5.4. Strings¶
Strings are sequential collections of zero or more characters such as letters, numbers
and other symbols. There are actually two types of strings in C++ . The C++ string or just string from the
library is the more modern type, and it is very similar to the Python string class.
The old style C-string which is essentially
an array of char
type. The char type itself is actually distinct from both types of strings.
char cppchar = 'a'; // char values use single quotes
string cppstring = "Hello World!"; // C++ strings use double quotes
char cstring[] = {"Hello World!"}; // C-string or char array uses double quotes
In older versions of C++, you must use a char
array to work with filenames. In modern
C++ (from C++11 onward), however, you can use a C++ string for everything.
Since C++ strings are so much nicer and similar to Python strings, I would not recommend using C-strings.
- An array of characters that ends with a terminating null character. i.e. \0
- Correct! a c-string is different from a string
- A sequential data structure consisting of zero or more characters
- Close, but that is the definition of a string, not a c-string
- A data structure consisting of an ordered collection of data elements of identical type in which each element can be identified by an array index.
- Sorry, thats not a string or a c-string
- sequence container storing data of a single type that is stored in a dynamically allocated array which can change in size.
- No, that's a vector
Q-1: What is the correct definition of c-strings?
Because strings are sequences, all of the typical sequence operations work as you would expect. In addition, the string library offers a huge number of methods, some of the most useful of which are shown in Table 4.
Method Name |
Use |
Explanation |
access value of character at index i |
change value of character at index i |
concatenate strings |
Appends a string to the end of the string |
Appends a character to the end of the string |
Deletes the last character from the end of the string |
Inserts a string at a specific index |
Erases an element from one index to another |
Returns the index of the first occurrence of item |
Returns the size of the string |
5.4.1. Matching¶
Q-2: Match the String operations with their corresponding explination.
Feedback shows incorrect matches.
- [ ]
- Accesses value of an element.
- find
- Returns the index of the first occurrence of item.
- =
- Assigns value to an element.
- push_back
- Adjoins a character to the end of the string.
- pop_back
- Removes the last character from the end of the string.
- insert
- Injects a string at a specific index.
- erase
- Deletes an element from one index to another.
- size
- Returns the capacity of the string.
- +
- Connects strings.
- append
- Adjoins a string to the end of the string.
Check your understanding by completing the following question.
Q-5: Drag each data type to its' corresponding C++ initialization syntax.
Feedback shows incorrect matches.
- char
- 'a'
- char array
- {'a'}
- string
- "a"