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"languages-supported"], [7, "languages-supported"], [8, "languages-supported"], [9, "languages-supported"], [10, "languages-supported"], [11, "languages-supported"], [12, "languages-supported"], [13, "languages-supported"], [14, "languages-supported"], [15, "languages-supported"], [16, "languages-supported"], [17, "languages-supported"], [18, "languages-supported"], [19, "languages-supported"], [20, "languages-supported"]], "Sphinx configuration options": [[3, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [4, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [5, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [6, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [7, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [8, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [9, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [10, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [11, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [12, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [13, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [14, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [15, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [16, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [17, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [18, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [19, "sphinx-configuration-options"], [20, "sphinx-configuration-options"]], "Sphinx bootstrap": [[3, "sphinx-bootstrap"]], "Known limitations and bugs": [[3, "known-limitations-and-bugs"], [7, "known-limitations-and-bugs"]], "Examples": [[3, "examples"], [4, "examples"], [5, "examples"], [6, "examples"], [7, "examples"], [8, "examples"], [9, "examples"], [10, "examples"], [11, "examples"], [12, "examples"], [13, "examples"], [14, "examples"], [15, "examples"], [16, "examples"], [17, "examples"], [18, "examples"], [19, "examples"], [20, "examples"]], ":include: parameter": [[3, "include-parameter"]], "Turtle Graphics": [[3, "turtle-graphics"]], "JavaScript": [[3, "javascript"]], "Java": [[3, "java"]], "C and C++": [[3, "c-and-c"]], "Accessing the Browser Document": [[3, "accessing-the-browser-document"]], "Incorporating Unit Tests": [[3, "incorporating-unit-tests"]], "HTML Source": [[3, "html-source"]], "Logs and Grading": [[3, "logs-and-grading"], [19, "logs-and-grading"]], "Multiple Choice": [[4, "multiple-choice"]], "Optional Arguments: Classic Format": [[4, "optional-arguments-classic-format"]], "Optional Arguments: List Format": [[4, "optional-arguments-list-format"]], "Internationalization": [[4, "internationalization"], [5, "internationalization"], [6, "internationalization"], [7, "internationalization"], [8, "internationalization"], [9, "internationalization"], [10, "internationalization"], [11, "internationalization"], [12, "internationalization"], [13, "internationalization"], [14, "internationalization"], [15, "internationalization"], [16, "internationalization"], [17, "internationalization"], [18, "internationalization"], [19, "internationalization"], [20, "internationalization"]], "Known limitations": [[4, "known-limitations"], [5, "known-limitations"], [6, "known-limitations"], [8, "known-limitations"], [9, "known-limitations"], [10, "known-limitations"], [11, "known-limitations"], [12, "known-limitations"], [13, "known-limitations"], [14, "known-limitations"], [15, "known-limitations"], [16, "known-limitations"], [17, "known-limitations"], [18, "known-limitations"], [19, "known-limitations"], [20, "known-limitations"]], "Clickable Area": [[5, "clickable-area"]], "Codelens": [[6, "codelens"]], "Developer notes": [[6, null]], "Workarounds for languages other than Python": [[6, "workarounds-for-languages-other-than-python"]], "Logs & Grading": [[6, "logs-grading"]], "Datafile": [[7, "datafile"]], "Disqus": [[8, "disqus"]], "Drag and Drop": [[9, "drag-and-drop"]], "Fill in the Blank": [[10, "fill-in-the-blank"]], "Numeric answers": [[10, "numeric-answers"]], "How answer fields are parsed": [[10, "how-answer-fields-are-parsed"]], "Parsons Problems": [[11, "parsons-problems"]], "Poll": [[12, "poll"]], "Controlling Question Numbering": [[13, "controlling-question-numbering"]], "Reveal": [[14, "reveal"]], "Short Answer": [[15, "short-answer"]], "ShowEval": [[16, "showeval"]], "Using comments": [[16, "using-comments"]], "Tab Groups": [[17, "tab-groups"]], "Timed Assessment": [[18, "timed-assessment"]], "Video": [[19, "video"]], "YouTube and Vimeo": [[20, "youtube-and-vimeo"]], "Frequently Asked Questions": [[21, "frequently-asked-questions"]], "What is Runestone Interactive?": [[21, "what-is-runestone-interactive"]], "Runestone Parts": [[21, null]], "What Runestone is Not?": [[21, "what-runestone-is-not"]], "Whatever Brad, How do I learn more about the instructor interface": [[21, "whatever-brad-how-do-i-learn-more-about-the-instructor-interface"]], "Help! I cannot log in. Every time I try to log in, I have to reset my password!": [[21, "help-i-cannot-log-in-every-time-i-try-to-log-in-i-have-to-reset-my-password"]], "How do I add students to my course?": [[21, "how-do-i-add-students-to-my-course"]], "Can I build my own course and host it here?": [[21, "can-i-build-my-own-course-and-host-it-here"]], "How do I build my own course?": [[21, "how-do-i-build-my-own-course"]], "Steps to Build": [[21, null]], "Is this site reliable enough to use in class?": [[21, "is-this-site-reliable-enough-to-use-in-class"]], "Why did you change domain names?": [[21, "why-did-you-change-domain-names"]], "I want to reuse my course from last year, what should I do?": [[21, "i-want-to-reuse-my-course-from-last-year-what-should-i-do"]], "How do I update my course to get the latest bug fixes?": [[21, "how-do-i-update-my-course-to-get-the-latest-bug-fixes"]], "I was just experimenting and I want to delete my course": [[21, "i-was-just-experimenting-and-i-want-to-delete-my-course"]], "What if I want to add a new section or chapter?": [[21, "what-if-i-want-to-add-a-new-section-or-chapter"]], "What if I want to add my own exercises?": [[21, "what-if-i-want-to-add-my-own-exercises"]], "What version of Python does your book use?": [[21, "what-version-of-python-does-your-book-use"]], "I think there is a bug in your book what should I do?": [[21, "i-think-there-is-a-bug-in-your-book-what-should-i-do"]], "I have a question that is not covered here!": [[21, "i-have-a-question-that-is-not-covered-here"]], "Contact": [[21, null]], "Getting Help": [[22, "getting-help"]], "Runestone Author\u2019s Guide": [[23, "runestone-author-s-guide"]], "Table of Contents": [[23, "table-of-contents"]], "Indices and tables": [[23, "indices-and-tables"]], "User Guide for Instructors": [[24, "user-guide-for-instructors"]], "What is Runestone": [[25, "what-is-runestone"]], "Online Open Source Interactive Textbooks": [[25, "online-open-source-interactive-textbooks"]], "Authoring Tools": [[25, "authoring-tools"]], "The Runestone Server": [[25, "the-runestone-server"]], "Quick Reference": [[26, "quick-reference"]], "Server Hackers": [[27, "server-hackers"]], "Installation": [[27, "installation"]], "A Tour of the Source": [[27, "a-tour-of-the-source"]], "More About web2py": [[27, "more-about-web2py"]], "Extension Authors": [[28, "extension-authors"]], "Components of a directive": [[28, "components-of-a-directive"]], "Initialization": [[28, "initialization"]], "Parsing": [[28, "parsing"]], "Output": [[28, "output"]]}, "indexentries": {}})