Time estimate: 45 min.

2.2. Writing Methods

Using existing methods, as we did in the previous section, can be very powerful and Java comes with a rich library of methods for you to use which have been implemented very carefully and extensively tested. You should use them when you can.

But you will also spend a lot of your time as a Java programmer writing your own methods in order to create your own abstractions. Writing methods lets us break programs up into understandable chunks whose details we don’t have to keep in mind all the time. This is incredible important because the human mind has a limited amount of working memory; if we try to keep too many details in mind all at once, we quickly become overwhelmed.

2.2.1. The Method Signature

As you may recall from Unit 1, when we define a variable we need to provide the type of the variable and give the variable a name. We can also initialize the variable when we declare it by assigning it a value. To review, here are two variable declarations. One with and one without an initialization:

int count = 0;  // Declaring and initializing a variable of type int named count
String message; // Declaring a variable of type String named message

Defining a method is similar except that we have to both declare the method, specifying its type and name and define it by providing the code that says what the method does. However the type of a method is more complicated than the type of a variable. It includes both the type of value the method returns (or void if it returns no value) and the types of arguments it takes.

Thus the basic structure of a method definition consists of two parts: the method signature that tells us what we need to know to call the method and the method body which contains the code that runs when the method is called.

The main parts of the method signature are return type, the name, the parameter list.

double sqrt(double n)

The actual sqrt method in Math is a public method which means it can be invoked from any code and—as we discussed in the previous section—also a static method, which allows us to reference it as Math.sqrt. So the actual signature of sqrt would look like this:

public static double sqrt(double n)

Reading the signature from left to right, the public static are called modifiers and they tell us that the method can be called from any class and that it is static so we can call it like Math.sqrt(2).

Then, the first double is the return type, which tells both the compiler and humans reading this code what kind of value this method produces. Then comes the name of the method: sqrt. The names of methods have to follow the same rules as for the names of variables: they must consist of just letters and numbers and must start with a letter.

Following the name is a parameter list enclosed in parentheses (()). Each element of this list is a variable declaration, i.e. a type name and then a name for the parameter. In this method there is only one parameter, a double parameter named n which presumably stands for “number”.

For now all the methods you will be asked to write will be public static methods so you will mark them with public static before the return type.

2.2.2. Writing Methods that Compute Values

Now, in order to see how the body fits in, let’s look at a simple method that takes an int value and returns an int whose value is twice the argument.

public static int doubled(int n)
    return n * 2;

The method signature is similar to the signature for sqrt except the method name is obviously different and the return type and argument type is int instead of double. (Note, however, that the rules for variable and method names also say that they cannot be any of Java’s special keywords. Since the names of primitive types are keywords we can’t call this method double since that’s the name of a type.)

Finally we get to the body of the method, which is always enclosed in a pair of curly braces ({}). In the body we can write whatever code we want and can refer to the variables defined in the parameter list. The only requirement is that the body return a value of the correct type using a return statement.

In this case that means we need to return an int. To return a value we use a return statement which consists of the word return followed by an expression that will produce the value to be returned. As you can see in this method, the code in the method body can refer to the variables defined in the method’s parameter list. The expression in the return statement n * 2 means, multiply the value passed to this method by 2. Since n was declared to be an int and 2 is an int and multiplying two ints gives us another int, this clearly satisfies the requirement to return an int. (Phew, that’s a lot of ints.)

Note that when we say “compute”, that doesn’t have to mean math. As you saw in the previous unit, we can also compute with strings of text. And we can write methods that compute with strings just as easily as we can write mathematical methods. For instance this method computes the value of a greeting given a name.

public static String greeting(String name)
    return "Hello, " + name + ".";

This method tells you how many of some kind of item you have:

public static String howMany(int count, String what)
    return "I have " + count + " " + what + "s.";

(This method will produce funny output of the value of the what parameter is not a word pluralized by adding “s” or if count is 1. Later, when you learn about if statements, you’ll be able to write a better version of this method.)

2.2.3. coding exercise Coding Exercises

To actually be able to call a method, we need to put it in a class. Until now the only method we’ve written is main which is called for you when you run your program.

Add the definition of doubled from above to this class and then run the program. Look at the output; do you notice that there is no sign in the output of the call to doubled(4). Can you change the program to have it print out the result of that call?

This class contains a call to the greeting method shown above. Add the definition of greeting to this class. Once the code runs and prints Hello, World. add another line to main that prints something like, Hello, Pat. Nice to meet you!.

The distance between two numbers, as we discussed in a problem in the previous section, is defined as the absolute value of their difference. (Their difference is just what you get when you subtract one from the other.)

The code below contains a method signature and empty body for a method distance which is called from main. Fill in the body so it correctly computes the distance between a and b.

Ladder on tower

As we discussed in a problem in the previous section, the Pythagorean theorem tells us that the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle) is the square root of the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides, also called the “legs” of the triangle. In other words \(c = \sqrt{a^{2} + b^{2}}\) where \(a\) and \(b\) are the lengths of the legs and \(c\) is the length of the hypotenuse.

One common use for the Pythagorean theorem is to calculate the length of ladder you will need to reach the window of your beloved, given that their cruel parents have locked them in a tower surrounded by a moat. The ladder will be the hypotenuse of a triangle whose legs are the height of the window of your beloved’s room in the tower and the width of the moat since you have to place the base of the ladder on the edge of the moat.

Add a ladderSizeNeeded method to the class below that takes two doubles representing the height of the window and the width of the moat and returns the length of the ladder needed as double.

2.2.4. Inside the Method During the Call

When we call a method the execution of our program jumps to the body of the method. Inside the body the parameters, such as n, have been initialized to the value of the argument passed in the call. So when we call double(2 + 3), the expression 2 + 3 is first evaluated to produce 5. Just before we jump to the first line of the body of doubled, the parameter n is initialized to 5. Then the code in the body runs, multiplying 5 times 2, producing 10 which is returned.

The variable n only exists within the body of the method and it can take on different values for different calls. There can be other variables named n elsewhere in a program but they do not interfere with the n in doubled. Which is good news—if that wasn’t true we’d have to keep track of all the variable names we had used anywhere in our program which would be a huge pain!

This is the key to using methods as an abstraction. The details that we care about inside the method—what names the method uses for its parameters and how it computes its result—are hidden inside the method. Code that calls the method such as this line:

System.out.println("Twice 2 is: " + doubled(2));

isn’t affected at all by those details. We could change the definition of doubled to this slightly different, but still correct, definition and code that calls doubled would not be affected at all:

public static int doubled(int value)
    return value + value;

Note that both the parameter name has changed, from n to value and the way the result is computed, using addition rather than multiplication. Those are the details that have been abstracted away by writing the method.

2.2.5. Writing Methods with Effects

You can also write your own methods that have effects rather than computing values. For instance, if you often wanted to abstract the pattern of printing out “Twice <something> is: <something>” you could write a method that does that:

public static void showTwice(int n)
    System.out.println("Twice " + n + " is: " + doubled(n));

This method will work with any int value and if you decide you want to change the message from “Twice <something> is: <something>” to “<something> doubled is: <something>” you only have to change this method. Notice also that the return type of showTwice is void meaning it does not return any value.

coding exercise Coding Exercise

This code contains a call to showTwice from main. Add the definition given above to this class so it will compile and run.

After running this code, add two new methods to this class:

  • tripled that takes an int and return an int which is three times the argument.

  • showThrice that takes an int and will print out a message similar to the one in showTwice except showing what the argument tripled is.

2.2.6. Getting Good at Methods

This unit has just covered the mechanics of calling existing methods and writing and calling your own methods. Actually learning to use methods well is a big part of learning Java so we can’t expect to cover it all here.

However even from these small examples, you can maybe start to get a glimpse of how we can use methods to break our programs into meaningful chunks. Look at the main method from the last coding exercise. While some details are abstracted away in the definition of showTwice, if we at least remember that it prints something about the value we can see at a glance what main does: it does that, once for the value 2 and once for 4.

If we care about the details we can look at the definition of showTwice. There we can see what it prints though exactly how the doubled value is computed is abstracted away in the doubled method.

Obviously this is a tiny program and none of these abstractions is hiding very much. But consider a million line program, like the ones mentioned at the beginning of this unit. Suppose you broke what that program does into ten main pieces and wrote each piece as a separate method. Each method would still be 100,000 lines. But at least at the top level you could understand what the program does in terms of only ten separate parts. Ten things you might be able to fit in your working memory.

And each of those ten methods could be further broken down into ten smaller pieces, and so on. If you kept going it would only take six levels until your whole program consisted of 10-line methods. You’d still have a million lines of code and you’d have written a lot of methods. But you could read each method and understand—at a certain level of abstraction—what it does while only having to think about ten things at a time.

There’s no silver bullet to making a million-line program trivial to understand but with good abstractions, including well-designed methods, it’s possible.

2.2.7. Summary

  • Abstraction means hiding details. Procedural abstraction means hiding the details of how a procedure is performed and so we can focus on what it achieves.

  • A method in Java either computes a value or has some effect, such as printing to the screen.

  • The type of a method is determined by its return type and the types of its parameters.

  • Parameters are variables whose values are the values passed as arguments passed when a method is called.

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