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Applied Combinatorics

Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

We are grateful to our colleagues Alan Diaz, Thang Le, Noah Streib, Prasad Tetali and Carl Yerger, who have taught Applied Combinatorics from preliminary versions and have given valuable feedback. As this text is freely available on the internet, we welcome comments, criticisms, suggestions and corrections from anyone who takes a look at our work.
For the 2016 and subsequent editions, we are grateful to Robert A. Beezer, David Farmer, and Kent Morrison for organizing the American Institute of Mathematics workshop on MathBook XML (now PreTeXt) that enabled the new formats to be released. David Farmer’s work on the initial conversion from to PreTeXt. The PreTeXt Google Group was an important resource in resolving challenges along the way, and Rob Beezer is a wonderfully-responsive developer who gladly put up with any number of feature requests in order to make everything we wanted possible in the PreTeXt edition