Module D

Project Description

In this project, you will complete a statistical analysis of a dataset using Pandas, then summarize your findings and charts in a notebook.

Your final submission will be an iPython notebook. Do not hide any code in the notebook, and do not do any analysis outside this submitted notebook. You may use any Python functionality, even if it was not covered during class. If you found a piece of code online, make sure to reference where you found it.

Here are the steps you’ll need to complete. Under each step are sub-bullets detailing questions you need to answer in your report.

  1. Form a group of no more than 4 people. You may want to form a group with people who are in a similar major or have similar interests, as this may make question selection easier.

  2. Choose one of the provided datasets. If you feel strongly about using another dataset that is not included in the list, please make sure to have it approved by the instructor before proceeding.

    • What made you choose this dataset?

    • What aspects of this dataset did you expect to find challenging?

  3. Using pandas, import the data into python.

    • What hurdles did you encounter?

  4. Clean the data and account for any incorrect / missing data as you see fit.

    • How did you clean the data? What steps were taken? Be sure to reference data types in your discussion.

    • Are there any ethical issues with the way you cleaned the data? What are they?

    • Did you make any trade-offs as you were cleaning? What and why?

  5. Using pandas, join the multiple data frames across a common column.

    • What did you choose as the joining key? Why?

    • Did you encounter any issues?

  6. Calculate summary statistics for the quantitative variables.

    • What are the count, mean, median, variance, standard deviation?

    • Are there other statistics that are useful here?

  7. Use pandas filters to choose subsets of the data that you find interesting. Find summary statistics for the numeric variables, within those subsets of the data.

    • Why did you choose this set of groups?

    • Within subsets of interest, what are the count, mean, median, variance, standard deviation?

    • Is the sample size enough within each group? What does this imply for reliability of summary statistics, and for privacy considerations?

  8. Use pandas sorting to find the top n and bottom categories of interest.

    • What quantitative metric did you sort by?

    • How did you choose an appropriate value of n?

  9. Use pandas pivot tables to summarize and present your data and its summary statistics.

  10. Use altair to visualize the pivot tables from (8), to present what you consider to be the most interesting findings in this dataset.

    • How did you choose which findings were interesting?

  11. Use altair to graph any other findings from your dataset. Be sure to include at least one bar chart and at least one scatter plot.

  12. Submit your notebook by [Due Date].

  13. Optional (faculty can decide whether to include or not): After completing and submitting your project, complete the group work self assessment and group assessment.

Grading Rubric




NA / Not Present

Dataset (2)

Report includes a rationale for why the dataset was chosen. If students selected a different dataset, the dataset must have been approved by the instructor.

The report includes a rationale for why the dataset was chosen, but it is not clear or is not sufficiently relevant.

The dataset was not approved by the instructor, or the report does not include a rationale for why the dataset was chosen.

Data Importing and Cleaning (8)

Data is successfully imported into the notebook. All missing/unclean data is found and accounted for in a way that makes sense. The report references data types, any ethical tradeoffs, and outlines what steps were taken and why.

Data is successfully imported into the notebook. Some crucial steps to clean the data are not taken. Steps outlined to clean the data are ambiguous.

There is an attempt at data cleaning, but it does not get far. Large chunks of missing/unclean data are untreated. Key steps of cleaning process were not reported.

The data was not imported successfully into the notebook.

Joining (8)

An appropriate join key was chosen. pd.join or pd.merge was used successfully to create a joined table.

An appropriate join key was used.

There was an attempt at joining, but the wrong formula was used or the wrong key was used.

There was no attempt at using pd.join or pd.merge.

Population Summary Statistics (6)

The summary statistics are accurately calculated and reported.

Almost all of the important summary statistics are correctly calculated.

There is an attempt at calculating summary statistics, but they are incorrect.

There is no attempt at calculating the population summary statistics.

Grouped Summary Statistics (8)

df.pivot was used to calculate relevant summary statistics per group. The pivot table is presented in the report in a clean way.

There is a working attempt at a pivot table, but not all numbers are accurate. There is some mention on sample size within groups.

There is an attempt at a pivot table, but it uses the wrong dimensions and measures. The grouped summary statistics are incorrect or non-existent.

There is no attempt at using df.pivot.

Plotting Pivot Table (6)

The grouped summary statistics from pivot tables are plotted using altair. An appropriate type of graph is chosen.

There is an attempt at plotting the pivot table, but there are minor inconsistencies, errors, or misunderstandings.

There is an attempt at plotting the pivot table, but the chart type is inappropriate or the numbers are incorrect.

There is no attempt at plotting the grouped summary statistics.

Using Altair (8)

At least two extra charts are plotted using altair. There is some description of why these charts are chosen, and what the results are.

At least two extra charts are plotted using altair. The charts are either not particularly interesting or inconsistent with the report. There is some description of why these charts are chosen, and what the results are.

There is an attempt at plotting extra information from the dataset. There is either less than two datasets, or the chosen datasets are inappropriate. There is insufficient description as to why these charts were chosen.

There is no attempt at plotting using altair.

Readability (4)

The notebook is structured well. There are descriptions where necessary. There are very few spelling/grammar errors.

The notebook is structured fairly well, but there a few inconsistencies or errors.

The notebook lacks structure, and is hard to follow. There are several spelling/grammar errors.

There is no notebook.

Total (50)

You have attempted of activities on this page