randRange( 20, 50 ) randRange( 20, 40 ) START + ANSWER - 1 spin( "{do,did,problems|read,read,{pages|papers|articles}}" ).split( "," )

person( 1 ) {had to DO|was assigned} PROBLEMS START through END for homework {{last {week|night}}|tonight}.

If person( 1 ) DID all of the PROBLEMS he( 1 ) was assigned, how many PROBLEMS did he( 1 ) DO?


Instead of counting PROBLEMS START through END, we can subtract START - 1 from each number so we instead consider PROBLEMS 1 through ANSWER.

We see that person( 1 ) DID ANSWER PROBLEMS.

Notice that he( 1 ) DID ANSWER and not ANSWER - 1 PROBLEMS.

randRange( 5, 15 )

A baker has a whole {baguette|loaf of bread}.

How many cuts must {he|she} make to have exactly NUM even slices?

NUM - 1

One cut will make two slices, two cuts will make three slices, and so on.

Therefore, we need NUM - 1 cuts to make NUM slices.

randRange( 10, 20 )

person( 1 ) is building a straight fence, with posts one meter apart.

If the fence is LENGTH meters long, how many fence posts does he( 1 ) need?


If the fence is one meter long, he( 1 ) needs two posts (one for each end).

If the fence is two meters long, then he( 1 ) needs three posts, and so on.

Therefore, he( 1 ) needs LENGTH + 1 posts for a LENGTH meter fence.