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Section 11.7 Glossary

Glossary Glossary

A keyword that allows an immediate break out of a loop when executed within the loop body.
A keyword that (when executed within a loop body) allows an immediate continue with the next iteration by skipping the rest of the code in the current iteration.
definite iteration.
The number of loop iterations is known at the beginning of the iteration process.
indefinite iteration.
The number of loop iterations is unknown at the beginning of the iteration process and is dependent on a condition that needs to evaluate to False during the iteration process.
infinite loop.
A loop with a condition variable (used to determine if iterations of a while loop should continue) that is never reset (with no break keyword within the loop body).
Repeated execution of a sequence of statements.
listener loop.
A while loop in which the number of iterations is dependent on user input.
sentinel value.
A value within a loop body that terminates a while loop by causing the condition of the while loop to be set to False.
while loop.
A loop that consists of a header and a body with continued iteration if the controlling boolean expression evaluates to True.
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