Post SurveyΒΆ
Please answer the following questions.
Q-1: What is your age in years?
Q-2: What is your major or intended major, or program of study?
Q-3: What is your gender identity (woman, man, non-binary, etc, prefer not to say)?
Q-4: What year are you in of your undergraduate education (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)?
Q-5: Please list any learning issues we should be aware of like Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, etc or enter none.
Q-6: About how many hours have you been programming in Python?
Q-7: What language(s) do you speak at home?
Rate your ability to read English
- 1. Poor
- 2. Below Average
- 3. Average
- 4. Above Average
- 5. Excellent
Rate your ability to understand spoken English
- 1. Poor
- 2. Below Average
- 3. Average
- 4. Above Average
- 5. Excellent
Had you solved any mixed-up code (Parsons) problems like the one below before you took part in this study?
- 1. No
- 2. Yes
A mixed-up code (Parsons) problem.

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