2.5. Chapter 2 - Concept Summary¶
Chapter 2 included the following concepts from computing.
ACSII-ASCII is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. It is abbreviated from the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Binary-Binary is a number system comprised of only two numbers: 0 and 1.
Bit-A bit is short for binary digit and is the smallest piece of information that a computer can store. Bits are either 0s or 1s.
Byte-A byte is a sequence of data that is eight bits long.
Character-A character is anything that can be entered into a computer via a keyboard: letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, or symbols.
Computer - A computer is a device that can perform actions on input (which is also called data).
Java - Java is a programming language. It is used in the Advanced Placement Computer Science A course.
Program - A program is a set of instructions that a computer can understand to accomplish some goal. This is sometimes called code.
Programming Language - A programming language is used to tell a computer what to do. Some examples are Python and Java.
Programming Tool - A programming tool is used to do programming. One example is Scratch which is at http://scratch.mit.edu.
Python - Python is a programming language. It is the language you will use in this ebook.
Turing Machine - A Turing machine is a theoretical computer that can read instructions from a tape and write results to the tape.
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