Section 8.3 Evaluate Functions
Subgoals for evaluating a function call:.
- Create stack frame for global variables
- Ensure function is defined before function call before beginning body of function
- Determine parameter values based on positional arguments, keyword arguments, and default values to initialize local variables
- Use stack frame for function to trace local variables
- At return to call site, pass values back to call site
- Delete stack frame with local variables after return to call site
Subsection 8.3.1 Simple Call
- One argument
- No arguments
- Two arguments
def foo(alpha, beta, gamma):
delta = alpha * beta - gamma
return delta * 2
alpha = 9
kappa = foo(7, alpha, 1)
gamma = kappa + 1
Subsection 8.3.2 Keyword Arguments
def subtract(a, b, c=1):
return a*c - b
# P1
print(subtract(a=7, b=9))
# P2
print(subtract(b=7, a=9))
# P3
print(subtract(7, b=5))
# P4
print(subtract(10, 5, 2))
# P5
print(subtract(c=2, b=5, a=10))
# P6
print(subtract(100, 50, c=.1))
Subsection 8.3.3 Nested Calls
def add5(number):
number = number + 5
return number
def double(num):
result = num * 2
num = num + 1 # Have this useless thing in there at least once
return result
answer = 10
# One with assignments
answer = add5(answer)
answer = double(answer)
# One without assignments
# Nested
Subsection 8.3.4 Calls within Calls
# Example
def third(value):
result = round(value/3)
return result
def chop_third(text):
result = text
length = third(len(result))
result = text[:length]
return result
# P1
def is_month(value):
result = value > 0
result = result and value <= 12
return result
def is_day(value):
result = value > 0 and value <= 31
return result
def is_date(day, month):
result = is_day(day) and is_month(month)
return result
print(is_date(1, 30))
print(is_date(30, 1))
# P2
def a(x, y=1):
z = 3
x = x * 2
return x + y + z
def b(x, z):
y = 3
z = z + z
return x + y + z
def c(x, y, z):
x = a(x, y)
y = z(z, y)
z = a(x) - y
return x + y + z
print(c(1, 2, 3))
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