KhanUtil.shuffle([ "blue", "green", "red", "purple", "orange", "brown", "gray", "teal", "olive" ]) (function() { var array = []; var used = {}; var arrLength = randRange( 4, 6 ); for ( var i = 0; i < arrLength; i++ ) { var num = randRange( -100, -1 ); if ( !used[ num ] ) { array[i] = [ num, COLORS[i] ]; used[ num ] = true; } else { i--; } } return array; })() NUMS, function( el ) { return el[0]; } ).join( "," ) NUMS, function( el ) { return "\\color{" + el[1] + "}{" + el[0] + "}"; } ).join( "," ) jQuery.extend( true, [], NUMS ).sort( function(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; } ) NUMS_SORT, function( el ) { return el[0]; } ).join( "," ) NUMS_SORT, function( el ) { return "\\color{" + el[1] + "}{" + el[0] + "}"; } ).join( "," ) createSorter()

Order the following negative numbers from least to greatest:

  • NUM[0]
SORTER.init( "sortable" )

Drag the numbers left and right so they are in order from least to greatest
return guess.join( "," ) === NUMS_SORT_TEX;
SORTER.setContent( guess );

Let's use different colors for each number.


Plot these numbers on a number line. Then we can see which ones are lower and which ones are higher.

init({ range: [ [-1, 101], [-1, 1] ], scale: [ 7, 40 ] }); style({ stroke: "#666" }, function() { = numberLine( -100, 0, 10 ); });
jQuery( "#number-line" ).find( ".MathJax" ).slice( 1, -1 ).remove(); var position = "above"; jQuery.each( NUMS_SORT, function( i, el ) { ellipse( [ 100 + el[0], 0 ], [ 0.80, 0.14 ], { "stroke-width": 0, fill: el[1] } ); label( [ 100 + el[0], 0 ], "\\color{" + el[1] + "}{" + el[0] + "}", position, { labelDistance: 5 } ); position = ( position === "above" ? "below" : "above" ); } );

Now just read the numbers from left to right on the number line.

The leftmost numbers are least, and the rightmost numbers are greatest.