Questions for Cognitive Load Experiment - B

Finish the function has22 below to return True if there are at least two items in the list nums that are adjacent and both equal to 2, otherwise return False. For example, return True for has22([1, 2, 2]) since there are two adjacent items equal to 2 (at index 1 and 2) and False for has22([2, 1, 2]) since the 2’s are not adjacent.

    In solving the preceding problem I invested:
  • 1. Very, very low mental effort
  • 2. Very low mental effort
  • 3. Low mental effort
  • 4. Rather low mental effort
  • 5. Neither low nor high mental effort
  • 6. Rather high mental effort
  • 7. High mental effort
  • 8. Very high mental effort
  • 9. Very, very high mental effort

Put the code in order to define countInRange that returns a count of the number of times that a target value appears in a list between the start and end indices (inclusive). For example, countInRange(1,2,4,[1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1]) should return 3 since there are three 1’s between index 2 and 4 inclusive.

    In solving the preceding problem I invested:
  • 1. Very, very low mental effort
  • 2. Very low mental effort
  • 3. Low mental effort
  • 4. Rather low mental effort
  • 5. Neither low nor high mental effort
  • 6. Rather high mental effort
  • 7. High mental effort
  • 8. Very high mental effort
  • 9. Very, very high mental effort

Finish the function diffMaxMin to return the difference between the largest and smallest value in the passed list of numbers (nums). For example, diffMaxMin([1,2,3]) should return 2 since the difference between 3 and 1 is 2.

    In solving the preceding problem I invested:
  • 1. Very, very low mental effort
  • 2. Very low mental effort
  • 3. Low mental effort
  • 4. Rather low mental effort
  • 5. Neither low nor high mental effort
  • 6. Rather high mental effort
  • 7. High mental effort
  • 8. Very high mental effort
  • 9. Very, very high mental effort

Put the code in order to define total_values that takes a dictionary (dict) and returns the total of the values in the dictionary. For example, total_values({'red': 3, 'blue': 2, 'green': 20}) would return 25.

    In solving the preceding problem I invested:
  • 1. Very, very low mental effort
  • 2. Very low mental effort
  • 3. Low mental effort
  • 4. Rather low mental effort
  • 5. Neither low nor high mental effort
  • 6. Rather high mental effort
  • 7. High mental effort
  • 8. Very high mental effort
  • 9. Very, very high mental effort

Finish the function get_names that takes a list of dictionaries and returns a list of strings with the names from the dictionaries. The key for the first name is ‘first’ and the key for the last name is ‘last’. Return a list of the full names (first last) as a string. If the ‘first’ or ‘last’ key is missing in the dictionary use ‘Unknown’. For example, [{'first': 'Ann', 'last': 'Brown'}, {'first': 'Darius'}] should return ['Ann Brown', 'Darius Unknown']..

    In solving the preceding problem I invested:
  • 1. Very, very low mental effort
  • 2. Very low mental effort
  • 3. Low mental effort
  • 4. Rather low mental effort
  • 5. Neither low nor high mental effort
  • 6. Rather high mental effort
  • 7. High mental effort
  • 8. Very high mental effort
  • 9. Very, very high mental effort
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