Multiple Classes Practice

Given a Song class that has object attributes of name and length as shown below, finish a Album class with an __init__ method that takes a name and list of Song objects. Then write a length method in the Album class that returns the total length for the album based on the length of the songs in the album. Given the objects created below it should print 242.

Given a Song class that has object attributes of name and length, create an Album class with an __init__ method that takes a name and list of Song objects. Then create a length method in the Album class that returns the total length for the album based on the length of the songs in the album.

Given a Point class below with a distance object method that takes another point and returns the distance between the two points, create a Line class with an __init__ method that takes two points. Also write the length method in the Line class to return the length of the line (hint: use the distance method in the Point class).

Given a Point class that has a distance object method that takes another point and returns the distance between the two points, create a Line class with an __init__ method that takes two points. Also write the length method in the Line class to return the length of the line (hint: use the distance method in the Point class).

Given a Point class below with a distance object method that takes another point and returns the distance between the two points, create a Triangle class with an __init__ method that takes three points. Also write the perimeter method in the Triangle class to return the sum of the lengths of the sides of the triangle. Use the distance method in the Point class to calculate the distance between two points.

Given a Point class that has a distance object method that takes another point and returns the distance between the two points, create a Triangle class with an __init__ method that takes three points. Also write the perimeter method in the Triangle class to return the sum of the lengths of the sides of the triangle. Use the distance method in the Point class to calculate the distance between two points.

Given the Item and OrderLine classes shown below, write an Order class with an __init__ method that takes a list of OrderLine objects and a total method that returns the total for the order.

Given an Item class with object attributes of name and price and an OrderLine class with an object method total that returns the total for the OrderLine object (the item’s price times the quantity), create an Order class with an __init__ method that takes a list of OrderLine objects and a total method that returns the total for the order.

Write a shuffle method in the Deck class that splits the list of cards in half and creates a new list of cards with a card from the first list followed by a card from the second list. For example, if the list of cards was {a, b, c, d, e, f} it would reset the list to {a, d, b, e, c, f}. If the list of cards was {a, b, c, d, e} it would reset the list to {a, c, b, d, e}.

Create a shuffle method for the Deck class that splits the list of cards in half and creates a new list of cards with a card from the first list followed by a card from the second list. For example, if the list of cards was {a, b, c, d, e, f} it would reset the list to {a, d, b, e, c, f}. If the list of cards was {a, b, c, d, e} it would reset the list to {a, c, b, d, e}.

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