Teacher PD Pretest for Units 1-6¶
Please try the following pretest for Units 1-6. We don’t expect you to know the answers to these questions at all yet! So don’t worry about it if you don’t know the answers. It is fine to pick the “I don’t know” answer option. You will take the same test at the end of the PD and see the answers after that. We hope that everyone will see a big improvement!
Skill 5.B: Explain why a code segment will not compile or work as intended.
MOD-1.A: Call System class methods to generate output to the console.
I only
print is correct since a new line is not printed after the first line of output.
II only
Only class names like System are capitalized.
III only
I and II
I and II are not correct.
I and III
print is correct since a new line is not printed after the first line of output.
I don’t know this yet
That’s okay. You will learn debugging skills in the PD.
VAR-1.C: Declare variables of the correct types to represent primitive data.
CON-1: The way variables and operators are sequenced and combined in an expression determines the computed result.
Skill 2.B: Determine the result or output based on statement execution order in a code segment without method calls.
I don’t know this yet.
Skill 3.A: Write program code to create objects of a class and call their methods.
VAR-1.D: Define variables of the correct types to represent reference data.
MOD-1.D: Create objects by calling constructors with or without parameters.
I only
II only
III only
II and III
I, II, and III
I don’t know this yet.
Skill 3.A: Write program code to create objects of a class and call their methods.
MOD-1.B: Explain the relationship between a class and an object.
I don’t know this yet.
CON-1.E: Evaluate Boolean expressions that use relational operators in program code.
CON-1.F: Evaluate compound Boolean expressions in program code.
Skill 2.B Determine the result or output based on statement execution order in a code segment without method calls.
“winner” will be printed when p is false, regardless of the value of q.
“winner” will be printed when q is false, regardless of the value of p.
“winner” will be printed only when p is false and q is true.
“winner” will always be printed.
“winner” will never be printed.
I don’t know this yet.
CON-2.A: Represent branching logical processes by using conditional statements.
CON-2.B: Represent branching logical processes by using nested conditional statements.
Skill 3.C Write program code to satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements.
go on
it up on
it on
up on
I don’t know this yet.
CON-2.E Represent iterative processes using a for loop.
Skill 3.C Write program code to satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements.
for (int year1 = 2000; int year2 = 2020; count++)
for (int y = year2 - year1; y < year2; y++)
for (int y = year1; y <= year2; y++)
for (int year1 = 2000; year1 < year2; year1++)
for (int year1; year2; count++)
I don’t know this yet.
CON-2.E Represent iterative processes using a for loop.
Skill 3.C Write program code to satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements.
CON-2.F.1 There are standard algorithms that utilize String traversals.
I don’t know this yet.
Skill 3B: Write program code to define a new type by creating a class.
MOD-2: Programmers use code to represent a physical object or nonphysical concept, real or imagined, by defining a class based on the attributes and/or behaviors of the object or concept.
MOD-2.A: Designate access and visibility constraints to classes, data, constructors, and methods.
MOD-2.B: Define instance variables for the attributes to be initialized through the constructors of a class.
public String name; public int age; public Cat(String name, int age) { name = name; age = age; }
private String name; private int age; public Cat(String n, int a) { name = n; age = a; }
public String name; public int age; public Cat(String n, int a) { name = n; age = a; }
private String name; private int age; public Cat(String n, int a) { n = name; a = age; }
public String name; public int age; public Cat(String n, int a) { n = name; a = age; }
I don’t know this yet.
Skill 3B: Write program code to define a new type by creating a class.
MOD-2.E: Define behaviors of an object through methods with or without parameters written in a class.
private int setY(int value)
private void setY()
public int setY()
public void setY()
public void setY(int value)
I don’t know this yet.
Skill 3B: Write program code to define a new type by creating a class.
Skill 4.B Identify errors in program code.
MOD-2.D: Define behaviors of an object through non-void methods without parameters written in a class.
The getId method should be declared as private.
The getId method should have a parameter.
The getId method should not return a value.
The getId method should not have a return type.
The getId method should have int as its return type.
I don’t know this yet.
Skill 3.D: Write program code to create, traverse, and manipulate elements in 1D array or ArrayList objects.
VAR-2.B Traverse the elements in a 1D array.
Skill 4.B Identify errors in program code
I only
II only
III only
I and II only
I, II, and III
I don’t know this yet.
Skill 3.D: Write program code to create, traverse, and manipulate elements in 1D array or ArrayList objects.
VAR-2.B Traverse the elements in a 1D array.
CON-2.I.1 There are standard algorithms that utilize array traversals.
Whenever the first element in array is equal to value
Whenever array contains any element which equals value
Whenever the last element in array is equal to value
Whenever more than 1 element in array is equal to value
Whenever exactly 1 element in array is equal to value
I don’t know this yet.
1-1: Unit 1 Primitive Types Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following code segment.
1System.out.print(Take all the courses in your curriculum.);
2System.out.println(Ask questions.);
3System.out.println(--Katherine Johnson);
The code segment is intended to produce the following output but does not work as intended.
Take all the courses in your curriculum. Ask questions.
--Katherine Johnson
Which changes should be made so that the code segment produces the intended output?
I. In line 1, print should be changed to println.
II. In lines 1, 2, and 3, print should be capitalized.
III. In lines 1, 2, and 3, the text inside the parentheses should be in quotation marks.
1-2: Unit 1 Primitive Types (Expressions) Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following code segment:
int x = 16;
double y = 8.0;
int z = 2;
x = x / 5;
y += x;
y = y * z;
What is the value in variable y when the code segment is executed?
1-3: Unit 2 Using Objects (Constructors) Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following code segment.
public class Party
private int numInvited;
private boolean partyCancelled;
public Party()
numInvited = 1;
partyCancelled = false;
public Party(int invites)
numInvited = invites;
partyCancelled = false;
Which of the following code segments, when placed in a method in a class other than the Party class, correctly creates a new object of the Party class with 20 people invited?
I. Party myParty.numInvited = 20;
II. Party ourParty = new Party(20);
III. Party otherParty = new Party();
otherParty.numInvited = 20;
1-4: Unit 2 Using Objects (Methods) Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following class.
public class Liquid
private double freezingPoint;
private double currentTemp;
public Liquid()
freezingPoint = 0;
currentTemp = 0;
public void lowerTemp(double degrees)
currentTemp -= degrees;
public void raiseTemp(double degrees)
currentTemp += degrees;
void freeze()
currentTemp = freezingPoint;
Assume that the following Liquid object has been declared.
Liquid liquid = new Liquid();
Which of the following statements is valid?
1-5: Unit 4 If Statements and Boolean Operators Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following code segment. Assume boolean variables p and q have been initialized.
if (!p || q)
For what values of p and q will “winner” be printed?
1-6: Unit 4 If Statements Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following code segment.
int a = 100;
int b = 90;
if (a >= 100)
if (b > 100)
System.out.print("go ");
else if (b > 90)
System.out.print("it ");
System.out.print("up ");
System.out.print("on ");
What is printed when the code segment above is executed?
1-7: Unit 4 Loops Skills and Learning Objectives:
Complete the loop below by filling in the missing code. The loop should calculate the number of leap years between the variables year1 and year2, inclusive, using a helper method isLeapYear(year) which returns true if year is a leap year and false otherwise.
int year1 = 2000;
int year2 = 2020;
int count = 0;
/* Missing Code */
if (isLeapYear(y))
1-8: Unit 4 Loops Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following method.
public static String changeStr(String str)
String result = "";
for (int i = 1; i < str.length() - 1; i += 2)
result += str.substring(i, i + 1);
return result;
What value is returned as a result of the method call changeStr(“ABCDE”)?
1-9: Unit 5 Writing Classes Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following class Cat:
public class Cat
/* missing code */
Which of the following replacements for the missing code is the most appropriate implementation of a class Cat which contains attributes for the cat’s name and age and a constructor?
1-10: Unit 5 Writing Classes Skills and Learning Objectives:
Which of the following is the most appropriate header for a method that would set the value of the private instance variable y?
1-11: Unit 5 Writing Classes Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following class definition. The class does not compile.
public class Student
private int id;
public void getId()
return id;
The accessor method getId is intended to return the id of a Student object. Which of the following best explains why the class does not compile?
1-12: Unit 6 Arrays Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider an integer array which has been declared and initialized with one or more integer values such as:
int[] array = { 10, 20, 30 };
Which of the following code segments doubles all the values in the array?
I. int i = 0;
while (i < array.length)
array[i] *= 2;
II. for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
array[i] *= 2;
III. for (int i = 1; i <= array.length; i++)
array[i] *= 2;
1-13: Unit 6 Arrays Skills and Learning Objectives:
Consider the following method. Which of the following statements best describes when it returns true?
public boolean mystery(int array[], int value)
boolean temp = false;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
temp = (array[i] == value);
return temp;