6.9. Chapter 6 Exercises

  1. There are errors in the indention in the following code. Fix it to work correctly without errors.

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  2. Fix the errors so it runs and returns the perimeter of a rectangle.

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  3. There are 2 syntax errors in the following code. Fix the errors so that it runs.

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  4. Fix the errors so the code runs and returns the area of a square.

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  5. The following code has 4 syntax errors. Fix the errors so that the code runs.

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  6. Change the code to take 3 parameters, a turtle, a size that tells it how far to go, and an angle it tells the turtle to turn.

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  7. The following code has three lines that need to be changed. Fix the code to run correctly.

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  8. Fix the errors so it prints "My name is John and I am 18 years old".

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  9. Change the square procedure below to take a size parameter and have the turtle go forward by the specified size each time.

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  10. Change the code so the function takes parameters for the base and height of the triangle. Then, write code to call the function and print the result.

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  11. Change the code below to create a function that calculates the cost of a trip. It should take the miles, milesPerGallon, and pricePerGallon as parameters and should return the cost of the trip.

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  12. Fix the errors in the procedure and call it.

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  13. Change the code below to create a function to return the number of miles you can drive. It will take as input (parameters) the tankCapacity, theAmountLeft, and the milesPerGallon.

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  14. Complete and change the code to be a function with 2 parameters that returns the time taken to travel and call the function

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  15. Create a procedure to draw a rectangle and call it. Be sure to take the width and height of the rectangle as input to the procedure.

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  16. Create a procedure that takes 2 parameters, a string that you get from a user input and an int. Make the procedure print the string the number of times the int parameter gives and call the procedure.

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  17. Create a procedure to draw a triangle and call it. Be sure to take the length of each side of the triangle as input to the procedure.

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  18. Create a procedure that takes 7 paramters (turtle, distance, angle, and 4 color strings) and call the procedure to draw a square in 4 different colors.

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  19. Write the code below to create a procedure that prints a mad lib. You can ask the user for input and then pass that input into the procedure.

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  20. Write a function that takes the current hour, current minute, an int to be added to the current hour, and an int to be added to the current minute, and return a string with the new hour and minute (standard 12 hour time; if minutes exceed 60, it should go to the hour) and call the function.

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