{% if show_rs_banner %} {% else %} {% endif %}
#!/usr/bin/env python

Implement the entire game of Whack-a-mole game.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import PhotoImage
from tkinter import messagebox
from random import randint


__author__ = "Dr Wayne Brown"
__email__ = "Wayne.Brown@usafa.edu"
__date__ = "Nov 16, 2016"

class WhackAMole:
    MIN_TIME_DOWN = 1000
    MAX_TIME_DOWN = 5000
    MIN_TIME_UP = 1000
    MAX_TIME_UP = 3000

    def __init__(self):
        self.window = tk.Tk()

        self.mole_frame, self.status_frame = self.create_frames()

        self.mole_photo = PhotoImage(file="mole.png")
        self.mole_cover_photo = PhotoImage(file="mole_cover.png")
        self.label_timers = {}

        self.mole_labels = self.create_moles()

        self.hit_counter, self.miss_counter, self.start_button, self.quit_button \
            = self.create_status_widgets()

        self.game_is_running = False

    def create_frames(self):
        mole_frame = tk.Frame(self.window)
        mole_frame.grid(row=0, column=0)

        status_frame = tk.Frame(self.window, bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        status_frame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.E + tk.W + tk.N + tk.S, ipadx=6)

        return mole_frame, status_frame

    def create_moles(self):

Source of mole image: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=genergame.molehammer

        mole_labels = []
        for r in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
            row_of_labels = []
            for c in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
                mole_label = tk.Label(self.mole_frame, image=self.mole_photo)
                mole_label.grid(row=r, column=c, sticky=tk.E + tk.W + tk.N + tk.S)
                self.label_timers[id(mole_label)] = None



        return mole_labels

    def create_status_widgets(self):
        spacer = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="", bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        spacer.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        hit_label = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="Number of Hits",
        hit_label.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        hit_counter = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="0", bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        hit_counter.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        spacer = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="", bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        spacer.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        miss_label = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="Number of Misses",
        miss_label.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        miss_counter = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="0", bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        miss_counter.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        spacer = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="", bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        spacer.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        start_button = tk.Button(self.status_frame, text="Start")
        start_button.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True, ipadx=10)

        spacer = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="", bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        spacer.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        quit_button = tk.Button(self.status_frame, text="Quit")
        quit_button.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True, ipadx=10)

        spacer = tk.Label(self.status_frame, text="", bg=WhackAMole.STATUS_BACKGROUND)
        spacer.pack(side="top", fill=tk.Y, expand=True)

        return hit_counter, miss_counter, start_button, quit_button

    def set_callbacks(self):

Set the same callback for each mole label

        for r in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
            for c in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
                self.mole_labels[r][c].bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.mole_hit)

        self.start_button['command'] = self.start
        self.quit_button['command'] = self.quit

    def mole_hit(self, event):

        if self.game_is_running:
            hit_label = event.widget
            if hit_label['image'] == self.mole_cover_photo.name:

MISSED! Update the miss counter

                self.miss_counter['text'] = str(int(self.miss_counter['text']) + 1)

HIT! Update the hit counter

                self.hit_counter['text'] = str(int(self.hit_counter['text']) + 1)

Remove the mole and don’t update the miss counter

                self.put_down_mole(hit_label, False)

    def start(self):
        if self.start_button['text'] == 'Start':

Change all the mole images to a blank image and set a random time for the moles to re-appear on each label.

            for r in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
                for c in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
                    the_label = self.mole_labels[r][c]
                    the_label['image'] = self.mole_cover_photo
                    time_down = randint(WhackAMole.MIN_TIME_DOWN,
                    timer_object = the_label.after(time_down, self.pop_up_mole, the_label)
                    self.label_timers[id(the_label)] = timer_object

            self.game_is_running = True
            self.start_button['text'] = "Stop"

            self.hit_counter['text'] = "0"
            self.miss_counter['text'] = "0"

        else:  # The game is running, so stop the game and reset everything

Show every mole and stop all the timers

            for r in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
                for c in range(WhackAMole.NUM_MOLES_ACROSS):
                    the_label = self.mole_labels[r][c]

Show the mole

                    the_label['image'] = self.mole_photo

Delete any timer that is associated with the mole


            self.game_is_running = False
            self.start_button['text'] = "Start"

    def put_down_mole(self, the_label, timer_expired):

        if self.game_is_running:
            if timer_expired:

The mole is going down before it was clicked on, so update the miss counter

                self.miss_counter['text'] = str(int(self.miss_counter['text']) + 1)

The timer did not expire, so manually stop the timer


Make the mole invisible

            the_label['image'] = self.mole_cover_photo

Set a call to pop up the mole in the future

            time_down = randint(WhackAMole.MIN_TIME_DOWN,
            timer_object = the_label.after(time_down, self.pop_up_mole, the_label)

Remember the timer object so it can be canceled later, if need be

            self.label_timers[id(the_label)] = timer_object

    def pop_up_mole(self, the_label):

Show the mole on the screen

        the_label['image'] = self.mole_photo

        if self.game_is_running:

Set a call to make the mole disappear in the future

            time_up = randint(WhackAMole.MIN_TIME_UP, WhackAMole.MAX_TIME_UP)
            timer_object = the_label.after(time_up, self.put_down_mole, the_label, True)
            self.label_timers[id(the_label)] = timer_object

    def quit(self):
        really_quit = messagebox.askyesno("Quiting?", "Do you really want to quit?")
        if really_quit:

Create the GUI program

program = WhackAMole()

Start the GUI event loop

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