Pre Survey

Please answer the following questions.

    Generally I have felt secure about attempting computer programming problems.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I am sure I could do advanced work in computer science.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I am sure that I can learn programming.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I think I could handle more difficult programming problems.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I can get good grades in computer science.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to programming.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree

For the next questions please select the answer that best matches your familiarity and confidence about the specified concept(s).

    Creating classes like class Person: and objects like p = Person("Barb Ericson")
  • 1. I am unfamiliar with these concepts
  • 2. I know what they mean, but have not used them in a program
  • 3. I have used these concepts in a program, but am not confident about my ability to use them
  • 4. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in simple programs
  • 5. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in complex programs
    Methods like __init__ and __str__
  • 1. I am unfamiliar with these concepts
  • 2. I know what they mean, but have not used them in a program
  • 3. I have used these concepts in a program, but am not confident about my ability to use them
  • 4. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in simple programs
  • 5. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in complex programs
    The use of self in class
  • 1. I am unfamiliar with these concepts
  • 2. I know what they mean, but have not used them in a program
  • 3. I have used these concepts in a program, but am not confident about my ability to use them
  • 4. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in simple programs
  • 5. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in complex programs
    Defining instance variables like self.color = color
  • 1. I am unfamiliar with these concepts
  • 2. I know what they mean, but have not used them in a program
  • 3. I have used these concepts in a program, but am not confident about my ability to use them
  • 4. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in simple programs
  • 5. I am confident in my ability to use these concepts in complex programs

Thanks for filling this survey and let us know you better!


Q-11: Please provide feedback here. Please share any comments, problems, or suggestions.

What to do next

Click on the following link to learn how to create a new class in Python: Creating Classes

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