag will be set
  real = mag * cos (theta);
  imag = mag * sin (theta);
  cartesian = true;

At the same time, I also commented on the postconditions, the things we know will be true when the function completes.

These comments are useful for people reading your programs, but it is an even better idea to add code that checks the preconditions, so that we can print an appropriate error message:

void Complex::calculateCartesian ()
  if (polar == false) {
    cout <<
    "calculateCartesian failed because the polar representation is invalid"
     << endl;
    exit (1);
  real = mag * cos (theta);
  imag = mag * sin (theta);
  cartesian = true;

The exit function causes the program to quit immediately. The return value is an error code that tells the system (or whoever executed the program) that something went wrong.

This kind of error-checking is so common that C++ provides a built-in function to check preconditions and print error messages. If you include the cassert header file, you get a function called assert that takes a boolean value (or a conditional expression) as an argument. As long as the argument is true, assert does nothing. If the argument is false, assert prints an error message and quits. Here’s how to use it:

void Complex::calculateCartesian ()
  assert (polar);
  real = mag * cos (theta);
  imag = mag * sin (theta);
  cartesian = true;
  assert (polar && cartesian);

The first assert statement checks the precondition (actually just part of it); the second assert statement checks the postcondition.

In my development environment, I get the following message when I violate an assertion:

Complex.cpp:63: void Complex::calculatePolar(): Assertion `cartesian' failed.

There is a lot of information here to help me track down the error, including the file name and line number of the assertion that failed, the function name and the contents of the assert statement.

The active code below uses the updated calculateCartesian with assert statements. Notice how because c1 is not in polar, the assert statement in calculateCartesian fails and thus we get an error.

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