Please join a research study to help us test new approaches to learning programming!¶
Hi! We are a team of researchers in Professor Ericson’s Lab at UMSI!
The Project
You are invited to participate in a research study about how Parsons problems (a type of coding puzzle) may help
CS entry-level learning. You must be at least 18 to participate.
Your participation will help more students become successful in computing courses in a low-cost, scalable, and easily
adopted way.
What Will Occur
This study takes 60 minutes to one hour to finish. The study materials include:
- Knowledge Introduction - A basic knowledge introduction about Python Class (~5 mins)
- System Introduction - Materials to get you familiar with the types of problems in this study (~5 mins)
- Pre Survey - Questions about your level of programming self-efficacy (~5 mins)
- Practice - Five code practice problems (~30 mins)
- Posttest - A short posttest consists of 5 programming questions (~15 mins)
Each section must be completed in order. After finishing one part, you can click the link provided under "What to do next" to the next part.
Confidentiality of Information
All the data we collect will be de-identified. We will not collect any identifiable data such as demographic information.
Who to Contact
If you have any questions about the study, please contact Xinying Hou at [email protected]
with “[Parsons Problem Study]” included in the email subject.
We greatly appreciate your help!