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Foundations of Python Programming: Functions First

Section 14.3 Advanced Git

As you continue to use Git, whether it be individually or as part of a team, you will encounter more advanced concepts and workflows. This section will introduce some of these concepts.

Subsection 14.3.1 Conflicts

Conflicts occur when two or more people make changes to the same file. Git will automatically merge changes when possible, but when it cannot, it will mark the file as having a conflict. When this happens, you will need to manually resolve the conflict.
When a conflict occurs, Git will mark the file with conflict markers. These markers look like this:
<<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the original text.
>>>>>>>> 77976da35a11db4580b80ae27e8d65caf5208086
This is the modified text.
The text between the <<<<<<<< HEAD and ======= markers is the original text. The text between the ======= and >>>>>>>>77976da35a11db4580b80ae27e8d65caf5208086 markers is the modified text. You will need to manually edit the file to resolve the conflict. Once you have resolved the conflict, you will need to add the file to the staging area and commit it.

Subsection 14.3.2 Branching

Branching is a powerful feature of Git. Branches allow you to work on multiple features at the same time. Branches also allow you to work on features without affecting the main codebase.
When you create a branch, you are creating a copy of the current state of the repository. You can then make changes to the branch without affecting the main codebase. When you are ready to merge your changes into the main codebase, you can merge the branch into the main codebase.
To create a branch, use the git branch command. For example, to create a branch named feature, you would use the following command:
git branch feature
To switch to a branch, use the git checkout command. For example, to switch to the feature branch, you would use the following command:
git checkout feature
To create a branch and switch to it at the same time, use the git checkout command with the -b option. For example, to create a branch named feature and switch to it, you would use the following command:
git checkout -b feature

Subsection 14.3.3 Merging Branches

Merging is the process of combining two or more branches into one. When you merge branches, Git will automatically merge changes when possible. When it cannot, it will mark the file as having a conflict. When this happens, you will need to manually resolve the conflict.
To merge a branch into the current branch, use the git merge command. For example, to merge the feature branch into the current branch, you would use the following command:
git merge feature
When you merge a branch into the current branch, Git will automatically merge changes when possible. When it cannot, it will mark the file as having a conflict. When this happens, you will need to manually resolve the conflict.

Subsection 14.3.4 Rebasing

Rebasing is the process of moving a branch to a new base commit. When you rebase a branch, Git will automatically merge changes when possible. When it cannot, it will mark the file as having a conflict. When this happens, you will need to manually resolve the conflict.
To rebase a branch, use the git rebase command. For example, to rebase the feature branch onto the master branch, you would use the following command:
git rebase master
When you rebase a branch, Git will automatically merge changes when possible. When it cannot, it will mark the file as having a conflict. When this happens, you will need to manually resolve the conflict.

Subsection 14.3.5 Stashing

Stashing is the process of saving your changes without committing them. When you stash your changes, Git will save your changes in a temporary location. You can then restore your changes at a later time.
To stash your changes, use the git stash command. To restore your changes, use the git stash pop command. For example, to restore your changes, you would use the following command:
git stash pop
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