Fill in the Blank

The fillintheblank directive defines an assessment that allows you to ask for a value to fill in the rest of a statement (in English or code).


The general format of the fillintheblank directive is:

.. fillintheblank:: unique_id

   + --- Content area ---
   | A question or prompt with 0 or more lines of content
   | followed by a list
   | One bullet list item for each blank to be rendered.
   + --------------------

Required Arguments

unique id

A unique identifier after a space and the :: in the fillintheblank directive. Valid identifiers must not contain spaces. You should also avoid the characters `` ` , ``,, :, and *.

content area

The fillintheblank directive must contain a content area. The requirements for the content area:

  • The content block may contain zero or more |blank| literals in the question / prompt.

  • The content area must end with a list.

    • The list must contain a field, like :this: followed by feedback.

    • Each bullet list item can only contain a single field and feedback pair per line of text.

    • The bullet list can contain more list items than blanks in the content area, but it cannot have less.

For example:

.. fillintheblank:: unique_id

   Question text goes here, with at least one |blank|, more are added like this: |blank|.

   - :answer: Feedback for blank 1
     :x: The last item of feedback mathes anything, regardless of content
   - :another: Feedback for the second blank
     :yet more: Feedback
     :.*: A wildcard for the second blank

If |blanks| are not used, then this directive will sequentially render 1 blank for each list item encountered.

Answers are expected to match the order of blanks generated. That is, the first answer must be associated with the first blank defined in the question / prompt area.

Answer fields containing text interpreted as regular expressions.

Optional Arguments


Boolean. If present, perform case insensitive comparisons between values provided in blank fields and answer fields.

The default performs case sensitive matching.

Languages supported

The fillintheblank directive is language agnostic. Nothing is actually executed or interpreted.

Sphinx configuration options

No directive specific configuration options exist.



Known limitations

The text for matches must appear on a single line. No newlines are allowed.


A simple example.

.. fillintheblank:: fitb-ex1

   Fill in the blanks to make the following sentence: "The red car drove away."

   The |blank| car drove |blank|.

   -   :red: Correct.
       :x: Incorrect. Try 'red'.
   -   :away: Correct.
       :x: Incorrect. Try 'away'.

Numeric answers

The fillintheblank directive performs special processing if the answer appears numeric.

Numbers can be given in decimal, hex (0x10 == 16), octal (0o10 == 8), binary (0b10 == 2), or using scientific notation (1e1 == 10), both in answer fields and by the user when answering the question.

If a range of numeric values could be correct, a pair of numbers are used. The second value indicates the tolerance allowed.

This example uses a sphinx directive in the content area of the fill in the blank and checks correct answers against a range of values:

sphinx.ext.mathjax is required for this example to render correctly.

.. fillintheblank:: fill_2pi

   What is the solution to the following:

   :math:`2 * \pi =` |blank|.

   - :6.28 0.005: Good job.
     :3.27 3: Try higher.
     :9.29 3: Try lower.
     :.*: Incorrect. Try again.

If a |blank| is not present, then the directive will append one for each bullet list item in the answer area.

The answer fields are appended immediately after the question content.

Given the following C program:

.. code-block:: c

   int main(void) {
     int a = 7;
     int b = 4;

     if (a<=b) { 
       a = 99;
     } else {    
       int t = a;
       a = b;
       b = t;
     return a;                                     

.. fillintheblank:: fitb-ex3

  What value is returned from main? 

  - :4: Correct.
    :7: No, because the variable a is always modified in this program.
    :99: No. Since a is greater than b, the code on line 6 is never executed.
    :x: Sorry, no. What is happening in the else block?

Given the following C program:

 1int main(void) {
 2  int a = 7;
 3  int b = 4;
 5  if (a<=b) {
 6    a = 99;
 7  } else {
 8    int t = a;
 9    a = b;
10    b = t;
11  }
12  return a;

How answer fields are parsed

The text within an answer field is actually interpreted as a regular expression. This means that when creating your answer fields, some characters may need escaping. That is, if you want to use a character in your answer that also is a special character in a Python regular expression, then you’ll need to precede it with a \ character. For example:

Note that in this example, the : character also needs an escape. Although it’s not a special character in this context, it is used by the fillintheblank directive to determine the start and end of the answer field.

.. fillintheblank:: fitb-ex4

   Windows system files are stored in: |blank|. 

   -   :C\:\\Windows\\system: Correct.
       :program files: Third party applications are stored here, not system files.
       :x: Try again.

Another simple example that requires escapes:

.. fillintheblank:: fitb-ex5

   Python lists are declared using: |blank|. 

   - :\[\]: Correct.
     :x: Try again.
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