Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["ActiveCode/audiotours", "ActiveCode/clangs", "ActiveCode/html", "ActiveCode/java", "ActiveCode/javascript", "ActiveCode/octave", "ActiveCode/python", "ActiveCode/sql", "ActiveCode/toctree", "Assessments/clickable", "Assessments/dragndrop", "Assessments/fitb", "Assessments/multiplechoice", "Assessments/parsons", "Assessments/shortanswer", "Assessments/timed", "Assessments/toctree", "CellBotics/Arduino/BLE_server/BLE_server.ino", "CellBotics/implementation", "CellBotics/reference_manual", "CellBotics/scratchpad", "CellBotics/toctree", "Containers/dynamic", "Containers/dynamic_supp", "Containers/reveal", "Containers/tabbed", "Containers/toctree", "Misc/disqus", "Misc/polls", "Misc/spreadsheet", "Misc/toctree", "OtherMarkups/mdauthor", "OtherMarkups/toctree", "OtherMarkups/wavedrom", "Video/toctree", "Video/video", "Video/youtube", "Visualizers/codelens", "Visualizers/showeval", "Visualizers/toctree", "index", "overview"], "filenames": ["ActiveCode/audiotours.rst", "ActiveCode/clangs.rst", "ActiveCode/html.rst", "ActiveCode/java.rst", "ActiveCode/javascript.rst", "ActiveCode/octave.rst", "ActiveCode/python.rst", "ActiveCode/sql.rst", "ActiveCode/toctree.rst", "Assessments/clickable.rst", "Assessments/dragndrop.rst", "Assessments/fitb.rst", "Assessments/multiplechoice.rst", "Assessments/parsons.rst", "Assessments/shortanswer.rst", "Assessments/timed.rst", "Assessments/toctree.rst", "CellBotics/Arduino/BLE_server/BLE_server.ino", "CellBotics/implementation.rst", "CellBotics/reference_manual.rst", "CellBotics/scratchpad.rst", "CellBotics/toctree.rst", "Containers/dynamic.rst", "Containers/dynamic_supp.rst", "Containers/reveal.rst", "Containers/tabbed.rst", "Containers/toctree.rst", "Misc/disqus.rst", "Misc/polls.rst", "Misc/spreadsheet.rst", "Misc/toctree.rst", "OtherMarkups/", "OtherMarkups/toctree.rst", "OtherMarkups/wavedrom.rst", "Video/toctree.rst", "Video/video.rst", "Video/youtube.rst", "Visualizers/codelens.rst", "Visualizers/showeval.rst", "Visualizers/toctree.rst", "index.rst", "overview.rst"], "titles": ["1.9. Audio Tours", "1.15. C and C++", "1.11. HTML", "1.13. Java", "1.10. JavaScript", "1.17. Octave and MATLAB", "1.1. ActiveCode Examples in Python", "1.12. SQL", "1. ActiveCode Languages", "2.4. Clickable Area", "2.5. Drag N Drop", "2.2. Fill in the Blank", "2.1. Multiple Choice", "2.3. Parsons Problems - Mixed Up Blocks", "2.6. Short Answer", "2.7. Timed Exam Questions", "2. Assessments", " BLE Cellbotics server", "8.3. Implementation", "8.2. Reference manual", "8.1. Examples and scratchpad", "8. Hands-on CellBotics", "4.3. Dynamic Questions", "Toggle Questions", "4.1. Reveals", "4.2. Tabbed Question", "4. Containers", "6.3. Disqus Comment Box", "6.1. Polls", "6.2. Spreadsheet", "6. Other Directives", "7.2. You can also use Runestone Components and write in Markdown!", "7. Other Markup Languages", "7.1. WaveDrom", "5. Video", "5.1. Embedded Videos", "5.2. YouTube", "3.1. The CodeLens Tool", "3.3. ShowEval Trace Mode", "3. Visualizers", "Overview of Runestone Academy", "<no title>"], "terms": {"activecod": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 15, 24, 25, 31, 37, 40], "item": [0, 15, 19, 23], "can": [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, 37, 41], "also": [0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, 32, 37, 40], "includ": [0, 1, 6, 13, 15, 18, 22, 33], "These": [0, 12, 19, 37], "highlight": 0, "one": [0, 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 37, 40], "more": [0, 6, 12, 13, 15, 19, 22, 37, 40], "line": [0, 3, 6, 13, 37], "code": [0, 1, 3, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 33, 37, 40], "thei": [0, 9, 12, 13, 22, 37, 40], "plai": 0, "describ": [0, 13, 15, 19, 35], "ch03_4": 0, "nocanva": 0, "tour_1": 0, "overal": 0, "1": [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 37], "2": [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 37], "example04_tour01_line01": 0, "example04_tour01_line02": 0, "example04_tour01_line03": 0, "name": [0, 3, 6, 17, 23, 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"activecode-examples-in-python"]], "Event Driven Programming": [[6, "event-driven-programming"]], "Image Processing": [[6, "image-processing"]], "Graphs and Charts": [[6, "graphs-and-charts"]], "Unit Tests for Python Code": [[6, "unit-tests-for-python-code"]], "Hidden Unit Tests with Graphical Status": [[6, "hidden-unit-tests-with-graphical-status"]], "DOM Access": [[6, "dom-access"]], "Server Side Python": [[6, "server-side-python"]], "SQL": [[7, "sql"]], "ActiveCode Languages": [[8, "activecode-languages"]], "Active Code": [[8, null]], "Clickable Area": [[9, "clickable-area"]], "Drag N Drop": [[10, "drag-n-drop"]], "Fill in the Blank": [[11, "fill-in-the-blank"]], "Multiple Choice": [[12, "multiple-choice"], [31, "multiple-choice"]], "Parsons Problems - Mixed Up Blocks": [[13, "parsons-problems-mixed-up-blocks"]], "Graph Based Grading": [[13, "graph-based-grading"]], "Proof Blocks": [[13, "proof-blocks"]], "Horizontal Parsons Problems": [[13, "horizontal-parsons-problems"]], "Short 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"xyz-sensors"]], "Orientation sensors": [[19, "orientation-sensors"]], "Other sensors": [[19, "other-sensors"]], "Examples and scratchpad": [[20, "examples-and-scratchpad"]], "Blink the LED until the pushbutton is pressed": [[20, "blink-the-led-until-the-pushbutton-is-pressed"]], "Vary the brightness of the LED": [[20, "vary-the-brightness-of-the-led"]], "Your code": [[20, "your-code"]], "Hands-on CellBotics": [[21, "hands-on-cellbotics"]], "Dynamic Questions": [[22, "dynamic-questions"]], "Using Dynamic Questions to secure Exams": [[22, "using-dynamic-questions-to-secure-exams"]], "AB Experiments with Dynamic Questions": [[22, "ab-experiments-with-dynamic-questions"]], "Toggle Questions": [[22, "toggle-questions"], [23, "toggle-questions"]], "Reveals": [[24, "reveals"]], "Tabbed Question": [[25, "tabbed-question"]], "Containers": [[26, "containers"], [26, null]], "Disqus Comment Box": [[27, "disqus-comment-box"]], "Polls": [[28, "polls"]], "Spreadsheet": [[29, "spreadsheet"]], "Other 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"what-is-an-interactive-textbook"]]}, "indexentries": {"ambientlightsensor (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.AmbientLightSensor"]], "cellbot (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.CellBot"]], "geolocationsensor (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.GeolocationSensor"]], "input (cellbotics.cellbot attribute)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.INPUT"]], "output (cellbotics.cellbot attribute)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.OUTPUT"]], "__init__() (cellbotics.cellbot method)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.__init__"]], "cellbotics": [[19, "module-cellbotics"]], "cellbotics.absoluteorientationsensor (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.cellbotics.AbsoluteOrientationSensor"]], "cellbotics.accelerometer (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.cellbotics.Accelerometer"]], "cellbotics.gravitysensor (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.cellbotics.GravitySensor"]], "cellbotics.gyroscope (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.cellbotics.Gyroscope"]], "cellbotics.linearacceleration (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.cellbotics.LinearAcceleration"]], "cellbotics.magnetomoter (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.cellbotics.Magnetomoter"]], "cellbotics.relativeorientationsensor (class in cellbotics)": [[19, "cellbotics.cellbotics.RelativeOrientationSensor"]], "ledcattach() (cellbotics.cellbot method)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.ledcAttach"]], "ledcdetach() (cellbotics.cellbot method)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.ledcDetach"]], "ledcsetup() (cellbotics.cellbot method)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.ledcSetup"]], "ledcwrite() (cellbotics.cellbot method)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.ledcWrite"]], "module": [[19, "module-cellbotics"]], "resethardware() (cellbotics.cellbot method)": [[19, "cellbotics.Cellbot.resetHardware"]], ":align: (directive option)": [[33, "directive-option-wavedrom-align"]], ":caption: (directive option)": [[33, "directive-option-wavedrom-caption"]], ":class: (directive option)": [[33, "directive-option-wavedrom-class"]], ":name: (directive 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