15.5. What is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a format for sharing data. You can read a JSON string from a file or from a URL and convert it into a Python dictionary or list. You can also convert a Python dictionary or list into a JSON string.

15.5.1. Converting a JSON String into a Python Object

In the following program, we use the built-in json library to parse the JSON string and return a Python list of dictionaries.

What do you think this code will print? Run it to see what it actually prints.

Here is another example. Run the code to see what it does.

What do you think this code will print? Run it to see what it actually prints.

15.5.2. Converting a Python object into a JSON string

You can also convert a Python list or dictionary to a JSON string.

What do you think this code will print? Run it to see what it actually prints.

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