Chapter 2: Pixels

Section 1: Inverted Sheep

We saw the negation or color inverting program in class. It generates negated picture like this:


The program that generates this looks like this:


Explaining the Snap program

As we talked in class, each component (or channel) color (red, green, and blue) is encoded as a single byte, and colors go from (0,0,0) to (255,255,255).

In the main body of the code, it starts with a for loop that selects each pixel in the pixels of the “sheep”. Then we set pixel red, pixel green, and pixel blue to a certain number. To achieve negating (reversing or inverting the color), we take 255 minus that value – we use 255 to minus the red pixel value in the picture, then 255 minus the green pixel value in the picture, then 255 minus the blue pixel value in the picture.

The Python Version

Let’s replicate this in Python. Here is the picture we will be manipulating.

Data file: sheepjpg

Press run to see this image get inverted/negated.

Let’s talk about how this works.

  • img = image.Image(“sheep.jpg”) creates a picture from the sheep.jpg file. This part is invisible in Snap – it happens when you drag the picture into the costumes tab.

  • pixels = img.getPixels() creates a list of all the pixels in the picture.

  • for p in pixels does the exact same thing as the for each pixel in pixels.

    • Each of the set functions changes the channel or component of that pixel.

    • 255-p.getRed() means to subtract from 255 the current red channel of the pixel p.

    • img.updatePixel(p) tells the image to change itself from the newly manipulated pixel p. That happens in Snap, but inside the blocks.

  • The last two lines tell the browser to create an image window and to drag the sheep (in the variable img) in that window.

Try answering these questions about the code above.

Section 2: Posterize Big Ben

We saw a program that reduces the range of colors in two of the channels in class. It generates pictures like this:


The program that generates this looks like this:


Explaining the Snap program

Most pictures have a range of values in red, green, and blue channels – 0 to 255 in each, for 256 * 256 * 256 possible colors, well over 14 million. When we posterize, we reduce that possible range of colors. In this example, we are making all red channels one of two values (80 or 160) and all blues to one of two values (100 or 50). If we also limited to greens to two values, there would only be 8 possible colors in the whole picture. When you make a picture with poster paint, you usually only have a handful of colors – thus, posterizing is reducing the number of colors available.

The Python Version

Let’s replicate this in Python. Here is the picture we will be manipulating.

Data file: bigbenjpg

Press run to see this image get inverted/negated.

Let’s talk about how this works.

If-else means that either one path is taken (if the red is greater than 120), or the other is taken (if the red is less than or equal to 120). Always one of those two paths are taken. Thus, at the end of the loop, red will be either 80 or 160 and blue will be either 100 or 50.

Notice the indentation. That’s critical in Python. Python uses indentation to figure out which part happens if red is greater than 120 (p.setRed(80)), and then that the else: matches the if (because they’re indented the same). Notice the img.updatePixel(p) is indented the same as the if statements, but indented more than the for loop. That means the if statements and the update of the pixel are all inside the for loop. What’s in the loop and what’s outside the loop is easier to see with the shapes and colors of Snap.

Now, answer some questions about the code, please.

Section 3: Grayscale and Invert

We saw a program in Snap in class that does two different effects to each side of the picture. It generates pictures like this:


The program that generates this looks like this:


Explaining the Snap program

This program is making a choice based on the x value of the pixel. The left of center is negative x, and right of center is positive x. This program inverts the right side (greater than 0), and computes grayscale for the leftside. To compute the grayscale, we compute the average of the red, green, and blue components as a luminance. We set all three of red, green, and blue to that luminance value.

The Python Version

Let’s replicate part of this in Python. Here is the picture we will be manipulating.

Data file: waterfalljpg

Press run to see this image get inverted/negated.

This program is creating grayscale, but to the whole picture. Like in the original Snap program, lum is a variable that will store the luminance. We set it to the average of red, green, and blue.

Now, answer some questions about the code, please.

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