10.5. Visualizing Data

In this section, we will learn how to visualize our work so far.

You can get some inspiration from https://python-graph-gallery.com/.

To accomplish this, you will have to dig into some new packages that we have not used so far. But this is all part of the process.

We need to create a square adjacency matrix: Aisle to Aisle. We’ll use this to build our chord diagram and other graph-like visualizations.

  1. Merge the order_product data frame with the aisle data frame so we have the aisle number for each product. (We can drop the aisle name to save memory.)

  2. Iterate over each order.

  3. Order the order by add_to_cart_order.

  4. Increase the count in from aisle (row) to aisle (column); this is a directed graph.

aisle_mat = pd.DataFrame(0, index=range(1, 135), columns=range(1, 135))
flowdf = op.merge(products, on='product_id').merge(adf, on='aisle_id')

tco = flowdf.groupby('order_id')

for order in tco.groups.keys():
    contents = tco.get_group(order).sort_values('add_to_cart_order')
    rowit = contents.iterrows()
    start_aisle = next(rowit)[1]['aisle_id']

    for ix, row in rowit:
        #print(start_aisle, row['aisle_id'])
            aisle_mat.loc[start_aisle][row['aisle_id']] += 1
            print("bad index", start_aisle, row['aisle_id'],
                  type(start_aisle), type(row['aisle_id']))
        start_aisle = row['aisle_id']
CPU times: user 3h 4min 26s, sys: 2min 7s, total: 3h 6min 34s
Wall time: 3h 11min 18s

for ix, row in contents.iterrows():
    print(row['product_id'], row['aisle_id'])
x = contents.iterrows()

for i, j in x:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x22a687e48>
A heat map that represents the squere adjacency matrix. The colors range from black to red to white in accending order. Most of the map is black with some red and white.

Looks like a lot of small values. Let’s make a histogram of the whole thing and see.

for i in range(1,135):
    aisle_mat.loc[i][i] = 0

x = aisle_mat.values.flatten()
sall = aisle_mat.values.sum()
y = aisle_mat.applymap(lambda x: x/sall)
z = y.applymap(lambda x: x if x > 0.001 else np.nan)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x386ea27f0>
The same heat map as above but the smaller values (in black) are removed so that the larger values are more obvious.
aisle_mat = pd.read_csv('aisle_mat.csv',index_col='aid')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134
1 5151 177 621 362 83 74 56 152 336 8 ... 54 20 30 401 388 205 344 8 19 12
2 216 2692 464 387 168 62 152 88 882 20 ... 34 30 52 602 322 218 933 8 21 19
3 632 417 126287 1871 311 322 247 380 1455 47 ... 1152 128 299 1509 1849 2106 1800 48 158 33
4 356 405 1844 20762 717 192 186 165 2519 49 ... 255 122 268 1234 2176 1176 3130 32 110 27
5 90 169 266 681 2325 57 110 47 673 44 ... 31 42 104 639 539 245 744 5 27 8

5 rows × 134 columns

aisle_mat['total'] = aisle_mat.apply(lambda x : x.sum(), axis=1)
aisle_mat.sort_values('total', ascending=False, inplace=True)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 total
24 6545 6616 33754 12545 3020 2600 2829 2646 13162 443 ... 709 1248 16043 13076 13474 16945 228 910 372 3324654
83 4473 8381 17158 11751 6362 2133 3818 1698 20901 615 ... 693 981 17890 12322 10233 25437 219 676 294 3143603
123 4134 4197 13228 6850 2397 1204 1747 1198 9405 292 ... 454 764 8630 7515 6414 11072 173 461 163 1600584
120 2354 2498 16219 5950 1080 1072 801 937 5231 99 ... 306 668 5669 5561 5921 6478 106 307 78 1354392
21 1760 6626 8445 6728 2257 640 1038 700 10388 268 ... 296 659 9307 6071 3891 10790 100 312 153 888985

5 rows × 135 columns

row_order = aisle_mat.index
row_order = row_order.tolist()
Int64Index([ 24,  83, 123, 120,  21,  84, 115, 107,  91, 112,
            118, 134,  55, 109,  10,  44, 102,  82, 132, 113],
           dtype='int64', name='aid', length=134)
aisle_map = pd.merge(aisle_mat, adf, left_index=True, right_on='aisle_id')['aisle']
['fresh fruits',
 'fresh vegetables',
 'packaged vegetables fruits',
 'packaged cheese',
 'water seltzer sparkling water',
 'chips pretzels',
 'soy lactosefree',
am = aisle_mat.values.tolist()[:20][:20]
for i in range(len(am)):
    am[i][i] = 0.0

pickle.dump(am,file=open('am.pkl', 'wb'))

depts = pd.read_csv('ecomm/departments.csv')
department_id department
0 1 frozen
1 2 other
2 3 bakery
3 4 produce
4 5 alcohol
5 6 international
6 7 beverages
7 8 pets
8 9 dry goods pasta
9 10 bulk
10 11 personal care
11 12 meat seafood
12 13 pantry
13 14 breakfast
14 15 canned goods
15 16 dairy eggs
16 17 household
17 18 babies
18 19 snacks
19 20 deli
20 21 missing

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  • 3. More time than is reasonable
    Based on my own interests and needs, the things taught in this lesson...
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  • 3. Are definitely worth learning
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