14.2. A Generic Version of OuterJoin

Outer Join is used in the case where we have a 1 - M relationship and the many end relation (B) can have zero related foreign key data values from the relation on the one end (A). (Note A, B are swapped from the natural join case.)

Here are some generic versions of the precedence charts. First, the normal natural join.

Creature - Achievement natural join

Now, when joining over at least the foreign key, but keeping all elements from the one-end A relation and adding NULL values from the many end B relation, we perform a Left Outer Join like this as an intermediate step:

Creature - Achievement left outer join A, B in original positions

Then we finish by fully flipping the A (1 end) and B (0, M end) in the diagram like this:

Creature - Achievement natural join A, B flipped to usual positions

As we saw in the examples in the previous section, we can include added columns besides the identifier of the A relation, which we have called Z in these generic charts. This is shown with the [W] for additional column names.


The Aid(…) and Bid(…) possible values have flipped from the natural match join to the left outer join. This is because the one-end relation is now the A relation and the zero or many end relation is now the B relation, but we match over the same columns that we did for the natural join.

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